Vaccine Rollout in Australia - personal accounts.


Veteran Member
Jan 26, 2011
Just wondering if there is any interest in a specific thread outlining the various aspects of the Vaccine rollout in Australia now that it is likely to commence at end of February, and people posting, if they care to, if they have commenced the process, their experience, and which type they have received and any reactions? Or even posting when they think they might receive it.

SA has released the first few places for Stage 1a, being large Public Hospitals.

I think I will be in Stage 1b with immunocompromised issues and MrP in the same batch due to allied Health services. I think there are benefits with both types so I don't care which one I receive.
Just wondering if there is any interest in a specific thread outlining the various aspects of the Vaccine rollout in Australia now that it is likely to commence at end of February, and people posting, if they care to, if they have commenced the process, their experience, and which type they have received and any reactions? Or even posting when they think they might receive it.

SA has released the first few places for Stage 1a, being large Public Hospitals.

I think I will be in Stage 1b with immunocompromised issues and MrP in the same batch due to allied Health services. I think there are benefits with both types so I don't care which one I receive.
Good idea.

It will also be interesting how people receive notice to go get the vaccine/appointment.

PS hopefully the discussion of whether one is willing / wants to receive the vaccine or efficacy / spread stopping findings of vaccines stays on the other threads!
PS hopefully the discussion of whether one is willing / wants to receive the vaccine or efficacy / spread stopping findings of vaccines stays on the other threads!
On that I totally agree.
Apparently I am in Group 2 for mid to end March. I am willing to receive whatever is offered at that time
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... It will also be interesting how people receive notice to go get the vaccine/appointment ...
I’ve been searching for that information, but so far no luck. Is there a site to enrol/make an appointment?
Thanks for that. I am group 1. Didn't expect that but a great cancer diagnosis last year (at 41) appears to bump me up the pecking order.
Interested to know how we will be notified.

I wonder if children will be able to travel overseas without being vaccinated?
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I’ll be in stage 2a based on age. I think I’d prefer the Astra Zeneca shot as it is more traditional in nature, it will take what I’m given.
My better 1/2 got the Pfizer vaccine today (about 8 hours ago) ....apart from a bit of a sore arm, she has not had any other side effects so far. :) She works at one of the major vaccine hub hospitals in Sydney. She was asked by her manager this am if she wanted to get the vaccine today and she said no advanced warning! A lot of time was spent registering her details, including Medicare details. Took 2 hours in total. The actual injection was very quick. Had to wait for 15 mins after to make sure no serious side effects. Some who had allergies had to wait 30 mins. Presumably she will be called back for the 2nd dose....
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Her arm and her colleagues' who also had the vaccine yesterday are all complaining their arm is very sore...make sure you get injected in your non dominant arm!
Saw some advice this evening that it can be a good idea to vigorously exercise for several minutes in the hour leading up to the jab. If that is not possible, exercising one's arms instead can help.
Onanistic practice helps ?
It sort of reads that way at the end doesn't it :oops::eek:o_O. Unintentional.

Another part of the advice was to stay off the booze for 2 days prior and up to 14 days after ... I.e. give one's liver a break before letting it get down to serious work of evalating / generating / remembering antibodies.
It sort of reads that way at the end doesn't it :oops::eek:o_O. Unintentional.

Another part of the advice was to stay off the booze for 2 days prior and up to 14 days after ... I.e. give one's liver a break before letting it get down to serious work of evalating / generating / remembering antibodies.
Is that possible? Your trying to convert me to activating almonds is it seems.
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I was told by a pharmacist when getting the flu vaccine that being well hydrated helps minimise pain/ache that some experience in the hours/days following the injection. Since being given that advice, I drink plenty of water in the hour before and have had practically no pain/ache from the flu vaccine in recent years. So I will be trying that, along with some paracetamol in the hour before receiving my jab when my name bubbles to the top of the list.
So I will be trying that, along with some paracetamol in the hour before receiving my jab when my name bubbles to the top of the list.
I would think avoiding Paracetamol would be more appropriate as again, it is the Liver that works at removing it from the body.
It sort of reads that way at the end doesn't it :oops::eek:o_O. Unintentional.
In reality, a sharp run around the block would do and if not feasible, a dozen or more push ups.
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