Will you vaccinate with Conoravirus vaccine when one is available?


Jul 22, 2019
According to reports, coronavirus vaccine is entering its final phase of testing and very soon we will have millions of coronavirus vaccine to be rolled out, hopefully from September.

By then, should a coronavirus vaccine is available, will you vaccinate it?

Personally speaking, as a 30 year old young person, I will not vaccinate myself with Coronavirus, because:

1. It is just a small flu for young people, we won't die;
2. The vaccine is rushed and I cannot guarantee if I vaccinate myself, I will be immune to Coronavirus and not get killed by the vaccine;
3. The coronavirus vaccine is just a step to reopen our borders so that we can travel overseas again.

I am not anti-vaxier, however I only think that Coronavirus vaccine is just a political ticket for politicians to explain to the public that they can now open the international borders again and ease off travel bubbles.

What do you think?
Yes. Very true. Everyone needs to be given the opportunity but once that’s done I’d trust that those who choose not to, don’t have any impact on policy. That, to be honest, is a concern. However I don’t like the tone that by being vaccinated makes us some kind of evil spreader.
But thats what you will be maybe not evil but a spreader. As stated by the the vax company's, being vaccinated wont stop you from catching it 100%,, but may help keep you from ending up in hospital, or you have no symptoms and unwittingly spreading it around. Thats a fact.
Maybe some education is need in this group. worth a watch.
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But thats what you will be maybe not evil but a spreader. As stated by the the vax company's, being vaccinated wont stop you from catching it 100%,, but may help keep you from ending up in hospital, or you have no symptoms and unwittingly spreading it around. Thats a fact.
So get vaccinated. Which makes you less likely to even catch it and if you do less likely to spread it. That’s a fact.

As far as that article goes it’s a reflection on government policy and nothing to do with the vaccine and not a website I’d link in any way with being an educational resource I’d care to use.
There is unfortunately no vaccine for the tin hat brigade!
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There is unfortunately no vaccine for the tin hat brigade!

The anti vax groups are targeting vulnerable groups like the indigenous Australians saying things like the vaccine contains aborted babies.... and it’s got some traction. Seriously....
So get vaccinated. Which makes you less likely to even catch it and if you do less likely to spread it. That’s a fact.

As far as that article goes it’s a reflection on government policy and nothing to do with the vaccine and not a website I’d link in any way with being an educational resource I’d care to use.
so you dont care about your/our human rights than. as for the first part of your comment, prove it
so you dont care about your/our human rights than. as for the first part of your comment, prove it
Prove it? The scientists are doing that but not on that flaky website.

Have you not realised yet that the current state and international restrictions have thrown human rights out the door?
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so you dont care about your/our human rights than. as for the first part of your comment, prove it

On a serious note, I agree this is an issue. Many on AFF appear to favour mandatory vaccination for everyone. While I'd love to see full vaccination (or as close to it as possible), the human rights issues are real. I mentioned elsewhere that if it came down to the sole choice between compulsory vaccination (for everyone, not just those working in health) and human rights... I'd probably have to go for the human rights (to the extent they exist in Australia).
On a serious note, I agree this is an issue. Many on AFF appear to favour mandatory vaccination for everyone. While I'd love to see full vaccination (or as close to it as possible), the human rights issues are real. I mentioned elsewhere that if it came down to the sole choice between compulsory vaccination (for everyone, not just those working in health) and human rights... I'd probably have to go for the human rights (to the extent they exist in Australia).
I am serious, this vaccine issue will create two groups, the vaccinated and the un-vaccinated, the powers that be are there to protect our human rights not give me/ us health advise I can look after my self thanks. But to restrict healthy un-vaccinated people from travel is a crime and a disgusting tactic, for a virus that hasn't killed anyone this year here in Aust, but the vaccine has killed around 300 I have read, if things dont make sense and dont ad up. It dont. I really hope some sort of class action is taken against these Law breaking governments and medical people I for one would chip in big time. GL.
I am serious, this vaccine issue will create two groups, the vaccinated and the un-vaccinated, the powers that be are there to protect our human rights not give me/ us health advise I can look after my self thanks. But to restrict healthy un-vaccinated people from travel is a crime and a disgusting tactic, for a virus that hasn't killed anyone this year here in Aust, but the vaccine has killed around 300 I have read, if things dont make sense and dont ad up. It dont. I really hope some sort of class action is taken against these Law breaking governments and medical people I for one would chip in big time. GL.

I don't subscribe to the same school of thought on this. Vaccination should be a choice for most people. But that doesn't mean their choice is 'consequence free'. People choosing not to get vaccinated could be subject to restrictions to prevent them spreading the virus including things like attending restaurants or bars, and travel on planes and cruises.

The government is acting 'with in the law' as it currently stands, as we don't have a bill of rights in Australia. We have checks and balances, at the ballot box, and through the judicial system.

The TGA has reviewed 335 deaths reported after having received the vaccine. But a this stage only two (2) of those deaths have been linked to the vaccine itself. (People do die anyway!)
On a serious note, I agree this is an issue. Many on AFF appear to favour mandatory vaccination for everyone. While I'd love to see full vaccination (or as close to it as possible), the human rights issues are real. I mentioned elsewhere that if it came down to the sole choice between compulsory vaccination (for everyone, not just those working in health) and human rights... I'd probably have to go for the human rights (to the extent they exist in Australia).
Parents are required to vaccinate children before they can attend childcare. Were you similarly concerned when that came in?

Herd immunity requires supposedly 80% vaccination. Once that’s achieved then likely it’s open to all. But other countries may not be inclined to accept non vaccinated. Nothing can be done about that.
Parents are required to vaccinate children before they can attend childcare. Were you similarly concerned when that came in?

The choice remains that if the parent doesn't want to vaccinate their child they are free not to. Just the choice is not 'consequence free' (ie they can't send their child to the facility). There is no requirement for vaccination for compulsory schooling starting at primary school and up.
And no Centrelink benefits either. Stick?
The choice remains that if the parent doesn't want to vaccinate their child they are free not to. Just the choice is not 'consequence free' (ie they can't send their child to the facility). There is no requirement for vaccination for compulsory schooling starting at primary school and up.
No different then. People can choose not to vaccinate.
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Maybe some education is need in this group. worth a watch.
I wasted about 15 minutes on this rubbish. I can report back it is suited only to tin hatters, full of conclusions that don't follow from their premises, and as usual a lot of misconceptions about rights.

I want my 15 minutes back!

cheers skip
Hmm, hard question, should I believe the many epidemiology experts or the ex martial arts expert on epidemiology matters?
This post contains information which is disputed and/or unconfirmed. Get the facts about COVID-19: https://www.health.gov.au/
I wasted about 15 minutes on this rubbish. I can report back it is suited only to tin hatters, full of conclusions that don't follow from their premises, and as usual a lot of misconceptions about rights.

I want my 15 minutes back!

cheers skip
Aahh yes one of those who skimp on reading or watching fully the information and already knows it all, or thinks they do, and does what he/she is told to do with our question, such a good person no trouble at all. Bet u are an impatient type of person who wants it now now now, lol as for that pathetic time of yours that u claimed you lost, go back again and watch it and learn something. GL Mate

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