One member seeks the advice of our booking-savvy members to determine the cheapest way to book flights and accommodation. Our member has had experience with sites such as Expedia and agents such as Flight Centre and wants to get the low-down on the best deals.

Rule 1 of booking success, according to our members, is compare, compare, compare. Our members recommend going straight to the source and undertaking searches for flights direct with the airlines as you can ensure they will be free of commissions and other hidden fees. Our members also recommend enlisting the help of a flight search engine such as Skyscanner or Kayak which allows you to compare flights on different airlines easily all in one place.

Rule 2 is to know your search engines. One member uses Webjet to undertake price comparisons but then accesses the flights with the chosen airlines directly. This ensures you pay no Webjet fees.

Rule 3 is that not all agents are tarred with the same brush. If you find a good, reliable travel agent, they can save you money and provide you with hassle free quotes. They also have the advantage of dealing with the wholesalers direct and therefore can have some leniency on price.

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