The way out of lockdowns etc in Australia

I'm happy to post on this thread again. Another sign of return to normal (touch wood ... ) :)

Bunnings snags on sale again this weekend

Bunnings’ community sausage sizzles will return this weekend in Tassie at selected stores, as the hardware begins a carefully phased reintroduction of the fundraising favourite.

Bunnings chief Deb Poole said she understands hungry punters have been champing at the bit to jag a snag, as things slowly begin to return to normal in the island state.
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Over 3 months from the last post on this thread we are still basically arguing the same thing.At least the NT,SA and soon Tasmania have at least opened up to some travel.However WA and QLD still being obstinate.
So a couple of articles on lockdowns.First there are now quite a few people questioning the continuing benefit.

Even the Guardian UK is changing it's tune.

Though this article is probably closest to the truth-nobody really knows how good or bad lockdowns are.

And possibly what may be in the future for Melbourne.Could there be an Escape to the Country?
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And possibly what may be in the future for Melbourne.Could there be an Escape to the Country?

Unfortunately though some employers use that as an opportunity to pay people less. For example, in certain cities around the world there's a view that your wage is higher purely because of location (compared to other locations in the same country) - that annoys me, you should be paid on the merits of your skills and not a varied amount based on where you (choose) to live.
Unfortunately though some employers use that as an opportunity to pay people less. For example, in certain cities around the world there's a view that your wage is higher purely because of location (compared to other locations in the same country) - that annoys me, you should be paid on the merits of your skills and not a varied amount based on where you (choose) to live.

Doesn't that come down to the negotiation of your salary? We used to get a 'London allowance' because the price of property was so much higher than elsewhere in the country.
Doesn't that come down to the negotiation of your salary? We used to get a 'London allowance' because the price of property was so much higher than elsewhere in the country.

No, what I'm saying are that some employers are try to retrospectively change salary based on change in location etc. Some seem to have contracts that allow that which is crazy, I never let such things into any of my contracts. I don't do salary anyway, I'm freelance all the way. Property price in the Greater Manchester area is high too, as are any of the nice country areas, have a look at the Cotswolds for example so I don't think it's a good excuse.
No, what I'm saying are that some employers are try to retrospectively change salary based on change in location etc. Some seem to have contracts that allow that which is crazy, I never let such things into any of my contracts. I don't do salary anyway, I'm freelance all the way. Property price in the Greater Manchester area is high too, as are any of the nice country areas, have a look at the Cotswolds for example so I don't think it's a good excuse.

Yup Facebook do that, pay you less if you live regionally for the same job.... But what else would we expect from Facebook :)
Not employers, but their HR. Oncall and overtime pay have mostly also gone down the gurgler, as out-of-bandwidth working hours. (The opposite how a lawyer charges - in 8 minute blocks). While HR may think themselves smart, many banks have found out offshore outsourcing failing totally on SLA outages. The good thing is undertrained people allow some contractors to do really well.
Plus many managers are seen to be ineffective, yet lesser paid employees refuse to do any management. Once Covid gets better, the exodus of irreplaceable staff will be funny.
Over 3 months from the last post on this thread we are still basically arguing the same thing.At least the NT,SA and soon Tasmania have at least opened up to some travel.However WA and QLD still being obstinate.
So a couple of articles on lockdowns.First there are now quite a few people questioning the continuing benefit.

Even the Guardian UK is changing it's tune.

Though this article is probably closest to the truth-nobody really knows how good or bad lockdowns are.

And possibly what may be in the future for Melbourne.Could there be an Escape to the Country?

Nobody has published Operations Research (OR) where outcomes and costs are assigned, ok maybe Sweden and China did. The probability of new breakouts/waves has increased, the exponential costs are growing (looks like vaccine has low efficacy). Subject to not knowing if T cells 'remember' what to do. What is a success is deaths ARE being successfully politically managed.

I predict when helicopter money ends, evictions and foreclosures start, there will be voter backlash.
Even if as is likely and the vaccine is only 30-50% effective it will still change the way Covid will effect us.It almost certainly will become another seasonal flu.Here is one article on that.
NEWS I clipped: The numbers in bold is what the drug makers withheld at the get-go- but I cannot find second-source confirmation. This means TGA can stop delaying tactics and none of the vaccines will offer open skies for aviation.

The vaccines being rolled out in G7 countries are the mRNA ones, namely Pfizer and Moderna.

So far, over a million Americans have received the vaccines [], and over 600,000 in the UK. In addition to those, Canada and Japan starting roll out, so at least tens of thousands of people got them. []

Efficacy, per test results submitted to the FDA, are 94% and 95%. That is preventing serious disease and hospitalization. For preventing infectiousness, results are 52% for Pfizer and 67% for Moderna.

If there was something wrong with these vaccines, it would have shown by now. The worse side effect is a physician in Boston who has shellfish allergy and carries and EpiPen [], which he used after the vaccine. About five other people had allergic reactions too, and all made it after a period of observation. There is talk about polyethelene glycol (PEG) causing these allergies, but that is not conclusive yet.

If you have allergies, don't take it, and talk to your allergist. If you don't then you are most likely OK.
Sounds pretty good to me? 50% chance it will stop the infection. And if you do end up getting it, 94-95% prevention of serious illness.
Sounds pretty good to me? 50% chance it will stop the infection. And if you do end up getting it, 94-95% prevention of serious illness.
If only 70% of the population get inoculated then you have a pretty good chance of not getting covid whether you have been inoculated or not.

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