New Zealand Reports of the Virus Spread

So today the government floated the idea of having a permit and a booked time slot to cross from Auckland to the rest of the north island at Christmas.

Needless to say such an idea is not going down well.

Oh dear…. Will they still be in lockdown then?!?
So today the government floated the idea of having a permit and a booked time slot to cross from Auckland to the rest of the north island at Christmas.

Needless to say such an idea is not going down well.
Doesn't take too much brain power to wonder where they might have got that brain numbingly dumb idea from...🇨🇳

Scary trends.
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I thought they’d be free for Xmas though surely. What a mess.
Well Auckland does have the highest rate (Wellington second) of double dosed but I think they will find similar to NSW that once you hit 80% the takeup rate starts to slow fairly rapidly. There continues to be particular issues with some sectors of the population. Personally yes, I think they will get there around Xmas but its no slam dunk by any means.
"We understand that some people will be feeling worried or anxious at this time and will want a test for their own reassurance.

I always find lines like that funny. Wonder who installed that worry or anxiety in the first place.
"We understand that some people will be feeling worried or anxious at this time and will want a test for their own reassurance.

I always find lines like that funny. Wonder who installed that worry or anxiety in the first place.

And I trust they’ll be paying for said pointless test?
Should have landed in AKL today for 4 day "extra-long" weekend... ended up changing to MEL after QF flights cancelled.
What a surprise. It’s absolutely everywhere.
And the borders are shut… why exactly?
Good chance NZ govt will change the current settings / quarantine-isloation settings in a few weeks/month. Does not make sense at this time. AKL has (increasing) Omicron, but you can fly AKL to anywhere in NZ without restrictions. But from AU (has Omicron) need isolation on arrival. Even NZ Govt have noted the anomaly.

Haven't really been following Covid in NZ so was a bit shocked to find out they had 12000 community cases today with 5 deaths
Was 6137 the day before. Health Minister Andrew Little said on TV ~2 days ago true number is probably double or triple. Some PCR tests are taking days to get results, so now RAT's are being used as main test in many drive through testing centres.. PCR lab testing has reached capacity, especially in Auckland. But the NZ Govt was slow to order RATs (by months) so only now are stocks imported/becoming available. RAT's not available to general public.
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Good chance NZ govt will change the current settings / quarantine-isloation settings in a few weeks/month. Does not make sense at this time. AKL has (increasing) Omicron, but you can fly AKL to anywhere in NZ without restrictions. But from AU (has Omicron) need isolation on arrival. Even NZ Govt have noted the anomaly.

Was 6137 the day before. Health Minister Andrew Little said on TV ~2 days ago true number is probably double or triple. Some PCR tests are taking days to get results, so now RAT's are being used as main test in many drive through testing centres.. PCR lab testing has reached capacity, especially in Auckland. But the NZ Govt was slow to order RATs (by months) so only now are stocks imported/becoming available. RAT's not available to general public.

And we know what PCR tests taking days means with high omicron cases = real caseload probably 4-5x reported.

Time to face reality NZ and get back to normal life.
Time for them to open to Aus, the border is a bit pointless now.
But to all the Govts it seems a hard call. Even when it's clearly escaped. They took so much pride in being zero zero zero. Closed borders. We will Protect everyone blah. In SA we had zero cases before we opened - can only imagine the angst. But in WA, and certainly NZ its way beyond that now.

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