how many steps do you do a day

In Berlin on the day we went Spandau and the Olympic Stadium my wife clocked up 44,000 steps on her Fit Bit. That was 6 pm to 6 pm. That was the highest she ha ever recorded.
Senior AFFer here (mid-60s). My Garmin Venu watch records my steps, etc. It tells me that over the last year I have taken a bit over 3.9 million steps at a daily average of 10,718. My most steps in a day was 36,270. I make the effort to get the 10k each day.

The steps don't include my swimming where I average 1.5kms per day or around 550kms per year..

My average resting heart rate over the year is 42 with an average high rate of 116.
Either AFF is overpopulated with healthier people, or healthier people self select for reporting information in this thread…

Personally, I’ve just finished my 5.5Km morning walk which was up and down a decent hill, so gets the heart going and a bit of sweat happening. No idea how many steps that is.

On that, how many steps is average per Km, or alternatively, how many steps for 10 minutes walking?
10-12k most days, up to 14-15k isn't too strange.

24k steps at Disney California Adventure park in Dec, 26k steps at Disneyland the next day.
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I aim for 10K. Fall short some days, but make up for it on others.

My Fitbit claims my resting heart rate is 52bpm, but that seems a bit slow to me.
My Fitbit claims my resting heart rate is 52bpm, but that seems a bit slow to me.
Paging @drron? But I would be happy with that if that’s first thing in the morning (still at rest in bed).

~40+ is fit athlete stuff and 60+ is the low end of “normal” I believe. Probably what’s equally important is what we peak at during physical exertion. Those disconcerting graphs of lowering max rate as you get older….
Paging @drron? But I would be happy with that if that’s first thing in the morning (still at rest in bed).

~40+ is fit athlete stuff and 60+ is the low end of “normal” I believe. Probably what’s equally important is what we peak at during physical exertion. Those disconcerting graphs of lowering max rate as you get older….
I've generally measured in the low 60s, so was just surprised at what the Fitbit was suggesting.
When a Holter monitor is done which records the ECG over 24 to 48 hours some people are very surprised by their heart rates. Normal individuals can often get down to the 30s overnight and occasionally to the 20s. On the other hand you can get the other end of the spectrum when resting heart rate is in the 90s in otherwise normal people and can go into the 200s with exercise.
I always remember watching the Indy car races on the Gold Coast on the TV. The drivers were hooked up and monitored. I can remember one fellow on a twisting part of the circle going over 280 pulse rate.

So normal resting heart rate is suggested as 60 - 100. As always some people will have a rate lower and some higher.
But remember just because you have a fit heart doesn't mean you have a normal heart. A fit gold medal winning athlete I tested with a resting heart rate in the low 40s ended up with a quadruple bypass.

Ans although my cardiovascular numbers are good I am far from fit.
Either AFF is overpopulated with healthier people, or healthier people self select for reporting information in this thread…

On that, how many steps is average per Km, or alternatively, how many steps for 10 minutes walking?

I think there is a chance that AFF are healthier than average. However I plead guilty to self-selection in the reporting.

I reported my resting heart rate over the year as 42 with an average high rate of 116. All true but perhaps I should have used ranges. My resting heart rate first thing in the morning ranges between 37-46. I have only recorded 37 twice but it is often 38 or 39.

I remember Bjorn 'ice' Borg used to have a resting HR of 28 or 29 when he was busy winning 5 Wimbledon's in a row. Of course he was a super athlete and although I am pretty fit I suspect I am just genetically predisposed to a lower than average heart rate..

I average about 1100 steps per km which takes me about 10.5 to 11 minutes.
My steps go up significantly when travelling and reduce when at home, but did average 13,100 steps a day across 2022, but did have several work trips to urban locations in western cities as well as some leisure travel. When in places like New York and London I tend to get to 25-35,000 steps a day.

Best achievement was when I averaged 11,500 steps a day over a 2 week period in a small hotel room in Singapore in August 2020, and again in an even smaller hotel room in Sydney during Dec 2020. 🤣
Before April 2021 I used to aim for a minimum of 7,000 steps a day. Now I struggle to walk 500 metres without stopping for a break.

On 11 Dec I did 8,700 steps. I have not reached 6,000 steps since. Probably no surprise the weight has ballooned to 140+kg.
I try to do at least 10000 a day and since having a fitbit that nags you to do 250 steps in an hour I find that I am much more conscious of not moving for a couple of hours. Since travelling I often get to 10000 before 1pm and occasionally over the the 20K
Latest update to the Wellbeing app seems to have undergone a points calculation enhancement.


Although even with that I’m still earning them faster than I can spend them.
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I'm in my 70's and my av. resting heart rate is 50 (measured by BPM), which my cardiologist says is too low (he also thinks I may have Bradycardia).

However, I do 5-10,000 steps/day on average when at home and weigh around 60.5 KG.

I find that the only way to keep weight down (for me at least) is diet (and it's not too onerous once you get into the habit).
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I'm in my 70's and my av. resting heart rate is 50 (measured by BPM), which my cardiologist says is too low (he also thinks I may have Bradycardia).

However, I do 5-10,000 steps/day on average when at home and weigh around 60.5 KG.

I find that the only way to keep weight down (for me at least) is diet (and it's not too onerous once you get into the habit).
Keep it up. Mind you, 60.5 Kg is hardly in the need to diet category!
I'm in my 70's and my av. resting heart rate is 50 (measured by BPM), which my cardiologist says is too low (he also thinks I may have Bradycardia).

However, I do 5-10,000 steps/day on average when at home and weigh around 60.5 KG.

I find that the only way to keep weight down (for me at least) is diet (and it's not too onerous once you get into the habit).
I think if I weighed 60.5kg I'd be invisible. Keep up the good work.

At the moment diet not getting anywhere and without walking I've got negative weight loss..
The points are the motivation I need to hit the target each day and each week. I make sure I reach 20,000 each day, even after reading articles about diminishing returns with >10,000 steps/day. And even when I had to isolate in a hotel room - I walked a route through the fortunately one-bedroom apartment (rather than studio) I found myself in when that happened, and managed to reach the target.

Most I've achieved in a day is close to 40,000

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