Why masks in airports?

Fully vaccinated people are developing respiratory issues after getting infected. That's a fact.

My point regarding nothing good left refers to this world. It's an evil place. Rich getting richer and poor literally getting poorer. Corruption every where you turn.

Extremely few. And no different to any other respiratory virus (ie influenza). No doubt you didnt have the slightest concern about that 3 years ago.

Maybe the world is an evil place? I don’t think so. But you’re drawing a long bow connecting that with people being forced to wear useless bits of plastic on their face. And I’m sure the contradiction is lost.
Extremely few. And no different to any other respiratory virus (ie influenza). No doubt you didnt have the slightest concern about that 3 years ago.

Maybe the world is an evil place? I don’t think so. But you’re drawing a long bow connecting that with people being forced to wear useless bits of plastic on their face. And I’m sure the contradiction is lost.
Firstly it's not just a few. I know quite a few that now have issues and we are not fully 3 years into this pandemic. In fact I know more people with issues than people that got infected and had zero issues.

You think a mask is useless. I don’t.

The world is an evil place. There's nothing good left in this world. We live in a world where people care more for their useless existence than they do for those that suffer. We are selfish. That's not a contradiction.
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@JohnK I ran a flu ward in 2017 which was a bad year. I saw people die of the flu including a healthy,pregnant 24 year old woman. Others who continued with symptoms.
Just last week a healthy 2 year old died of flu in QLD.The 4th under 5 to have died of the flu in Australia this year. The flu is far more dangerous than covid for those 5 and under.

Your reports mean nothing. Anecdotal evidence is the weakest evidence and counts for next to nothing in scientific terms. My anecdote is I was working full time in the 2 years until the end of February and despite working in a medical ward saw no one with covid induced problems.
Of course I know that doesn't prove that it doesn't happen or that flu is worse than covid in that respect just as your experience doesn't mean it is common.
Firstly it's not just a few. I know quite a few that now have issues and we are not fully 3 years into this pandemic. In fact I know more people with issues than people that got infected and had zero issues.

You think a mask is useless. I don’t.

The world is an evil place. There's nothing good left in this world. We live in a world where people care more for their useless existence than they do for those that suffer. We are selfish. That's not a contradiction.

We know they’re extremely ineffective. Maybe they make you feel better, I don’t know, but to say the world is an evil place because of a mask is quite the stretch.
Would be good if we can go down the mask optional path for inflight. I mean seriously, look around the cabin, I reckon 80% are below the nose anyway. Those who wish to wear one are more than happy to, however I don't think the whole population should be subject to that rule.

USA Domestic, vs here, what's the difference?
We know they’re extremely ineffective. Maybe they make you feel better, I don’t know, but to say the world is an evil place because of a mask is quite the stretch.
The world is not evil place just because of masks.

Its the actions, or inactions, of people that are on display. Corporations blatantly deceiving to make more money.

People are inherently evil. That's how it looks from where I'm standing but we're now getting way off topic for this thread.
We know they’re extremely ineffective. Maybe they make you feel better, I don’t know, but to say the world is an evil place because of a mask is quite the stretch.
Masks are extremely effective in stopping people touching their mouth. And this is effective in stopping transfer from mouth to arm rest/window shade/table etc. Now people constantly touch their masks instead.
Masks are extremely effective in stopping people touching their mouth. And this is effective in stopping transfer from mouth to arm rest/window shade/table etc. Now people constantly touch their masks instead.
And the more you touch your mask the more ineffective it becomes.
And the more you touch your mask the more ineffective it becomes.
Yes. And people are not changing them as required and people are using them in the toilet, but it’s still a barrier from mouth/nose to hand. Even though I believe there is some benefit to using a mask, the time has come to let people make their own decisions.
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The world is not evil place just because of masks.

Its the actions, or inactions, of people that are on display. Corporations blatantly deceiving to make more money.

People are inherently evil. That's how it looks from where I'm standing but we're now getting way off topic for this thread.

You’re the one who went down that path, John.

I don’t fully understand how you’ve made a connection between people pointlessly wearing a piece of plastic on their face and the world being evil?

I guess is a good example of the hysteria that’s been caused by this virus. Maybe in 2020 there was room for concern, but we’re now fully vaccinated, mortality is less than 0.1% and we’ve established this is not a virus of concern (hence the developed world has moved on). The fact that we’re mandating face masks on aeroplanes (but nowhere else) only goes to prove this is far more about political agendas than health.
You’re the one who went down that path, John.

I don’t fully understand how you’ve made a connection between people pointlessly wearing a piece of plastic on their face and the world being evil?

I guess is a good example of the hysteria that’s been caused by this virus. Maybe in 2020 there was room for concern, but we’re now fully vaccinated, mortality is less than 0.1% and we’ve established this is not a virus of concern (hence the developed world has moved on). The fact that we’re mandating face masks on aeroplanes (but nowhere else) only goes to prove this is far more about political agendas than health.
Two sides to this coin and how it’s being reported.

The other side is that of all the deaths in australia attributed to covid, more than half have occurred in 2022. As of 18 April the number stood at 4547. Compared to 2239 in the first two years of the pandemic.

Omicron is highly transmissible, so even the 0.1% leads to large numbers.

The flu saw death of around ~3000 a year in australia pre-covid so already we’ve well and truly passed that figure, in just six months.

If our road toll was that high we’d be taking drastic measures to reduce it.

While 95% of the population has been double vaccinated, those vaccines are starting to wear off. Less than 70% has had a third dose.

We’ll have to wait and see how this pans out. Those advocating for the ‘quick as possible’ approach have gained the upper hand this round. But previous attempts do do the same would have been far more fatal… for example those advocating the end of all restrictions and lockdowns before we’d even had the vaccine roll out.

Big and small business are demanding a ‘return to normal’ for commercial reasons. That’s also been political in the way that message has been marketed.
This post contains information which is disputed and/or unconfirmed. Get the facts about COVID-19: https://www.health.gov.au/
Two sides to this coin and how it’s being reported.

The other side is that of all the deaths in australia attributed to covid, more than half have occurred in 2022. As of 18 April the number stood at 4547. Compared to 2239 in the first two years of the pandemic.

Omicron is highly transmissible, so even the 0.1% leads to large numbers.

The flu saw death of around ~3000 a year in australia pre-covid so already we’ve well and truly passed that figure, in just six months.

If our road toll was that high we’d be taking drastic measures to reduce it.

While 95% of the population has been double vaccinated, those vaccines are starting to wear off. Less than 70% has had a third dose.

We’ll have to wait and see how this pans out. Those advocating for the ‘quick as possible’ approach have gained the upper hand this round. But previous attempts do do the same would have been far more fatal… for example those advocating the end of all restrictions and lockdowns before we’d even had the vaccine roll out.

Big and small business are demanding a ‘return to normal’ for commercial reasons. That’s also been political in the way that message has been marketed.
I agree with most of what you said. But regarding the third dose. Most people aren’t having the third dose, because the vaccine just doesn’t work, and also a huge percentage of the population have had covid already. There is the mentality, I have had covid, I have natural immunity, which is better than a chemical substitute. And this theory is 100% legitimate, as these covid vaccines were made for delta variant which is no longer the main strain. As a triple vaccinated workplace, the majority of my triple vaccinated colleagues have caught covid, so the ads saying it helps prevent you from catching covid need to be pulled from air in South Australia.
I agree with most of what you said. But regarding the third dose. Most people aren’t having the third dose, because the vaccine just doesn’t work, and also a huge percentage of the population have had covid already. There is the mentality, I have had covid, I have natural immunity, which is better than a chemical substitute. And this theory is 100% legitimate, as these covid vaccines were made for delta variant which is no longer the main strain. As a triple vaccinated workplace, the majority of my triple vaccinated colleagues have caught covid, so the ads saying it helps prevent you from catching covid need to be pulled from air in South Australia.
Those ads aren’t running in Victoria, but agree they are misleading. The advice here is that the booster will prevent serious illness, in many cases… not prevent transmission.

The other factor being overlooked in the numbers are those suffering from long covid. Current estimates are between 10% and 20%. In some cases it’s months for people to recover. that’s a lot of people :(
Those ads aren’t running in Victoria, but agree they are misleading. The advice here is that the booster will prevent serious illness, in many cases… not prevent transmission.

The other factor being overlooked in the numbers are those suffering from long covid. Current estimates are between 10% and 20%. In some cases it’s months for people to recover. that’s a lot of people :(
We have fear mongering tactics, which I don’t agree with. Double vaxxed is not fully vaxxed is the new slogan. Anyway, this thread is now moot, as masks as no longer required in airports.
As of 18 April the number stood at 4547. Compared to 2239 in the first two years of the pandemic.

That is the number that died with covid not necessarily from covid - in most cases comorbidities or advanced aged were huge contributors. The number of healthy people who got covid and died solely from covid is many decimal places lower.

Again this thread is about wearing masks in airports which is no longer required in Australia so your scare campaign is getting tiresome.
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That is the number that dies with covid not necessarily from covid - in most cases comorbidities or advanced aged were huge contributors. The number of healthy people who got covid and died solely from covid is many decimal places lower.

Again this thread is about wearing masks in airports which is no longer required in Australia so your scare campaign is getting tiresome.
No longer required, but the question is why are they required? And the debate is still worthwhile. The next debate will be ‘why masks on public transport?’. There are similarities.

Masks aren’t being stopped because of the health advice, but because of good political campaigning by business. And that messaging means few people will comply with mandates.

People with comorbidities or nearing the end of life aren’t choosing those things. And they shouldn’t be penalised for it.
The difference between the mortality from flu and Covid is that with Covid the deaths are predominantly in the elderly and those with comorbidities whilst with the flu the younger age group are just as likely as the elderly to catch flu and have serious disease.
In Australia the ABS figures show 91% of those dying of covid have comorbidities with the average being 3 other conditions. Also until the end of January this year only 25 people under 40 have died during all the pandemic until then.
With flu we have already had 4 healthy under 5s die this year.

And here is an early breakdown of cases from New York.

And note that these figures have later been adjusted down for deaths in healthy people. But even so only 40 people out of 6839 deaths were in healthy people under 44.

And as f or long covid the percentage of people wit severe symptoms of long covid is very low.

PS-this statement of yours is incorrect.
"Masks aren’t being stopped because of the health advice,"
The cessation of the mask mandate in airports was on the advice of the Chief Heath officer of the Commonwealth.
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The difference between the mortality from flu and Covid is that with Covid the deaths are predominantly in the elderly and those with comorbidities whilst with the flu the younger age group are just as likely as the elderly to catch flu and have serious disease.
In Australia the ABS figures show 91% of those dying of covid have comorbidities with the average being 3 other conditions. Also until the end of January this year only 25 people under 40 have died during all the pandemic until then.
With flu we have already had 4 healthy under 5s die this year.

And here is an early breakdown of cases from New York.
View attachment 282152

And note that these figures have later been adjusted down for deaths in healthy people. But even so only 40 people out of 6839 deaths were in healthy people under 44.

And as f or long covid the percentage of people wit severe symptoms of long covid is very low.

PS-this statement of yours is incorrect.
"Masks aren’t being stopped because of the health advice,"
The cessation of the mask mandate in airports was on the advice of the Chief Heath officer of the Commonwealth.

I think the issues of comorbidities and age are irrelevant.

I don’t subscribe to the view that those with comorbidities or age are somehow less important. Those factors aren’t things people choose.

The predominant health advice is to use masks + covid protocols help reduce the spread. I am thankful the states had their own independent means to manage the pandemic rather than the Cth. I fear the outcomes could have been a lot worse in the latter.
I think the issues of comorbidities and age are irrelevant.

I don’t subscribe to the view that those with comorbidities or age are somehow less important. Those factors aren’t things people choose.

The predominant health advice is to use masks + covid protocols help reduce the spread. I am thankful the states had their own independent means to manage the pandemic rather than the Cth. I fear the outcomes could have been a lot worse in the latter.
I respectfully suggest that a young couple would suffer immensely more when a healthy 2 year old child than even a loved grandfather with a short life expectancy due to several diseases.
Just remember pre covid a third of the residents of aged care homes would die each and every year. These are the ones now dying with and occasionally of covid.
I respectfully suggest that a young couple would suffer immensely more when a healthy 2 year old child than even a loved grandfather with a short life expectancy due to several diseases.
Just remember pre covid a third of the residents of aged care homes would die each and every year. These are the ones now dying with and occasionally of covid.

I don’t see it as a ‘choice’ that we need to make. If both can be prevented we should employ relevant measures.