The way out of lockdowns etc in Australia

According to our boss at work today, Premier Marshall is announcing on Friday that SA will open its borders to QLD, WA, NT and Tasmania in the next 2 weeks with the remaining states by early July potentially
Yes. SA is about to open up and open up fully by July. At last the adults have taken control and the Parents have left the building. (Transactional Analysis has come in very handy in interpreting the pandemic behaviour. Sadly many people from SA are still preferring the Parent - Child interaction)
According to our boss at work today, Premier Marshall is announcing on Friday that SA will open its borders to QLD, WA, NT and Tasmania in the next 2 weeks with the remaining states by early July potentially
As far as firing up the economy I would think SA represents 3/5th of FA.
Love SA, have lived there but no offence no one really cares about SAView attachment 220142.

Its all about the ESB + WA.
Oh I agree. Probably served us well though with reasonable restrictions until the Govt decided it was safer under the doona. The Approval of the Demo last week smashed their comfort and outraged many.
Whilst true in the overall grand scheme of things it’s definitely not true for the people that live and work here.
I think what I wrote was specific - SA is not going to be the powerhouse for recovery. Of course the locals will be glad to get out of town when they want to, but for us to begin to see real progress on the national front we need QLD open alongside NSW & Vic, with NZ. Anything else is nice to have.
So 3 articles.


Me thinks AFF needs a similar tag to twitter's 'fact check'. 😁

These articles say there is no evidence that travel restrictions work.

We know they do.
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I think what I wrote was specific - SA is not going to be the powerhouse for recovery. Of course the locals will be glad to get out of town when they want to, but for us to begin to see real progress on the national front we need QLD open alongside NSW & Vic, with NZ. Anything else is nice to have.
I’m not disagreeing that SA are fairly irrelevant in the scheme of things but the lifting of restrictions will have a decent economic benefit to our state which is what I meant. As far as progress on the national front then I agree we need the states with more clout to open up.
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Love SA, have lived there but no offence no one really cares about SAView attachment 220142.

Its all about the ESB + WA.
Actually, the west hates anything east of their border. The eastern states just tune out from the perpetual whinging emanating from WA.

SA is actually good for something, it maintains a healthy distance between WA and intelligent conversation. :cool:
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I have been wondering where the lockdown plan came from.It certainly hasn't been mentioned in any past epidemic that I have known.

In Sierra Leone in the Ebola Epidemic authorities imposed in September 2014 a 72-hour nationwide lockdown. In March 2015 a second three day lockdown was imposed, though this time it was restricted to key regions.

In the Spanish Flu various nonpharmaceutical interventions were practised in various ways in different cities, states and countries including restrictions on businesses and even closure of businesses. Victorians were banned from travelling to NSW.

Many of the measures were what we call social distancing and were aimed at limiting congestion and mixing of people. Public weddings and funerals prohibited. Control measures for businesses to prevent staff gathering and customers loitering and for elevators and public transport.

. ie See below for a prohibition of public gatherings of 10 or more in Canada.


No kissing!


Public transport capacity restrictions:


Businesses closed. Closed stores allowed to take orders by phone and to deliver!


Business restricted:


Avoiding crowds in stores:


Public Weddings and Funerals prohibited. Plus no crowds in elevators.


Stay at home.


The prevalence of the internet today and data speeds available combined with low the cost of computers and a diverse range of software tools for business and meetings has meant that in a lockdown that many business could have their staff work at home, and schools could teach their students at home. In addition due to online shopping platforms many businesses could sell and deliver products, even ones that had never done it before. Online entertainment was also more available than it ever has been before.

Financially governments and Federal Reserve Banks now know how to intervene in ways that can support activity. Such tools were lacking at the time of say the Spanish Flu.

All this combined has meant that lockdowns/ shutdowns could be deployed with less disruption that would have occurred in the past.

With Covid 19 the rapid rise in cheap international flights meant that a virus could transmit internationally at a more rapid rate than ever before. All in an era when cities grew denser and more populous further increasing the likelihood of transmission.
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Sorry you missed the whole point of the article which was the world hasn't gone into total lockdown before.
None of those instances represent anything like the lockdown we have had this year with businesses closed etc.

And by the way I don't agree with everything in the article though the comments on borders was that measures such as temperature checking on arrival don't stop pandemics.

And as for fact checking it was actually the New York Times that first came out with these facts but I had reached my monthly limit.They are the World's fact checkers aren't they?
And as for fact checking it was actually the New York Times that first came out with these facts but I had reached my monthly limit.They are the World's fact checkers aren't they?

Only certain facts, I think ... that their reporters and editors don't like the sound of.
And as for fact checking it was actually the New York Times that first came out with these facts but I had reached my monthly limit.They are the World's fact checkers aren't they?

First thing i do with these types of articles is look at the background of the author... in the case of the article in your link, Jeffry A Tucker.
Sorry you missed the whole point of the article which was the world hasn't gone into total lockdown before.

That article made many made claims like travel restrictions do not work ( They do) and that social distance measures were politically infeasible (That many countries have adopted such measures clearly disproves that claim, Furthermore the approval ratings of politicians who adopted social distancing measures went up dramatically. Also if it really was politically infeasible the public would not have gone along with the measures and in most countries they quite clear.).

Also just because something had not been done before (and as I already showed above various lockdown measures are not new, it is just that this particular disease is very transmissible and modern communication along with financial action by government and central banks by makes it easier to have lockdown measures and so it made it the right time to adopt their use in a significant way) is not a reason to not do it.

How many people had made a Zoom call before March 2020? Many people and businesses will keep using this and similar tools post-pandemic.

How many people had used tele-medicine before March 2020? Only a few, but it is a great addition which should stay widely available post pandemic.

Handwashing. The public had been asked to do this better in the past, but this time they have.
The swine flu virus was much more transmissible than this virus-at least 70 million cases worldwide but basically no lockdowns apart from some nursing homes.Less mortality though.
And I do agree that closing external borders has worked.The other methods though should be hygiene-hand washing and masks.Then Testing and competent contact tracing with isolation of the positives and contacts and at times local lockdown as was used in Taiwan and South Korea with only limited lockdowns.

Very limited evidence for the community wide lockdowns that have been used in most countries.As well some of the worst performing countries made some shocking mistakes such as admitting Covid Positive cases to nursing homes-New York,UK and Sweden.

PS-telemedicine is well established in rural QLD and has been used for quite a few years.
And telemedicine has it's downsides when physical examination can't be performed.
Tas Premier asked on radio this morning why he’s still waiting until this Friday to announce next steps about lighting restrictions, including possibly travel restrictions. Answered that they wasted to see how both the Vic protests AND SA football panned out spread- wise. Vaguely sensible I guess but still very cautious. Re travel, he Said he’s been talking to airlines and Steve Marshall ... sounds like a Barossa trip might be on soon 😊.
Tas Premier asked on radio this morning why he’s still waiting until this Friday to announce next steps about lighting restrictions, including possibly travel restrictions. Answered that they wasted to see how both the Vic protests AND SA football panned out spread- wise. Vaguely sensible I guess but still very cautious. Re travel, he Said he’s been talking to airlines and Steve Marshall ... sounds like a Barossa trip might be on soon 😊.
I think the football in SA will be fine. Victoria on the other hand, will take another 3 weeks to sort out where that is going.
Tas Premier asked on radio this morning why he’s still waiting until this Friday to announce next steps about lighting restrictions, including possibly travel restrictions. Answered that they wasted to see how both the Vic protests AND SA football panned out spread- wise. Vaguely sensible I guess but still very cautious. Re travel, he Said he’s been talking to airlines and Steve Marshall ... sounds like a Barossa trip might be on soon 😊.

I can recommend accommodation and restaurants and could be convinced to catch up for a drink or three
For those who may have missed it, Newspoll's latest on the premiers:


Obviously by far the biggest mover in the past two months is Andrews; he's had some domestic issues too, of course.

And the PM:


Interesting decoupling of the general satisfaction numbers with handling of the virus issue. Shows that people aren't just reacting to the immediate issue, which is good, I think.

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