Why masks in airports?

but the question is why are they required?
They are not required so end of story.

The next debate will be ‘why masks on public transport?’
Nope not on this thread, stay on topic please.

I think the issues of comorbidities and age are irrelevant.
However it is completely relevant where the primary reason for death was NOT covid but the comorbidity. Correlation is not causation. Excess deaths are negative.
I don’t see it as a ‘choice’ that we need to make. If both can be prevented we should employ relevant measures.
As you may remember I worked in a hospital during the pandemic. for the last 3 months it was with Omicron and after Tasmania opened it's borders. The vast majority of Covid cases in hospital were with Covid not for Covid. The deaths we had at that time are down as covid deaths but none were from Covid. One was a patient of mine in his 90s. We knew exactly when he got covid but he was already on the palliative pathway at that time.
Most of the covid deaths this year would have occurred whether or not the patient has covid. So it was not a "choice" that was taken.
The full AHPPC statement is worth reading:

The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) has reviewed the current COVID-19 situation in Australia and revised the need for mandated mask wearing in certain settings. The AHPPC notes that all states and territories have relaxed mask mandates in most settings within the community and considers that it is no longer proportionate to mandate mask use in airport terminals. The AHPPC proposes that mask wearing in airport terminals no longer be mandated from as early as midnight 17 June 2022.​

The AHPPC continues to recognise the role of masks, along with other public health measures, in minimising COVID-19 and influenza transmission and protecting the broader community, including those who are unable to get vaccinated and people who have a higher risk of developing severe illness. In light of this, the AHPPC continues to strongly recommend continued mask wearing in airport terminals and other indoor settings, especially where physical distancing is not possible.​

Mask use is still strongly recommended, and the effectiveness of masks to help prevent the spread is acknowledged.

The full AHPPC statement is worth reading:

The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) has reviewed the current COVID-19 situation in Australia and revised the need for mandated mask wearing in certain settings. The AHPPC notes that all states and territories have relaxed mask mandates in most settings within the community and considers that it is no longer proportionate to mandate mask use in airport terminals. The AHPPC proposes that mask wearing in airport terminals no longer be mandated from as early as midnight 17 June 2022.​

The AHPPC continues to recognise the role of masks, along with other public health measures, in minimising COVID-19 and influenza transmission and protecting the broader community, including those who are unable to get vaccinated and people who have a higher risk of developing severe illness. In light of this, the AHPPC continues to strongly recommend continued mask wearing in airport terminals and other indoor settings, especially where physical distancing is not possible.​

Mask use is still strongly recommended, and the effectiveness of masks to help prevent the spread is acknowledged.

Is acknowledged by that Committee. There are others who have been in the public health system such as Dr, coatsworth who is actively campaigning against mask mandates. And he is an infectious disease physician who specialises in respiratory diseases.
And a comment on covid science.
Perhaps look at what was being quoted.
No your response was just argumentative. Time to move on and start your own thread where you can privately fight out whose view shall prevail. The humane answer is if masks save just one life then those who do not support their use can maintain their view and hope their family is not adversely affected by someone who chose not to think about their impact on anyone but themselves.
No your response was just argumentative. Time to move on and start your own thread where you can privately fight out whose view shall prevail. The humane answer is if masks save just one life then those who do not support their use can maintain their view and hope their family is not adversely affected by someone who chose not to think about their impact on anyone but themselves.

And I don’t recall ever saying people should not wear a mask if they want to?

The question is why masks in airports. The answer is sadly that people believe we can eradicate this virus and therefore associated deaths by wearing said masks. Your statement is the definition of argumentative.
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And I don’t recall ever saying people should not wear a mask if they want to?

The question is why masks in airports. The answer is sadly that people believe we can eradicate this virus and therefore associated deaths by wearing said masks. Your statement is the definition of argumentative.
That is perhaps an unfairly extreme summary.

The reason for masks - and they are strongly recommended at airports - is that the AHPPC says basic covid protocols - including masks - help reduce covid transmission. Not that it eradicates it.
That is unfairly extreme.

The reason for masks - and they are strongly recommended at airports - is that the AHPPC says basic covid protocols - including masks - help reduce covid transmission. Not that it eradicates it.

It’s not. It’s fact. Again, all your comments seem to suggest you’ll accept zero covid deaths and zero covid “cases”. This is despite data today suggesting that we’ve basically all had this virus.

So again, why masks in airports? Because some people just can’t let go and have “unfairly extreme” views of what masks actually achieve (especially when they’re only in airports and on aeroplanes)
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Curious . I have read most of the posts but some seemed a tad heated lol
Just wondering , as a person who does wear a mask in closed tight environments and husband does too , are the masks useless on planes ?
Husband has a major health issue , me I am just old and fat with corresponding issues
Please don't berate me
Curious . I have read most of the posts but some seemed a tad heated lol
Just wondering , as a person who does wear a mask in closed tight environments and husband does too , are the masks useless on planes ?
Husband has a major health issue , me I am just old and fat with corresponding issues
Please don't berate me

There’s not a lot of evidence to suggest they’re effective, and quite a bit that suggests their not. They’re no more effective on planes than they are anywhere else. Given the high level of air circulation and purification on aeroplanes, they’re not an inherently risky location (compared to anywhere else you may visit on a daily basis)
Curious . I have read most of the posts but some seemed a tad heated lol
Just wondering , as a person who does wear a mask in closed tight environments and husband does too , are the masks useless on planes ?
Husband has a major health issue , me I am just old and fat with corresponding issues
Please don't berate me
I also have no problems with people who want to wear a mask anywhere. Only with those who demand that I and everyone else should wear one.
There are no trials that say that there is a significant benefit in preventing you acquiring covid by wearing one. As @N860CR says there are some positive trials and some negative trials. however the problem is there is no properly constructed study that gives a significant result either way.That means some will say that there is some effect. I can't prove them wrong but they also can't prove they are right. And that includes all Government committees that make pronouncements.

For completeness sake I will go off topic.
If you wish to reduce your risk of serious covid or death then Vaccination is still the way to go. So if you have comorbidities or if you are immunocompromised or obese it is still safer to have the recommended covid doses which includes now the first and second boosters but just don't expect you won't get covid as with each dose the waning happens quicker.

So I will get my 4th dose a week or 2 before our next trip. I have also modified my profile and am no longer in the obese range just overweight.

However if you are under 40 and healthy I feel that the risk of covid versus the risk of the vaccines are getting much closer and with the very quick waning of effectiveness after the third and particularly 4th dose I really don't think it is an absolute necessity.
Again anyone under 40 with comorbidities or immunocompromised should get the boosters
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Curious . I have read most of the posts but some seemed a tad heated lol
Just wondering , as a person who does wear a mask in closed tight environments and husband does too , are the masks useless on planes ?
Husband has a major health issue , me I am just old and fat with corresponding issues
Please don't berate me
My own view is that if you are genuinely worried about catching covid for you own health, you should wear an N95 in crowded environments.
Cloth/surgical masks may or may not help a bit but I wouldn't rely on them
I don't think a plane is any more risky than a restaurant or even a supermarket
It’s not. It’s fact. Again, all your comments seem to suggest you’ll accept zero covid deaths and zero covid “cases”. This is despite data today suggesting that we’ve basically all had this virus.

So again, why masks in airports? Because some people just can’t let go and have “unfairly extreme” views of what masks actually achieve (especially when they’re only in airports and on aeroplanes)
That's an interesting assumption that basically everyone has had this virus. Any facts behind this other than speculation?

By the way immunity from previous variants of the virus were ineffective against omicron. What makes you think that getting one variant of the virus is going to protect you against newer variants? After all this is no different to the flu and we know they only target specific variants with each vaccine each year.

By the way you're saying again above that masks are useless which is clearly not the case. We know masks have helped but no one can accurately say how much.
That's an interesting assumption that basically everyone has had this virus. Any facts behind this other than speculation?

By the way immunity from previous variants of the virus were ineffective against omicron. What makes you think that getting one variant of the virus is going to protect you against newer variants? After all this is no different to the flu and we know they only target specific variants with each vaccine each year.

By the way you're saying again above that masks are useless which is clearly not the case. We know masks have helped but no one can accurately say how much.

You can find the documents released today that made the assessment.

I agree regarding variants. So why do we get a new flu vaccine each year but we’re continually jabbing people with the same covid vaccine? Vaccines appeared rapidly, but there’s been little appetite to update them. Largely because the virus isn’t severe enough to warrant another round of mass-vaccination.

Again, we don’t know masks have been at all effective. Anecdotally, we had our highest infection rates when masks were mandatory everywhere and are now to about 10% of that level when masks have all but been done away with.
You can find the documents released today that made the assessment.

I agree regarding variants. So why do we get a new flu vaccine each year but we’re continually jabbing people with the same covid vaccine? Vaccines appeared rapidly, but there’s been little appetite to update them. Largely because the virus isn’t severe enough to warrant another round of mass-vaccination.

Again, we don’t know masks have been at all effective. Anecdotally, we had our highest infection rates when masks were mandatory everywhere and are now to about 10% of that level when masks have all but been done away with.
The latest number I see for Australia is ~20,000 infections a day and they've decided that masks don't help? LOL.

As for vaccinations that was a rushed job. They did talk about including covid vaccine with the flu vaccine but I'm not sure the uptake of the flu vaccine is that high anyway. Too many allowed to make a choice on whether to vaccinate or not which does affect overall flu infections.

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