Rubbish article: Health Authorities Apparently Lied About Wearing Masks. [Incorrect]

Not exactly - that was highlighting the disparity between the effectiveness of masks.

The text you are overlooking is at the end of the article:

To efficiently protect yourself from coronaviruses, you would need to wear a full-faced mask with a high-efficiency particle air filter. But such HEPA filter masks cause what Grinshpun calls “quite a discomfort” in short order.​
I posted this same article on my Facebook page.
A former work colleague responded with - Of Course They Work - and cited his son who has been working at Emergency at Sydney's RPA for weeks where the staff are wearing these masks, and none have gotten ill so far.

In sharp contrast, Channel 7 News last night had a piece about health care workers getting very sick from the virus - and they showed pictures of health care workers helping patients - and not wearing any masks.
I posted this same article on my Facebook page.
A former work colleague responded with - Of Course They Work - and cited his son who has been working at Emergency at Sydney's RPA for weeks where the staff are wearing these masks, and none have gotten ill so far.

In sharp contrast, Channel 7 News last night had a piece about health care workers getting very sick from the virus - and they showed pictures of health care workers helping patients - and not wearing any masks.

Masks offer protection where they are needed! They are not needed for the general public. Most of us are not in an ER pulling a ventilator tube out of a patient with the potential for airborne infection.

If your only contact comes from a door knob or handrail, washing and using a sanitiser is what you need.

As for health care workers getting sick from the virus... was that very recent footage or file footage? If the latter, it's likely the use of masks was not recommended at the time.
OK, I will bite. Masks were traditionally to stop surgeons catching/spreading nasties, including Hep and golden staph - or passing it around. An airborne virus is smaller than bacteria. In this situation, not too many surgeons would be older than 70-79. A theatre nurse can lay out the instruments, but airbourne can land on them. So masks are not a biggie in the scheme of things - but hand washing is.

Italy is a special case. Those over 60 are not getting into ICU - so triage is upping the death numbers as a general statement. This is really what the curve is about, and they are not willing to alter lines of demarcation or wheel elderly patients to the vet. I know which option would save more lives.

Meanwhile Germany has the best numbers. Their hospitals feature windows that open and sunlight, rather than airconditioning and filters spreading the cough, as are shopping malls. I understand Australia has a chronic bed and ICU shortage, and because of lawyers, those on the wrong side of the curve will be sent to hospices to die.
Meanwhile Germany has the best numbers. Their hospitals feature windows that open and sunlight, rather than airconditioning and filters spreading the cough, as are shopping malls.
How about that?
Most everyone is poopooing that notion on my other thread about whether closing beaches makes sense.
Masks offer protection where they are needed! They are not needed for the general public. Most of us are not in an ER pulling a ventilator tube out of a patient with the potential for airborne infection.

If your only contact comes from a door knob or handrail, washing and using a sanitiser is what you need.

As for health care workers getting sick from the virus... was that very recent footage or file footage? If the latter, it's likely the use of masks was not recommended at the time.
If masks aren't need for the general public for the reasons you give, then precisely what is purpose of 1.5 meter social distancing?

Can't have it both ways.
. Their hospitals feature windows that open and sunlight, rather than air conditioning and filters spreading the cough, as are shopping malls.

Quite simply you are wrong, AC does not spread the common flu or CV 19 from the average infected person.

If there is true aerosol transmission (ie measles which is high contagious for this reason) then rooms that the patients are in are specially air-conditioned and may have airlocks etc.

CV-19 patients if intubated, or similar invasive procedures, and are suspected of creating true virus aerosol. Apart from that it is droplet airborne transmission. Droplets fall and do not float. Hence the 1.5m separation rule, and to avoid people who are coughing.

German hospitals with highly infectious diseases use facilities/rooms such as this
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Plus would you really want to position a patient where true aerosol transmission may be occurring next to an open window so that the aerosol with a strong breeze can then blow into the hospital, or around the room to other patients, medical staff etc?
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The article I posted from Redditt has in the original post has been edited down to nothing - so that no discussion of the actual content of the article is now possible.
Anyone wishing to read it can do so at this link.

a forum that calls itself "China Flu" is automatically suspect as a hub of misinformation, lies and racism. I see no reason why any content from such a source should have any attention paid to it.
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Meanwhile Germany has the best numbers.

What is the best numbers?

The countries with low death rates are the ones with high quality hospitals that are not overwhelmed.

Germany, Australia, South Korea etc

Having said that Germany currently has had 3 deaths per million population. Australia has had 0.5

Italy has high quality hospitals, but became overwhelmed.
You really have no idea what these things are actually saying do you.

It seems like you get most of your information from known dubious sources, or completely misconstrue what the sources are saying when you view a reliable source.

To be effective, the masks needs to be the correct type. The mask needs to be fitted to the user. The mask needs to be worn correctly. Masks are single use and are not meant to be warn for hours on end. Masks become less effective and become breeding grounds the longer they are warn as they get damp from breathing. There is a limited amount of masks.

The majority of people do NOT wear masks correctly. They reuse them after they become useless. They are not trained in their use and contaminate them quickly after putting them on. Many in the general public with a mask think they are "protected" when they are wearing a mask that is no longer effective and thus think they don't need to follow other preventive measures.

As people do not use masks correctly, they are wasting them. As masks are limited, they need to be reserved for use where they will be most useful. Masks are most useful when worn by people who are sick - to reduce the chances of them getting others sick, and by people who are in close proximity to people who are sick.
There is little benefit to people who are healthy wearing masks, especially when they are single use and there is a limited supply.
LOL. Disagree completely.

Maybe if the mask isn't worn properly it is less effective, but at the end of the day it just comes down to physics and a poorly worn mask is better than none at all as it can defend against some of the flying virus into your nose and mouth.

Anyone that has been to Japan sees plenty of masks - heaps and heaps and heaps - they have been wearing them for years. And they aren't the types that seal to your face either- and Japan doesn't seem to have a problem with the virus.... maybe it is the masks?

Anyway, if I have the choice I am wearing one. Worst case scenario, I look like a tool. So really who cares.
The common reason people normally wear masks in Japan is to prevent the infection of others when they are sick.
As I have said repeatedly when health workers wear masks when treating patients that mask is discarded after every patient and a new one put on.
The reason for surgeons wearing masks is more to prevent the patients from being infected.Some surgeons though do feel they are protecting themselves.

So wearing a mask in public is worthwhile if the mask wearer is ill and wants to reduce the chance of infecting others.
To protect yourself from infection hand washing is more effective.
Interesting if you drill down on the article originally posted and get to the conclusions of the study, they indicated the very limited study was inconclusive and the following in the summation:

However, the observed limited particle retention in our experiments may still be an overestimate of protection, as it may for instance be challenging to enforce adherence to mask wearing by a patient who is short of breath. Wearing of masks by caregivers might be more feasible and more effective, in particular where additional preventive measures are in place as well for caregivers.

In other words they say the study may be giving false comfort of the efficacy for the general public for the reasons explained over and over to deaf ears above and the best usage of them is for medical staff! is most likely
As I posted earlier the shortage of PPE for medical workers is not just an Australian Problem.

Leave the gear for those that really need it. This should be obvious.

Coronavirus: New York hospital staff using garbage bags for makeshift protection, blame death of nurse on inadequate medical supplies
By Melanie Dinjaski
2:31pm Mar 26, 2020



I called my GP's surgery yesterday to inquire about regular flu shots. I then asked if they could use my 3 surplus N95 masks (brought back from an overseas trip).

A bit of a laugh from the receptionist (who knows me) - reply to the effect of 'Thanks for the offer, others have done same, but we can't use possibly compromised stock. You wear it if you have to - probably a good idea to wear it if you visit the surgery."

So, you'll forgive me if I continue to ignore implications made by some here that I'm doing the wrong thing in having masks in my possession.
I called my GP's surgery yesterday to inquire about regular flu shots. I then asked if they could use my 3 surplus N95 masks (brought back from an overseas trip).

A bit of a laugh from the receptionist (who knows me) - reply to the effect of 'Thanks for the offer, others have done same, but we can't use possibly compromised stock. You wear it if you have to - probably a good idea to wear it if you visit the surgery."

So, you'll forgive me if I continue to ignore implications made by some here that I'm doing the wrong thing in having masks in my possession.

To be fair my point is to not buy new stock while there is a shortage. And that wearing such masks in normal situations has not real benefit and morseso if you do not have the stock to keep replacing the masks you have.

Also as the receptionist advised your stock is compromised.

But I for one appreciate your effort in asking.
a forum that calls itself "China Flu" is automatically suspect as a hub of misinformation, lies and racism. I see no reason why any content from such a source should have any attention paid to it.
I see that you are in total denial.
The forum reposts the NEW YORK TIMES article - you know, one of the newspapers of record in the United States.

In fact, the very first newspaper of record in the USA.
Well, Tucker Carlson and I seem to be in total agreement.

From the 2 minute mark of this clip.

A rare moment indeed, when The New York Times is in agreement with Fox News.
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