The last of the cheap “Brazilian” airfares

For some time, savvy AFF members were aware of some very good specials on offer by buying tickets from a Brazilian travel agent. Thanks to local laws, airlines could not impose certain surcharges, including fuel surcharges, making for some good deals. This week, one of our members embarks on a weekend away, taking advantage of those specials. With the loophole now closed, we get one last chance to enjoy what is a very cheap journey to Thailand and Singapore.

I’ve always been speaking of a boys trip to Asia and until one day a few months ago when Expedia Brazil was pumping out el cheapo flights into Asia that finally gave us the chance to have a nice weekend away. We sat, researched, cross referenced calendars until there was a suitable weekend that fitted us all for a few sneaky days away as we patiently waited for the Sydney – Singapore – Sydney itinerary to ticket.

After a day of waiting that didn’t ticket so it was back to the drawing board to figure out a new route before the fares disappeared which resulted in a Sydney – Singapore – Bangkok – Sydney which was pricing at $435. We would be in Singapore for 19 hours and Bangkok for 17 hours which was met with if it was worth it to fly for the amount of time which was met with yolo.

For many, the idea of tripping off to Asia for the weekend does seem a bit excessive. Not only is their the usual cost of airfares, you are spending a long time in a plane getting there and back. Fortunately accommodation can be quite cheap, and the special fares on offer meant it was a path well travelled before.

Looking forward to this. Did 24 hours of ‘lads time’ in BKK at the Conrad a few weeks ago and had an absolute ball – everything just went perfectly. You really can do whatever you want and be whomever you want in that city. I daresay you three might even be heading to some of the nightspots we went to as well

I would be surprised if they force one of you to the QF Business Lounge if the three of you ask very nicely at the First Class Lounge.

With departure day soon arriving, its an early start for our member. After a late night the night before, one gets the feeling sleep wont be a key feature of the report.

So the day has started. I went to bed at 0130 and didn’t get any sleep at all until 30 minutes before my scheduled alarm was suppose to go off. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again that I’m not a OMG o clock person but you gotta do what you gotta do. Received a phone call from Virgin stating my 0600 flight had been cancelled due to aircraft problems so they rebooked me onto the 0630.

Will this trip be the local equivalent of a weekend in Vegas? Is it really a good idea to head overseas for the weekend when your partner thinks your in Sydney, why not join the journey to find out HERE.

