The way out of lockdowns etc in Australia


Veteran Member
Nov 12, 2012
Star Alliance
Announced after today's National Cabinet. The Oz on-line:


Asked about the coronavirus cluster at Melbourne abattoir Cedar Meats, Scott Morrison warns that outbreaks are not a reason to stall the reopening of the economy.

“Outbreaks are not a reason to slow things down,” the Prime Minister says. “Outbreaks are going to happen. All Premiers and chief ministers understand that and so it’s how you respond to them.”

Mr Morrison again reminds Australians to download the COVIDSafe app to assist health authorities with contact tracing.

That’s why I think some of these automated tools are very helpful to the Premiers and health ministers in those jurisdictions. Each one of these is going to be tough. It’s not a reason to slow things down.

What do people think about the staging?
Well on the coughpy commercial news they are reporting a source saying there is a surge of internet traffic on QF's site already - maybe people booking proactively for August?! I think I'll wait a bit!!
I've got a family trip booked from Sydney to Cairns in early to mid July, I assume domestic travel is unlikely for leisure trips by that time?
Given they must have sent out thousands of emails today cancelling everyone's flights for June/July, I'm not surprised at the increase in traffic!

I'm looking at prices in August hahah but bit nervous to hit the button just yet.... Maybe in a week or two....
Any ideas on what "some" interstate travel is in Step 2? I have interstate flights booked for early June for meetings and activities with my professional advisor and mentor. Hopefully that would be allowed.
Timing is the issue for me, rather than the actual stages.

I imagine they'll do step 1, then wait a few weeks to see what happens...
Keep your eye on what your State/Territory agrees to do and their timing.

Any ideas on what "some" interstate travel is in Step 2? I have interstate flights booked for early June for meetings and activities with my professional advisor and mentor. Hopefully that would be allowed.
For Tasmania, the Premier hasn't said anything about flights, except it will depend on the transmission activity in other states. The plan, but always subject to change:

Stage One, from May 18, will see gatherings increase from two to 10 people, including for real estate purposes, religious meetings and weddings, and funerals will be extended to 30 people if outdoors. Gatherings at home will be limited to five people.

Restaurants and cafes, including inside pubs, will open to seating for up to 10 patrons at a time, complying with social distance rules.

From May 25, kindergarten to Year 6 students, as well as Year 11 and 12 students, will return to classroom learning. Aged care visits will be extended to two visitors, once a day.

From June 9, high school students from Years 7 to 10 will return to classrooms. From June 13, horse racing will resume.

Stage Two begins on June 15, with gatherings increased to 20, funerals to 50, accommodation reopened, camping and shack stays will be allowed, and community sport will resume for up to 20 people.

Stage Three begins on July 13, with gatherings rising to up to 100, aged care homes residents allowed five visitors and multiple visits, and full opening of bars will be “considered” and outdoor community sport will resume.
For Tasmania, the Premier hasn't said anything about flights, except it will depend on the transmission activity in other states. The plan, but always subject to change:

Stage One, from May 18, will see gatherings increase from two to 10 people, including for real estate purposes, religious meetings and weddings, and funerals will be extended to 30 people if outdoors. Gatherings at home will be limited to five people.

Restaurants and cafes, including inside pubs, will open to seating for up to 10 patrons at a time, complying with social distance rules.

From May 25, kindergarten to Year 6 students, as well as Year 11 and 12 students, will return to classroom learning. Aged care visits will be extended to two visitors, once a day.

From June 9, high school students from Years 7 to 10 will return to classrooms. From June 13, horse racing will resume.

Stage Two begins on June 15, with gatherings increased to 20, funerals to 50, accommodation reopened, camping and shack stays will be allowed, and community sport will resume for up to 20 people.

Stage Three begins on July 13, with gatherings rising to up to 100, aged care homes residents allowed five visitors and multiple visits, and full opening of bars will be “considered” and outdoor community sport will resume.
The bit I’m happy with is Tasmanians entering the state can self isolate at home instead of in state supplied accommodation - I think that was from May 18. Some of my FIFO crew stuck interstate will be able to have a long overdue RnR
In Victoria we a safe and sound and snug as bugs in rugs :) No joy for us. Although some polls suggest there really isn't a lot of support for anywhere that involves lots of people.
Apparently we are already into Step 2 of the National Plan. Shops so much busier today.

I haven't been out for 10 days except for walks around the area but might venture out tomorrow
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What do people think about the staging?

One can argue what the stages should be, but to me it makes great sense to reactivate in stages, and not all at once.

( Even though my business will be one of the last that will get reactivated as the 3 stages mentioned will not allow me to operate as I had been. I need stage 4 ;) ).
One can argue what the stages should be, but to me it makes great sense to reactivate in stages, and not all at once.

( Even though my business will be one of the last that will get reactivated as the 3 stages mentioned will not allow me to operate as I had been. I need stage 4 ;) ).
Our business is 90% cactus until we can travel to Victoria from SA without having to self isolate. We don't plan on visiting meat processing plants.

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