The Death of Customer Service in Australia

This week one member feels that a recent problem with an ATM signals the death knell of customer service in Australia. This week our member had a particularly bad run with customer service. Our member had to drive twenty minutes to withdraw cash after coming across a non-functioning ATM and the bank did not assist. Our member then had to deal with Qantas who failed to respond to the simplest of enquiries.

Our members feel that cheaper products have surpassed customer service. They use Tiger and Jetstar as prime examples of this phenomenon. Some members feel that the old adage “you get what you pay for” rings true with respect to these airlines.

The rise of self-check-in is also seen as a classic sign of customer service demise. Passengers now act as check-in operators and baggage handlers. Whilst it is conceded that this can make waiting times quicker, it is also noted that this erodes customer service and consequently may have an impact on customer satisfaction. One member notes that it now just takes 1-2 minutes to check-in on domestic flights and accordingly the trade-off may be worth it.

Have your say HERE.
