Tools to Make International Travel Easier – AIR091


In this episode, Matt takes a close look at two different tools and resources that can make your international travel easier in 2022.

The first tool is Apple AirTags, which can help if an airline loses your luggage. Another is Sherpa, a website with easy-to-read, up-to-date information on where you can travelled and what’s required to enter your destination. This has proven a very helpful resource when travelling overseas during and after the COVID-19 pandemic!

This episode includes an interview with David Riley, the Chief of Staff at Sherpa.


Episode contents:

  • 1:08 – Fortnightly news round-up
  • 11:34 – How Apple AirTags work
  • 20:29 – Interview with David Riley from Sherpa




Frequent Flyer Gazette articles referenced in the fortnightly news round-up:

The editor of Australian Frequent Flyer, Matt's passion for travel has taken him to over 70 countries… with the help of frequent flyer points, of course!
Matt's favourite destinations (so far) are Germany, Brazil & Kazakhstan. His interests include economics, aviation & foreign languages, and he has a soft spot for good food and red wine.

You can connect with Matt by posting on the Australian Frequent Flyer community forum and tagging @AFF Editor.