HKG lounge crawl 9 June 2024 (the annual Asian lounge crawl)

Won’t be attending but I did note recently a new CX lounge opened (or is opening soon) at Shekou port in Shenzhen, from where one can catch a ferry to HKG. It may make for an interesting diversion (or may be too much of a PITA). Anyway, thought I’d mention it.
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Put me down as Gold for now - would definitely be keen as I love Hong Kong (am going there in a week :p). Only thing is planning that far ahead might take a little bit of time, especially since I really have no clue as to what I'm doing next year for work!
During the SIN Lounge Crawl 11 June 2023 JessicaTam posted she will not be organising the 2024 crawl as She has decided to go on a road trip :rolleyes: Jess I trust you will get the priorities back in order for 2025 ;)😆

So as not to break with tradition there will be a 2024 Asian lounge crawl to be held in Hong Kong (HKG). The in-town check-in has reopened so we should be able to make a good day of it.

The last crawl in HKG was in 2018 and it was a well-attended, I have not yet checked which lounges are currently open (the crawl is still 10 months away) and suspect there should be 5 CX lounges, QF and a few others that can be accessed via Priority Pass and other providers.

If you have not joined a previous Crawl it is important that you book a flight on a One World carrier to join in on the fun. Also don't worry if you don't have status, there are usually enough Platinum’s around to guest in others.

Here are the previous lounge crawls:

SIN lounge crawl 24 Aug 2013
HKG lounge crawl 8 June 2014
KUL SIN lounge crawl 7 June 2015
HKG lounge crawl 12 June 2016
NRT lounge crawl 11 June 2017
HKG lounge crawl 10 June 2018
KUL-SIN lounge crawl 9 June 2019
SIN lounge crawl 12 June 2022
SIN Lounge Crawl 11 June 2023

Also I may need some help from the Mods as I don’t think I will be able to update the interested/ confirmed attendance post 24 hours see Post 2. Jess we are devastated you will not be attending.

Finally to reuse a phrase from a previous crawl 'what could possibly go wrong' ;)😆😆
For the 1st time ever, I’ll need guesting into F lounge though unless you change the run to May 😄. If this is not an issue, I’ll join all of you again for next year.
For the 1st time ever, I’ll need guesting into F lounge though unless you change the run to May 😄. If this is not an issue, I’ll join all of you again for next year.
It will not be an issue as long as you are on a OW flight number and carrier and you most likely know the rules better than myself. I have not looked at the OW rules for years but did check and there is no requirement to be on the same flight. I may have been booted out of the P1 club but will still be WP in Jun 24. I wouldn't even dare to consider leaving you out of the F lounge as you know where I live 😆😆 Screen Shot 2023-08-12 at 5.26.08 pm.png
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Put me down as Gold for now - would definitely be keen as I love Hong Kong (am going there in a week :p). Only thing is planning that far ahead might take a little bit of time, especially since I really have no clue as to what I'm doing next year for work!
Welcome on board, from what I have seen in the past @JessicaTam has announced the location well in advance as it gives people something to think about and if it can be worked it into their plans. I am taking her lead and what has worked in the past and as she is unable to coordinate the 2024 crawl I ran some ideas past others on this site and we agreed on HKG. I have a flight out of HKG but have yet to work out how and when I am getting there. The crawl is a social event, there is no expectation on commitment as individual plans change and will change over the next 10 months, there will be those who will express an interest, sign-up, drop-off or show up at the last minute.
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It will not be an issue as long as you are on a OW flight number and carrier and you most likely know the rules better than myself. I have not looked at the OW rules for years but did check and there is no requirement to be on the same flight. I may have been booted out of the P1 club but will still be WP in Jun 24. I wouldn't even dare to consider leaving you out of the F lounge as you know where I live 😆😆 View attachment 338964
You forgot to mention, I know your family too 😜
Been too long since I last visited HKG and dare not volunteer organising the dinner before the run as I have no idea what’s open post Covid. A few HKG lounge runs ago, we went to Sai Kung for seafood and it was great
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Looks like I may have waited to long too book... can anyone find me a QFF J award from HK on the 9th at a suitable time? Not too fussed on airline, or destination (although ideally Asia or Australia). There's CX PE to Sydney, but preference is J for that flight time.
Imy gold. Planning on making this my last stop on an impromptu Qantas RTW
Correction to my last - due to the ridiculous lack of award availability out of HKG on the 9th (I wonder if there's something happening on that day??) This will not be my last stop and I am in a similar boat to @CaptainCurtis.

Looks like I may have waited to long too book... can anyone find me a QFF J award from HK on the 9th at a suitable time? Not too fussed on airline, or destination (although ideally Asia or Australia). There's CX PE to Sydney, but preference is J for that flight time.

@CaptainCurtis - if you take the 1500 flight out of HKG for Shanghai (PVG) you can make the direct PVG-SYD flight home on the 9th, and still have ample time in the crawl assuming you flew in the day before or early morning. There are later flights to PVG if you are happy to fly back to Aus the following day (heaps of J award availability).

From what I've read that counts as an international flight despite *technically" being domestic (politics aside) so should allow you access into the lounges. According to the CX website all flights depart from the international terminal... Which is the only one besides a midfield concourse.

You're right in your assessment that a J ticket is best because it will get you into the most lounges including QR which requires J or above, but you can still have a good time in PE if you are or have friends who are OWE.

If this works you can pay me back by buying me a drink in the lounge - if it doesn't I will! ;)
@CaptainCurtis - if you take the 1500 flight out of HKG for Shanghai (PVG) you can make the direct PVG-SYD flight home on the 9th, and still have ample time in the crawl assuming you flew in the day before or early morning. There are later flights to PVG if you are happy to fly back to Aus the following day (heaps of J award availability).
The crawl doesn’t usually get underway until about 1500 so that flight might be a bit early. Anything after about 2000 works best.

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