Rubbish article: Health Authorities Apparently Lied About Wearing Masks. [Incorrect]

this article is tin foil hat stuff. perfect example of why we should only listen to the experts, the author of this article is NOT an expert in this field.

mask stops infected people spreading the virus.
Medical people wear them as they are more likely to have come in contact with the virus, so they could have it too.
You really have no idea what these things are actually saying do you.

It seems like you get most of your information from known dubious sources, or completely misconstrue what the sources are saying when you view a reliable source.

To be effective, the masks needs to be the correct type. The mask needs to be fitted to the user. The mask needs to be worn correctly. Masks are single use and are not meant to be warn for hours on end. Masks become less effective and become breeding grounds the longer they are warn as they get damp from breathing. There is a limited amount of masks.

The majority of people do NOT wear masks correctly. They reuse them after they become useless. They are not trained in their use and contaminate them quickly after putting them on. Many in the general public with a mask think they are "protected" when they are wearing a mask that is no longer effective and thus think they don't need to follow other preventive measures.

As people do not use masks correctly, they are wasting them. As masks are limited, they need to be reserved for use where they will be most useful. Masks are most useful when worn by people who are sick - to reduce the chances of them getting others sick, and by people who are in close proximity to people who are sick.
There is little benefit to people who are healthy wearing masks, especially when they are single use and there is a limited supply.
Your comment can be summed up as "People Are Stupid".
Some are, but most can type into Google "How do a I wear an N95 mask" and get dozens of instructions from medical authorities, as well as YouTube videos.

The notion that masks cannot be reused is misinformation, see the reuse part in following link..

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I am reluctant to fuel the fire , but I have read up on masks and respirators and do not accept that N95 paper masks can or should be reused.
I can spend half an hour and deliver a definitive series of citations… but will pass and allow the op to maintain his perception of reality

Simply : A paper mask has the collected pollutants sitting all over the outside of the mask.
When used to collect Aerosols…. every time you touch the paper part of a used mask your hands are no longer clean
The used mask should only be removed by grasping the elastic at the back of the head and even then it's not easy to do.
The general advice that masks should not be used without due care and attention is correct , many wearers have no idea and are probably living with a false sense of security.
There is a truly tragic loss of medical staff life due to insufficient personal protection equipment. Frontline staff should absolutely get priority for masks etc. Italy 🇮🇹 is a tragic case of what can happen as doctors and others are dying in greater numbers than anyone else.

If people could actually put the masks on properly and then not touch them they would be useful if you are already sick (although you should not be out at all if you are sick), they may give some protection to others from your coughing etc. if you are not sick do not waste the masks.
If the argument is that we want the available masks for people who really need them at the front line, then we are in full agreement - and that is what should be said to the population. My concern is the deliberate spreading of disinformation relating to the effectiveness of masks.

Note well - be it to the average person in Australia or to the average person with serious health issues (like respiritory diseases) there is NO shortage of masks. One can get as many as one one likes in a few weeks from Ebay sellers in China, albeit at very hefty prices - which would probably do the trick for ten minute dashes into a supermarket - and which would not affect supply to health workers.

Disinformation about the effectiveness of the masks would deter people from buying them from overseas, and that, in my opinion, is a grave disservice..
With a mask, if you don't fit it right it offers little or no protection and uses a valuable resource that is needed by front-line health workers.
All the masks one needs are currently available from Ebay in China.
I don't think that health authorities source their masks from Ebay - thus health workers are not being deprived.
Sorry Renato1 but in another thread I described how I wore a mask when working on an influenza ward.going to see a patient I would wash my hands,put on a gown,mask and gloves.After seeing a patient the gown,mask and gloves were discarded and hands washed again.Then to the next room and the proceedure is repeated.We do not wear the same mask all the time as it becomes contaminated and by the end of the day possibly increases your chance of infection.
Despite this by the end of the week I had picked up a virus-fortunately the Respiratory Syncytial virus.Only picked up as I had a swab done.But then needed to keep away from young children or pregnant women.

now this is also done by the nurses,cleaners and other staff looking after such patients so you can see the number of masks used in such a ward is very large each day.Sorry but those who have bought up all the surgical masks you have left the front line health workers to be more likely to catch the virus.

By the wat RooFlyer did you ask the guy who came onto the plane did he wear the same mask all day?Sorry to be pedantic.

Those who should wear a mask are those described by get me outta here-people who are coughing and sneezing.
Hi Doctor Ron,
I'm not really talking about the severe situation that you describe. Instead, I'm more talking about people who searched the internet for how to properly wear an N95 mask, and then to wear it for a 10 minute dash to purchase stuff in a supermarket. or when for waiting in queue to pick up a parcel at the Post Office.

Fairly infrequent events.
But Renato messages such as yours lead many to think any mask will do especially when they watch the news and see people walking around with the cheap surgical masks.And these people are not buying on Ebay or Amazon.Maybe on line but Australian businesses so decreasing the supply for people who need them.

And tgh you soon get to be able to put on and take off masks without touching the bulk of the mask.Though still possible for a droplet to land on the elastic so still always wash your hands well after taking the mask off.
All the masks one needs are currently available from Ebay in China.
I don't think that health authorities source their masks from Ebay - thus health workers are not being deprived.

You say that with so much certainty.

Have you purchased any and had them actually delivered?

I have tried twice ordering them off eBay for my partner who works in a medical environment.

The first order was cancelled a week after they took my money and have just received a credit back into my account from PayPal

The second order has not arrived. I still have my fingers crossed but not confident they will arrive.
This author does not seem to have qualifications in any fields required to make these comments credible.
I see - she's not qualified to say that when WHO officials give briefings they wear masks?
Or that health workers wear masks?
Or that Taiwan and Hong Kong had everyone wearing masks?

What would she require - a Doctorate in Journalism?

That N95 masks are effective in stopping the Coronavirus is documented in the article, which cites University of Cincinatti research (50 to 93% depending on manufacturer).
You say that with so much certainty.

Have you purchased any and had them actually delivered?

I have tried twice ordering them off eBay for my partner who works in a medical environment.

The first order was cancelled a week after they took my money and have just received a credit back into my account from PayPal

The second order has not arrived. I still have my fingers crossed but not confident they will arrive.
I placed two orders for myself, one for a friend.
All arrived, one within days, two within weeks.

Don't really need them now, number of cases too low - but within a month or two?
This reply lacks humour.. my apologies...

Medicine traditionally uses surgical masks , these products offer limited protection. ( citations available)
Industry uses p1 ,p2 and P3 masks ; they are considered an industrial product for hazard mitigation. ( citations available)
I normally stock a P3 mask and a few dozen P2 masks in my workshop for hazard protection.
The masks are commonly available and are also useful as an aerosol guard , that is what likely drove the retail buy up.

A "panic" buy up of anything that looked like a mask developed ; surgical masks which are of little or no use were also purchased partly because industrial masks ran out quickly and partly because surgical masks are very simple and extremely cheap to buy.
Government could have stopped this panic buying in its tracks but failed to do so.

Government failed to educate the differences in the products AND probably also failed to upgrade the medicine sector from surgical to P2

We are in the age group where Covid is more likely to be serious , I have 2 x P3 respirators and 20 p2 masks
I remain personally offended by suggestions that our Personal Health should be negated to compensate for some failure of Government to plan pepare and act in a timely manner.
66 Billion dollars could have bought a lot of masks just last year.
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this article is tin foil hat stuff. perfect example of why we should only listen to the experts, the author of this article is NOT an expert in this field.

mask stops infected people spreading the virus.
Medical people wear them as they are more likely to have come in contact with the virus, so they could have it too.
And masks stop people getting Coronavirus.

I can link to one article that says it does, which cites a University study.

Lots of luck finding any article citing studies which demonstrates the opposite.
And if you do - please pass it on to Health Authorities and tell them to stop buying masks.
I simply don't have the energy to rebut yet another 'Facebook' style AFF thread that shares a dubious OP-ed that looks like it has been written by a three year old then following posts have members debating medical staff that disposable masks can be re-used. Are you kidding me? We have doctors, healthcare consultants on here providing the very very simple facts and we still have people confused on here.

Look forward to the next AFF thread on say the advantages of not vaccinating?
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And masks stop people getting Coronavirus.

I can link to one article that says it does, which cites a University study.

Lots of luck finding any article citing studies which demonstrates the opposite.
And if you do - please pass it on to Health Authorities and tell them to stop buying masks.

The slate article says the exact opposite - basically that the only thing it really does is ward off fear!
But Renato messages such as yours lead many to think any mask will do especially when they watch the news and see people walking around with the cheap surgical masks.And these people are not buying on Ebay or Amazon.Maybe on line but Australian businesses so decreasing the supply for people who need them.

And tgh you soon get to be able to put on and take off masks without touching the bulk of the mask.Though still possible for a droplet to land on the elastic so still always wash your hands well after taking the mask off.
Yes, it's a problem because I automatically am thinking N95 masks and people not reading the article closely may skim over the part where it says "especially medical-grade respirator masks (such as the N95 masks) ".

There were hardly any Australian suppliers of masks on Ebay when I looked a few weeks ago, and those that may have seemed to be, actually had a long postage delivery time, which meant the actual masks were coming from China.

I suspect that in two or three months time, as China gets back on-track with industrial production, we'll have N95 masks galore and the government will be giving them out to over 60 year olds, telling them how to use them and fit them properly, while letting the rest of the country get back to work. We usually follow the USA, and I noticed on Fox News that Tucker Carlson last week, Steve Hilton and Dan Bongino yesterday subtly turning of the government saying that we can't go on like this and create a new Great Depression - suggesting quarantining of the oldies. And Michael Kroger on Bolt report saying much the same thing last night.
Greg Hunt just announced 30 million I think it was masks coming in within the week.

Wonder if that's part of the same batch he announced over 2 weeks ago (ie twice the announcement bang for the buck :()

Are you kidding me? We have doctors, healthcare consultants on here providing the very very simple facts and we still have people confused on here.

Sure, but its social media, and we're all on it. 😐 And I don't think the 'facts' are always that simple. For instance, the constant use of the term 'mask' is pretty ambiguous - there are about three types being commonly used in the public sphere (rightly or wrongly) - I sought to clarify some terminology with my post above.
I was able to visit as next of kin. But I was wondering if the infectiousness of Covid would prevent that visit. True, too, that the next of kin would be under isolation as well.

The hospitals want to restrict all visitations irrespective of why the patient is in.

And no, no kin will get near any infectious disease patient whether they be measles or Covid19. If a visit was allowed (and I have not asked) I would imagine it would be behind glass. Early days at present and so with few CV 19 cases in our hospitals are easier to mange. If it takes off then you start getting whole pen wards like you see in Ital and we do not want that.

If CV19 mounts it will be a case of as much as possible no visitors at all to hospitals irrespective of why they the patient is there.
The hospitals want to restrict all visitations irrespective of why the patient is in.

And no, no kin will get near any infectious disease patient whether they be measles or Covid19. If a visit was allowed (and I have not asked) I would imagine it would be behind glass. Early days at present and so with few CV 19 cases in our hospitals are easier to mange. If it takes off then you start getting whole pen wards like you see in Ital and we do not want that.

If CV19 mounts it will be a case of as much as possible no visitors at all to hospitals irrespective of why they the patient is there.

@Pushka I think a good (but very sad) precedent you could use as a benchmark is the first person who died in Perth from Covid-19.

His family got no closer than viewing him through the other side of a glass wall for the few days -preceding and on the day of his death.
I made a friend on twitter today.A fellow having his 101st birthday with no family allowed to visit so i wished him Happy birthday with the hope everyone is around for number 102.
Really I don't think he was concerned if he did get the virus and die but he was obviously suffering from the imposed loneliness.
The slate article says the exact opposite - basically that the only thing it really does is ward off fear!
The Slate article says,
"In other words, one company’s mask, if properly fitted, might filter out 92 percent of coronaviruses, while another might catch only 50 percent. "

In a low virus density environment, that's pretty good protection compared to nothing.

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