Amex "I'm going to cancel my card" - bonus points given thread.

I’m NZ based with a Platinum Edge card. Annual fee due mid December. Called to seek a retention bonus highlighting the devaluation of some benefits as one of the reasons I may not continue with the card. I spend about $7k a month.

Operator said Amex does not give retention bonuses any more - even after I confirmed I was NZ based and not in Australia.

HUACA do you think?
Hi just wondering how you got on? I’m nz based and my charge card is coming up for renewal in January.
Platinum Edge cardholder since 2012. Called to cancel. No retention bonus offered. Only option was to go down to fee free essentials card. Further I was told that this card cannot be reinstated even within 30 days.
Not being able to reinstate card, has anyone had experience with this?
One possible interesting thing he said was that they can't offer anything if the reason for the cancellation is the high annual fee (which I said).
I was offered retention bonus but did not talk about the annual fee however mentioned the reduced benefits from the card like KF points devaluation ; it worked for me and was offered the bonus however it varies from agent to agent. Best policy is to call during MEL/SYD business hours where there is high possibility of speaking to Oz based associates.

All the best !!
I was offered retention bonus but did not talk about the annual fee however mentioned the reduced benefits from the card like KF points devaluation ; it worked for me and was offered the bonus however it varies from agent to agent. Best policy is to call during MEL/SYD business hours where there is high possibility of speaking to Oz based associates.

All the best !!
How much was the retention bonus and which card?
anyone had any experiences wit this game for QFF Ultimate Card recently? Annual fee is up in a few weeks - i do actually love this card and don't want to cancel but have held it for many years and feel like its time they threw me some love otherwise might be worth ditching for the 18 months and then getting the sign up points again...
anyone had any experiences wit this game for QFF Ultimate Card recently?
Will be doing this dance next week, renewal is same timeframe as yours. I'll be citing:

- Deval of benefits such as useful credits (haven't found any in months), shop small which is a shadow of it's former self, the terrible performance of amex travel during COVID and the recent point cap being introduced
I cancelled my Qantas Ultimate yesterday, spoke to an Australian voice. Was thankful for my business, but no attempt to retain at all and look forward to me becoming a customer again one day.
Were you put through to the retention team or did you request to be put through to them?
Were you put through to the retention team or did you request to be put through to them?
Is this something others have needed to do? I was under the impression it's automatic - although it seems lately AMEX have been pulling back on their retention efforts
Plat Charge card, annual fee due in 2 weeks, just got offered 150k. Third consecutive year of offers and largest yet. Average spend a fairly consistent $10k per month over the last year, not too different from previous years. What has changed is a decent % of overseas transactions, as an additional card holder has used it for their increasingly frequent work trip expenses.

Cited the MR/SQ rate deval, and having made 5 transfers to SQ totalling ~800k MR in the last 2 years. Also mentioned the Net-A-Porter credit removal, which I used almost every 6 months.

Initially spoke to offshore Card Services who saw I had a retention offer last year, I stressed that was for other reasons and that my complaint this year is more substantial given I'm now effectively earning 50% less SQ miles, which is where I historically transferred most of my MR points. They said they couldn't offer me anything, only the Cancellations team could.

So I asked to speak to Cancellations, to which Card Services said they could only transfer me if I was serious about cancelling. I said I was if they couldn't offer me anything. Cancellations was also offshore - a little surprising given it's 2pm on a Wednesday. Cancellations seemed well versed in dealing with complaints about the SQ change, and after a 2-3 min hold, said that they could offer me the 150k points but not offer a reverted SQ rate (I wasn't asking for one!!)
Put through retention team - discussed devaluations and figure generated by computer was 70k MR points. AF due to post in early Feb. Wasn't too thrilled seeing other higher offers but wasn't sure if I'd get another offer closer to the annual fee posting date. Took the points!

AMEX Platinum Charge
Spend - 200k / year
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Put through retention team - discussed devaluations and figure generated by computer was 70k MR points. AF due to post in early Feb. Wasn't too thrilled seeing other higher offers but wasn't sure if I'd get another offer closer to the annual fee posting date. Took the points!

Which card and average spend?

Wasn't too thrilled seeing other higher offers but wasn't sure if I'd get another offer closer to the annual fee posting date.

I've done some tests in previous years, and I'm pretty sure the offer does not change. Would love to hear of anyone who has successfully received a higher offer on a subsequent call.
Which card and average spend?

I've done some tests in previous years, and I'm pretty sure the offer does not change. Would love to hear of anyone who has successfully received a higher offer on a subsequent call.
Edited my original. AMEX Platinum charge. Roughly 200k/ year.

Reading elsewhere I thought the offer may change, but glad to read it may not especially if I lost the offer.
Edited my original. AMEX Platinum charge. Roughly 200k/ year.

Have you made many/any transfers to SQ? Which devals did you discuss? I'm wondering if this plays a part in the offer and the more data points we can get the better!

Reading elsewhere I thought the offer may change, but glad to read it may not especially if I lost the offer.

I can only speak from my experience in previous years. I've tried reducing my MR balance substantially and closing additional cards to lend some weight to the ideal I am planning to cancel, but it made no difference.
Do you need to cancel the before the AF comes up or a week after is fine and they will refund the AF (like they do in the US)?
Have you made many/any transfers to SQ? Which devals did you discuss? I'm wondering if this plays a part in the offer and the more data points we can get the better!

I can only speak from my experience in previous years. I've tried reducing my MR balance substantially and closing additional cards to lend some weight to the ideal I am planning to cancel, but it made no difference.
I discussed the massive deval of SQ, Net-a-porter discount and mediocre cashback offers. She didn't pay much attention but caught on about me discussing points - then offered 70k. Tried to wriggle more but she was firm on the 70k saying it was computer generated.

I have a large pile of points and didn't do any SQ transfers as have previously transferred my MR points to my US account.

Do you need to cancel the before the AF comes up or a week after is fine and they will refund the AF (like they do in the US)?

No - my AF is posting in 1 month. Got the retention offer today when I called. I presume they'll still offer a retention within a month of the AF posting
My AF is due in late Feb. I think I'll leave it a little closer to the time to make the call. While I've never transferred to SQ it was something I had always planned on doing when I needed to. So a complaint from me about that would still hold water.

Will update when I've called next month.
My Platinum Charge (Personal) AF was due in December and I called the number on the back of the card and asked for Cancellations.

I have a feeling the representative knew what I was trying to do and asked why I wanted to cancel. Mentioned the devaluation of SQ etc. Then they mumbled through their usual due diligence/safeguarding spiel which they rushed through and went straight on to say that as I've been a loyal customer, I was offered 100K points. I took the offer.

Typical spend ranges from $5k to $25k a month.
Called up to cancel my Platinum Charge (AF due in Feb) and cited the EK/SQ points devaluations as the main driver. Don't push a huge amount through the card ($5k/mo) but mostly travel related. Have only been a customer for 12 months, was offered 30k points to stay.

Was hoping for more to be honest but was planning on keeping the card anyway as I'll get the use out of it over the next 12 months.