Will you vaccinate with Conoravirus vaccine when one is available?


Jul 22, 2019
According to reports, coronavirus vaccine is entering its final phase of testing and very soon we will have millions of coronavirus vaccine to be rolled out, hopefully from September.

By then, should a coronavirus vaccine is available, will you vaccinate it?

Personally speaking, as a 30 year old young person, I will not vaccinate myself with Coronavirus, because:

1. It is just a small flu for young people, we won't die;
2. The vaccine is rushed and I cannot guarantee if I vaccinate myself, I will be immune to Coronavirus and not get killed by the vaccine;
3. The coronavirus vaccine is just a step to reopen our borders so that we can travel overseas again.

I am not anti-vaxier, however I only think that Coronavirus vaccine is just a political ticket for politicians to explain to the public that they can now open the international borders again and ease off travel bubbles.

What do you think?
I wasted about 15 minutes on this rubbish. I can report back it is suited only to tin hatters, full of conclusions that don't follow from their premises, and as usual a lot of misconceptions about rights.

I want my 15 minutes back!

cheers skip
100% agree and I must have seen a different video (wasted 28-30 minutes of my life) and would like this time back as well :rolleyes: . I have no idea who this guy is but a google search of his name suggests he has beat some speeding tickets. He is presenting news from a couple of days ago from the aggregated site (news.com.au) that every man and his dog can view. @johnnyk if this is what you consider to be informed, good luck to you. I suspect that once all the "anti vaxxers and government conspiracy theorists" have had their say, restrictions are relaxed and the world goes back to normal, this group who refused the Covid vaccine who cannot travel freely, or end up with the virus, will then start complaining that the government and Australian health system has failed them.
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Thats interesting, I wonder how many died from the flu and are recorded as covid deaths, similar symptoms. Good to see alot of resistance still as more wake up to the fear campaign.
Unlikely.Here in Tasmania every one who is Covid swabbed in the hospital gets the respiratory viral screen which includes Flu.I haven't seen a positive flu test but a few RSV.
Those admitted to hospital in the USA now would have a covid swab so they do know how many positives in hospital.
You need to read a little wider to get more accurate information.
Unlikely.Here in Tasmania every one who is Covid swabbed in the hospital gets the respiratory viral screen which includes Flu.I haven't seen a positive flu test but a few RSV.
Those admitted to hospital in the USA now would have a covid swab so they do know how many positives in hospital.
You need to read a little wider to get more accurate information.
And/or listen to people who actually know something about the subjects they are taking about, radical though that idea may be?
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he has beat some speeding tickets.
Even though it's his special subject, that guy's followers don't appear to be doing so well.
One of the local cafes was run by an anti vaxxer. Her argument was that her children are perfectly healthy, therefore they don't need vaccines. Yeah, right.

Cheers skip
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I am also done and dusted will most likely need a booster before we can travel overseas again.
I am also done and dusted will most likely need a booster before we can travel overseas again.
LOL there wont be any OS travel for aloooong time, dare I say you will have many more boosters shots than flights before the skys open up. LD will be for all no matter if you had the V or not or after many who took the V start pushing up daisy's. GL.
so you dont care about your/our human rights than. as for the first part of your comment, prove it
There's always one CT in the room, no matter where you go. I've been based in DXB since March last year, a colleague of mine from SA had the same outlook on life as you, it's all BS, etc. Trust me he changed his tune after catching Covid and spending over two weeks in a field hospital on oxygen. No known prior illness, fit as can be for your average thirty-something. It only hits home once it knocks on your door!

As for getting the vaccine, if it's offered take it as some protection is better than none!

Since 2020, the company I work for has had 261 out of 1500+ employees with confirmed cases of covid, the last reported case was in the first week of February. We completed vaccinations for every worker in mid-February, with the exception of 27 who had contracted covid within the previous two months and had natural immunity. Since then not one new case, despite new daily average cases of 1500+ across the country. The point is the vaccines work and if you choose not to take them, then I hope it bodes well for you.

Thankfully the vast majority of covid cases ranged from zero symptoms to mild flu and in probably10-15% of the cases were extremely nasty flu with nine hospitalisations.
This post contains information which is disputed and/or unconfirmed. Get the facts about COVID-19: https://www.health.gov.au/
There's always one CT in the room, no matter where you go. I've been based in DXB since March last year, a colleague of mine from SA had the same outlook on life as you, it's all BS, etc. Trust me he changed his tune after catching Covid and spending over two weeks in a field hospital on oxygen. No known prior illness, fit as can be for your average thirty-something. It only hits home once it knocks on your door!

As for getting the vaccine, if it's offered take it as some protection is better than none!

Since 2020, the company I work for has had 261 out of 1500+ employees with confirmed cases of covid, the last reported case was in the first week of February. We completed vaccinations for every worker in mid-February, with the exception of 27 who had contracted covid within the previous two months and had natural immunity. Since then not one new case, despite new daily average cases of 1500+ across the country. The point is the vaccines work and if you choose not to take them, then I hope it bodes well for you.

Thankfully the vast majority of covid cases ranged from zero symptoms to mild flu and in probably10-15% of the cases were extremely nasty flu with nine hospitalisations.
Nice story, Life is like that. But we all have choice I choose not to V as I dont believe the BS Im still waiting for the bodies to line up on the streets we have over 166,000 homeless sleeping rough no bodies under any bridges highways etc, and that goes for the USA as well. Mmmm they must all be a real healthy lot. If you want to take an experimental drug fine, you want to sign away your rights to sue as well if things turn to sheet, fine but dont push your fears on to those that dont want it. The discrimination push against the uncovid V is staggering, the evidence is plain and simple, you are against freedom of choice. Eg: If you want to smoke than smoke if you want to get blind drunk go ahead, you want eat sheet food great, but dont jump on your high horse and think your not one of the many CT out there pushing the BS. Over 99% recover from Covid oh and just another bit of trivia in Australia's horror flu season continues as deaths reach 300. Why didn't the government LD every thing then and every other year before. The Con will be exposed for what it is soon enough, too late for the jabbed unfortunately. GL.

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