Vaccine Rollout in Australia - personal accounts.

Yes the initial vaccine program was essential and prevented deaths. Subsequently though the new variants have become more transmissible but not as severe disease plus becoming less sensitive to antibodies whether from the vaccine or Covid infection. Hence very little difference whether vaccinated or not if you are otherwise healthy.
I'm sorry but at no point did I say that was acceptable and I will never say that's acceptable.

If that is not acceptable then, by corollary, forced "vaccination" of 100% of the population is not acceptable. I agree.

You seem to eventually come around and acknowledge this fact when you state: "So I chose not to vaccinate my daughter. Why is that any different to anyone else choosing not to vaccinate?" I agree, it is no different. People should have the right to choose based on their individual circumstances. You now seem to agree with this.
Yes the initial vaccine program was essential and prevented deaths. Subsequently though the new variants have become more transmissible but not as severe disease plus becoming less sensitive to antibodies whether from the vaccine or Covid infection. Hence very little difference whether vaccinated or not if you are otherwise healthy.
I'm unsure about what you are saying about the new variants and severity, I think the jury is still out on that one. What I think we can all agree to, though, is the frustration the sheer frustration of getting the vaccine and it not being enough to end the pandemic. I look back at some of the remarks I made last year when I said we can toss the masks in the trash for good thanks to these vaccines. Certainly if the vaccine eliminated COVID from the community and there were no variants, COVID would be old news and would all be a distant memory by now. What I am hopeful for, however, are pan-variant vaccines that provide immunity across the board against COVID. What I think is also frustrating is we don't know when this pandemic will end (and yes it will end at some point). Initially we thought it was just gonna be 2 weeks to flatten the curve, well we're coming in to three years with the damn thing and it's still unclear when it will go away. In terms of travel this also means that there is uncertainty with every booking we make since we don't know if there will be a crazy variant that locks the borders down further or makes travel impracticable. It's all a roll of the dice now in every respect!

In terms of travel this also means that there is uncertainty with every booking we make since we don't know if there will be a crazy POLITICIAN OR BUREAUCRAT that locks the borders down further or makes travel impracticable. It's all a roll of the dice now in every respect!
I dare say if nobody had any jabs whatsoever, there'd be a lot more deaths around the world.
All good; if you assess that you are at risk or just want to be cautious, then go for it. It's just forced/coerced injections that I do not agree with.
[Disclosure: I have had 3 x AZ.]
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You are never going to have a pan variant vaccine. XBB has now taken over from B4,5. Said to be resistant to both vaccine and natural infection vaccines. Who knows if the newly released bivalent vaccine is of any help.

Most subsequent variants will be more infectious but likely not to be more dangerous. No good killing people if the virus wants to survive.
You are never going to have a pan variant vaccine. XBB has now taken over from B4,5. Said to be resistant to both vaccine and natural infection vaccines. Who knows if the newly released bivalent vaccine is of any help.

Most subsequent variants will be more infectious but likely not to be more dangerous. No good killing people if the virus wants to survive.
out of interest why do you say
"Most subsequent variants will be more infectious but likely not to be more dangerous."

is that a scientific / medical more likely than not proven over many diseases / viruses over time??

Surely there could be more dangerous killer variant that forms & enters global society that resists current vaccines? I know that's worst case scenario talk, mutations could occur this way, no? Just rare scientifically / medically??
I have had all boosters but no AZ. Neither Mrs P nor myself have had covid so far. I have my fingers crossed, between hand washing.
Surely there could be more dangerous killer variant that forms & enters global society that resists current vaccines

Indeed , the biological success of the Imperial animal almost guarantees such an event ; when and what disease is completely moot.
Afaik , The theoretical and historic model of virus evolution prognosticates reduced effectiveness and increased infectivity over time and this seems to be the Case for far.. but anything is possible.
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Initially we thought it was just gonna be 2 weeks to flatten the curve, well we're coming in to three years with the damn thing and it's still unclear when it will go away. In terms of travel this also means that there is uncertainty with every booking we make since we don't know if there will be a crazy variant that locks the borders down further or makes travel impracticable. It's all a roll of the dice now in every respect!

I don't know of anyone who thought the 'curve would be flattened' in 2 weeks; so maybe 'I thought' not 'we thought'. Yes, 3 years into the damn thing, but its got a long way to go to catch up with the flu. How many years now has the flu been circulating? - And different variants every year.

You can go on fretting about booking & travel if you like, I'm just getting on with life. If something exceptional occurs on the Covid front - I'll have insurance. Just like I have insurance against many other mishaps and unexpected events during travel. There are much bigger risks to travel now than Covid.
out of interest why do you say
"Most subsequent variants will be more infectious but likely not to be more dangerous."

is that a scientific / medical more likely than not proven over many diseases / viruses over time??

Surely there could be more dangerous killer variant that forms & enters global society that resists current vaccines? I know that's worst case scenario talk, mutations could occur this way, no? Just rare scientifically / medically??
That has been shown over time. It was how the 1918 flu pandemic ended.
The media have been reporting the rise of a fifth wave of Covid whilst also advising that the government is still spruiking their 6 month old vaccine rollout to people with minimal intention to have further vaccinations.

"Australians aged over 18 are able to access a Pfizer bivalent vaccine for their third and fourth dose, which targets the Omicron sub-variants. It follows the rollout of Moderna’s bivalent Omicron vaccine"

And yet ATAGI keep delaying approval for those who did the recommended thing and had their fourth vaccine dose, pre the bi-valent vaccines back in May/June around 6 months ago. Those of us somewhat under 70 and who followed government advice are feeling very exposed as based on previous information , our vaccine has most likely dissipated to near worthless cover in that 6 months period, while the CMO and his committees resist enabling Australians to make their own decisions about further protection, whilst pushing younger, more tardy vaccinators to get the newer bi-valent dose.

When can this government strike a sensible balance and stop trying to force vaccines on those who don't want to be vaccinated, and adopt the strategy of allowing those of us who have some belief in the usefullness of vaccines to choose to update our protection when many other nations have approved a fifth dose several weeks ago?
Maybe it is ATAGI's way of admitting (without actually admitting it) that (now that they have analysed more data) the covid jabs are not effective and the issue of jab injuries becomes more of an issue the more jabs you get. So the benefit/cost ratio is not there. The Cth DoH seems to be pushing antivirals now, instead of jabs.

Why don't you just wear a mask, because apparently masks are super-effective...
The media have been reporting the rise of a fifth wave of Covid whilst also advising that the government is still spruiking their 6 month old vaccine rollout to people with minimal intention to have further vaccinations.

And yet ATAGI keep delaying approval for those who did the recommended thing and had their fourth vaccine dose, pre the bi-valent vaccines back in May/June around 6 months ago. Those of us somewhat under 70 and who followed government advice are feeling very exposed as based on previous information , our vaccine has most likely dissipated to near worthless cover in that 6 months period, while the CMO and his committees resist enabling Australians to make their own decisions about further protection, whilst pushing younger, more tardy vaccinators to get the newer bi-valent dose.

When can this government strike a sensible balance and stop trying to force vaccines on those who don't want to be vaccinated, and adopt the strategy of allowing those of us who have some belief in the usefullness of vaccines to choose to update our protection when many other nations have approved a fifth dose several weeks ago?
Just maybe the vaccines are no longer seen as the panacea after three/4 doses. Even Israel has stopped its very significant vaccination push.

adopt the strategy of allowing those of us who have some belief in the usefullness of vaccines to choose to update our protection when many other nations have approved a fifth dose several weeks ago?

Because public health doesn’t work on the basis of the patient dictating specific treatments because they have a “belief in usefulness”.
Because public health doesn’t work on the basis of the patient dictating specific treatments because they have a “belief in usefulness”.
Belief (or disbelief) in the government's previously mandated treatment would seem to be a fairly significant reason why many Australians are still not fully vaccinated. Surely if the dosage is safe and the vaccines are going wasted, then allowing those that are 6 months since their last shot, and taking into account previous information that by 4 - 6 months after the previous treatment, the vaccine effectiveness had waned to less than 40% of original, then why not enable those willing to be vaccinated to proceed?

Personally I expect if this wave continues to grow, ATAGI will change their mindset and then wonder why their is a scramble for vaccination appointments around Christmas.
Belief (or disbelief) in the government's previously mandated treatment would seem to be a fairly significant reason why many Australians are still not fully vaccinated. Surely if the dosage is safe and the vaccines are going wasted, then allowing those that are 6 months since their last shot, and taking into account previous information that by 4 - 6 months after the previous treatment, the vaccine effectiveness had waned to less than 40% of original, then why not enable those willing to be vaccinated to proceed?

Personally I expect if this wave continues to grow, ATAGI will change their mindset and then wonder why their is a scramble for vaccination appointments around Christmas.
I don't think there will be a scramble. I've had four and won't have another until March next year with flu vaccine. And I was one of the first to receive four. Had Covid as well. Four weeks after the fourth one.
I'm sorry but I'm very confused. I thought you inferred earlier in the other thread you'd had your daughter vaccinated for covid stating she was fully covered, but you didn't? But want to mandate vaccinations for all eligible people and that currently includes your daughter. But you exercised your right not to vaccinate her but deny others the same option. 🤷‍♀️

My daughter is fully vaccinated for all children's vaccines. I'm totally against anyone willingly not vaccinating their children for all children's vaccines.

I'm not vaccinating my daughter for covid. No need when vaccination rates are dropping and people out there with a clear agenda to allow covid run rampant

When all the adults do the right thing and vaccinate then I will do so the same for my daughter.

This is not contradictory. This is not confusing. It's a decision my wife and I have made and we're both fully aware of what we've decided.

By the way I'm still for 100% vaccination for all adults to vaccinate where they don't have a valid medical exemption.

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