Refusal to complete an IPC what is the penalty?

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Knowing that youre required to sign documentation on arrival and refusing to do so is like showing up at at a steakhouse and complaining about being handed a meat menu.

You know whats going to happen when you get there so why bother leaving the house, only to to cause a scene on arrival?

If you dont want to sign a document that you are required to by an Act of Parliament then go to Dubbo or Surfers for your next hols. No IPC required there. :)
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Its governed by the Customs Act:

Subsection 4A(1) of the Customs Act 1901 (the Act) defines an approved form as a form that is approved, by instrument in writing, by the Chief Executive Officer of Customs (CEO).
Go look at s168 of the Migration Act. It states that any person entering Australian, citizen or non-citizen, must present evidence of their identity (passport) AND provide any information required by the Act or the Regulations.

You’ve already been given what the Regs say re passenger cards and the penalty. It’s contained in Reg 3 if you want to read. Very clearly applies to citizens and non citizens.
Might I suggest the OP (or who ever the OP is referring to) don't go traveling.

Here in Australia you're likely to be given a talking to by the AFP and getting a fine, but of course as a citizen you'd still eventually be allow in. Other countries are let's just say a little less forgiving about people pulling proverbial, and if the OP (or who ever the OP is referring to) attempted to pull that, BEST case scenario is that you'd be refused entry, and the worst case could end up pretty bad.
Gee some people have no sense of adventure.

Go look at s168 of the Migration Act. It states that any person entering Australian, citizen or non-citizen, must present evidence of their identity (passport) AND provide any information required by the Act or the Regulations.

You’ve already been given what the Regs say re passenger cards and the penalty. It’s contained in Reg 3 if you want to read. Very clearly applies to citizens and non citizens.

They've been quoted the maximum penalty listed in the legislation. The actual penalty will depend on the level of authority that is imposing the penalty. If it is the case of an infringement notice issued by a border force operative (assuming they have the legislative ability to issue infringement notices) then the penalty is likely to be a lot lower. Proper judicial review is required to issue the maximum panalty, i.e. a court, not a jumped up public servant in a blackshirt.

Might I suggest the OP (or who ever the OP is referring to) don't go traveling.

Here in Australia you're likely to be given a talking to by the AFP and getting a fine, but of course as a citizen you'd still eventually be allow in. Other countries are let's just say a little less forgiving about people pulling proverbial, and if the OP (or who ever the OP is referring to) attempted to pull that, BEST case scenario is that you'd be refused entry, and the worst case could end up pretty bad.

Australian's cannot be refused entry. There is no suggestion of not proving their identity.

What a lot of HOO HAA over something that takes 2 minutes to fill in !!!
I must say that I find it hard to see just what details on the IPC card that the OP, or frankly anyone, would be so cagey about? I tend to be e bit paranoid about giving out personal info, and I have no problem with any of the items requested.
Now if I was a Border Force officer who had a bad day and someone turned up who did not fill out an IPC so I had no knowledge of whether he was bringing in food or a stash of money I would feel like first asking him to count out all his money,then search every bag minutely,think up a good story so the supervisor would authorise a strip search and maybe even concoct a reasonable scenario that he may have swallowed illegal drugs so sending him off for a CT scan.
Yes the person would be admitted to Australia but several hours later.
Thank goodness Border Force officers are not as nasty as I.:D:eek:o_O:rolleyes:;):p
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Australian's cannot be refused entry. There is no suggestion of not proving their identity.

You missed the whole "Other countries" part of my point. Yes an Australian Citizen can not be refused entry. But travel the world with the attitude of refusing to follow documented entry procedures to the letter can land someone in really hot water very quickly.
Gee some people have no sense of adventure.

They've been quoted the maximum penalty listed in the legislation. The actual penalty will depend on the level of authority that is imposing the penalty. If it is the case of an infringement notice issued by a border force operative (assuming they have the legislative ability to issue infringement notices) then the penalty is likely to be a lot lower. Proper judicial review is required to issue the maximum panalty, i.e. a court, not a jumped up public servant in a blackshirt.

Australian's cannot be refused entry. There is no suggestion of not proving their identity.
It’s so easy to get into trouble being entirely ‘innocent’ so why go out of your way to get into trouble?
And when I gave the Border Force person my completed IPC this morning he looked at it, asked me if I was travelling alone and directed me to line that left the area without further ado.

There were lots of people in various queues for further examination. I don't want to join those queues by being an idiot.

As has been mentioned previously you're going to answer those questions. You can do it the hard way or the easy way. Do it the hard way once and you're doing it the hard way forever.
Do it the hard way once and you're doing it the hard way forever.

If you really make enough trouble, you won't be given the opportunity to do it again. As a citizen, they have to let you in, but (unless you are a dual citizen) they can always then revoke your passport - which will make it difficult to ever leave again - removing the problems of having to deal with your eventual return.
That's what I was thinking too. @johnnyk can you let us know when you are going to do it, and we'll line up the deck chairs and popcorn and cheer you on :)

I dont understand why people cant refuse to be on that show and similar, like Highway Patrol or RBT, especially when the person is acting like a dick. How does a TV channel get right to broadcast you like that?

Edit: Dick isnt a censored word?
Most likely will just cause you to get delayed If you don't answer the questions, I'd expect a thorough search.
Denali - don't forgot those who have that name, would be a pain to have it censored because of the other meaning...
Looking forward to hearing how the OP goes arguing with BF that he is exempt from the law and doesn't have to fill out an IPC next time he travels. Please report back once you've been released :D
Knowing that youre required to sign documentation on arrival and refusing to do so is like showing up at at a steakhouse and complaining about being handed a meat menu.

You know whats going to happen when you get there so why bother leaving the house, only to to cause a scene on arrival?

If you dont want to sign a document that you are required to by an Act of Parliament then go to Dubbo or Surfers for your next hols. No IPC required there. :)

Ahhh yes, but the meat might be off, so yes one would cause a scene. and tell them so.
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