31 March has passed now what?

Have you changed your credit card point earning options following the QF changes?

  • Have always had a direct QF points earning card so I have not been affected by the change

    Votes: 5 7.2%
  • Have switched from a credit card with its own rewards program to a card that only earns QF points

    Votes: 9 13.0%
  • Maintaining both types of cards - QF direct and credit card program

    Votes: 21 30.4%
  • Not switching - just keeping my card(s) with its own rewards program (eg Amex MR, Altitude etc)

    Votes: 27 39.1%
  • I have a card that doesn't have any rewards

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Switching from QF direct card to a card with its own rewards program

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 7.2%

  • Total voters
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Jul 1, 2002
There have been lots of comments/polls about what people were doing with their existing points balances etc. But what are people doing with their credit cards? Switched to a direct sweep QF FF only card or maintaining credit card provider rewards programs (such as Amex MR, Altitude) etc for other options?
I am maintaining my Amex Plat Card with the option to move points where I choose rather than where QF tells me I can move them to.
I'm sticking to MR.

My Citibank which gives me basically nothing, is purely just being kept as an emergency card; as it is fee free for life anyway. If I was paying a fee on it, it would be going.
I've had an Amex Plat cc and Earth cards, so got both bases covered! Haven't made any changes.
  • Maintaining my Amex Maximiser Card (card fee has always been waived). However today it is 1.75 points per $ and after June 31 will be reduced to 1.25 earn. So I will be consiidering a move to a Plat Amex sometime this year..particularly if a good joining bonus is offered.
  • Maintaining my Earth Plat Card till late this year, but will seek to have it become fee free at time as I have a mortgage with Westpac.= (my current Altitude Crads are free, but with only 1.0 on the Amex and 0.5 on the VISA as earn rates).
  • Maintaining my Citibank VISA as it is free for life. Will not link to QF. However as it transfer at 4/3 to SQ this is effectively an earn rate of 0.75 /$ to SQ. Will have to see if there is a MC/VISA that can better this rate...but this card is fee free and more spend than not goes on to my Amex these days and so being free is a significant plus.
Will remain on the look-out for sign-on bonii and will assess each case on it's merits.
Answered Other.

No changes; only card that required additional $$$ to allow QFF conversion was Citi Plat; I put a bit more though it than normal to get to 10K, transferred that and as it's "Fee Free for Life" it's off to the the bottom of the drawer for now! (I did not enrol it with qantas rewards).
I have an Amex Gold credit card and a Qantas Amex Premium card. I did not move any MR points to QFF by March 31 and had no intention of moving any MR points until I was ready. No great loss.

I will continue to use the Qantas Amex premium card purely for Qantas Australia spend, for the 1.25% bonus, and the Amex Gold credit card for all other spend. The Qantas Amex premium card will be reviewed again at the end of the year and will only remain in my possession if the $195 annual fee is waived again....
I'm sticking to MR Ascent. I like the choice and flexibility of MR. It's my chance to have fun with carriers that I'd otherwise never get to fly due to lack of FF affiliation, ie those outside OW and *A. Or act as a top up on Starpoints.

But as I can't put some large transactions through AX due to certain billers (eg Melbourne Uni) only accepting VI and MC, I might look for a QFF VI or MC to supplement my points from flying.
I voted other.

I transferred points over and am now "starting again" with CBA and Amex. ie. Keeping points in CC, no direct sweep.

Gives me a nice balance in QFF, but hedging risk slightly by not being fixed to QF exclusively.

I'm still waiting for reply to my letter to Amex re: 5t/5k promotion. Unsatifactory response = card going anyway.

I have an issue with paying the $10 annual fee to be fixed to one provider.

I can always transfer to Virgin as required for domestic travel, and save up QFF (soon to be earnt at Woolworths - my usual supermarket) for International travel.
I paid Citibank $19 so I can continue to top-up on QFF points for the next few months until I hit the next reward bracket. Then the Citibank card will probably go back to Citi Rewards and I'll burn all my QFF points. It would be nice if Krisflyer or Velocity was 1:1 though.

I transferred some of my Amex points to QFF to assist with the above goal, but most will sit in MR until I'm ready to use them (probably with Krisflyer).
i went with best of both worlds- why be tied to either ;)

kept one as a direct earn and one with amex MR

can change spend between the two easily if either programs (MR or QFF) change for the better or worse!

very happy with this :D
Transferred enough so that I have the points for a QFF rtw award in J.
Cards have remained untied.
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I'm keeping my Amex Gold (Engineers Australia) with Ascent.

My CBA Standard Awards Visa, which earns a sh**e rate (but I need it as a backup anyway) went to Qantas Direct. Not much better use for a CBA card anyway. I'll be $10 in the hole every year. The alternative was to use my ANZ Qantas Visa that I successfully applied for, but annual fee is $90 (compared to my CBA Awards which is free + $10 for direct program).

I'm glad actually because with a bit of budgeting and forward planning, I found that my earnings this year will produce enough QFF points for what I want to use them for, so I didn't have to convert any more MR points to QF before April 1. So I'm maintaining a steady QFF balance and a relatively healthy MR balance as well. Life isn't too bad.
Did nothin'. Tried transferring some points from a Suncorp Clear Options Visa which I found out was so clear I wasn't even earning points for QFF anyway. Great work. 90 000 points is worth $500. Wow.
Got a CBA MC but there weren't that many points at stake on that so never bothered doing anything.

Apathy rules okay?
As I've publicly stated a few times, I have not moved any card to direct sweep, nor did I transfer any points to Qantas before March 31.

I still have an Amex Qantas credit card, but havn't used it for a few months and not sure what I will do with it.
I'm keeping my Amex Gold (Engineers Australia) with Ascent.

My CBA Standard Awards Visa, which earns a sh**e rate (but I need it as a backup anyway) went to Qantas Direct. Not much better use for a CBA card anyway. I'll be $10 in the hole every year. The alternative was to use my ANZ Qantas Visa that I successfully applied for, but annual fee is $90 (compared to my CBA Awards which is free + $10 for direct program).

I'm glad actually because with a bit of budgeting and forward planning, I found that my earnings this year will produce enough QFF points for what I want to use them for, so I didn't have to convert any more MR points to QF before April 1. So I'm maintaining a steady QFF balance and a relatively healthy MR balance as well. Life isn't too bad.

Pretty much the same as you! Changed one card over to Qantas Direct and kept my Amex on MR. I can then control how much I put on each card as I go.
Joined on one of those free memberships, transferred no points.

Still a member.
Transferred enough so that I have the points for a QFF rtw award in J.
Cards have remained untied.

Like you I topped up my QFF account so that I have enough points for two J RTW...

I moved my Citibank points to the max that rounding allowed as they only transfer to SQ at 4:3...and took some points from MR to get up to the mark.
  • Maintaining my Amex Maximiser Card (card fee has always been waived). However today it is 1.75 points per $ and after June 31 will be reduced to 1.25 earn. So I will be consiidering a move to a Plat Amex sometime this year..particularly if a good joining bonus is offered.
  • Maintaining my Earth Plat Card till late this year, but will seek to have it become fee free at time as I have a mortgage with Westpac.= (my current Altitude Crads are free, but with only 1.0 on the Amex and 0.5 on the VISA as earn rates).
  • Maintaining my Citibank VISA as it is free for life. Will not link to QF. However as it transfer at 4/3 to SQ this is effectively an earn rate of 0.75 /$ to SQ. Will have to see if there is a MC/VISA that can better this rate...but this card is fee free and more spend than not goes on to my Amex these days and so being free is a significant plus.
Will remain on the look-out for sign-on bonii and will assess each case on it's merits.

The same for me. Just had my Citibank free Visa upgraded to plat and already had a Citibank plat m/c. The additional uncapped 60k should mean that I can drop the CBA plat that i'm currently having to use for all my non MR spending untill my uncapping at my next "anniversary", as it now has only Velocity to transfer to.
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