The "I am in self-isolation" thread

The Italian Mayors haven’t gone away, and the oaths and imprecations continue :)
The Italian Mayors haven’t gone away, and the oaths and imprecations continue :)

I see in various media personal accounts of what is happening in other countries, the way some peoples lives have been restricted, with curfews, only one designated person allowed out of the house a limited number of times per week for approved reasons and many other draconian similar measures, people being left to die in their houses, uncollected bodies deteriorating in the streets....

......and then look at what is happening in Australia and the cohorts of people coughing on and on about trivial matters and trying to push the boundaries everywhere on quite reasonable measures introduced here, complaining about staying home many, in full-time work still (WFH), some reduced hours but having their income subsidised and various other measures.

One person being found 4 times knowingly deliberately breaching guidelines to booze on with his mates and the magistrate setting aside most of the fines and letting him off. I just shake my head as to what sort of self-entitled lack of order/respect society have we become?
Does anyone else stuck in self-isolation feel like they're going crazy? Looking at my movements over the last 4 weeks now, I haven't been more than 2 miles from where I live. It's the accepted norm now to just plod around the house and do your usual day etc. but without the excitement of being able to travel, even if it's just into old London town; life feels somewhat monotonous.
Does anyone else stuck in self-isolation feel like they're going crazy? Looking at my movements over the last 4 weeks now, I haven't been more than 2 miles from where I live. It's the accepted norm now to just plod around the house and do your usual day etc. but without the excitement of being able to travel, even if it's just into old London town; life feels somewhat monotonous.

I'm not having any problems but I sympathise with those who don't like to stay home. I've had 3 zoom quiz nights in the last five days and they have been great fun
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I'm not having any problems but I sympathise with those who don't like to stay home. I've had 3 zoom quiz nights in the last five days and they have been great fun
Are they public ones or with friends ?
I am also finding the monotony getting to me as well
Human nature is interesting (or maybe just that I am weird 🤔 ). I initially hated the thought of, and never used the function Face-Time on my iPhone and could not understand why anyone would. Yet I could stand -up in front (with a little trepidation) of 500+ attendees at a conference and talk for 20 minutes. A traditional phone call is sufficient I thought. I'm not having my ugly mug on someone else's phone screen. At work I only ever used the teleconferencing facility and never the videoconferencing facility.

When initially suggested, I baulked at having a Whatsapp catch-up, why can't we just text or talk?

Then we had our first "virtual dinner party" with two other couples on Whatsapp and was forced to confront my fears/resistance.

We have had three virtual dinner parties now with friends and half a dozen coffee meets with other friends/relatives.

Its a bit like learning to ride a bike or ski-ing etc. Once the barrier is broken, what was I worried about.

Have caught up more with friends in the last 3 weeks sitting at home using my phone than I ever did getting in the car and going out.

Haven't tried the virtual quiz night, sounds like that might have to be added to the list of new experiences to try.
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We've so far had two Zoom evening virtual tastings for our wine group, and another is planned for Sunday afternoon.

They've been a blast and lasted 2.5-3h. People can come and go, and it brings in people who have now moved interstate or are regional.

We sip wine, cough on about it, try to figure out from that what someone's drinking, and just generally shoot the breeze.
Maybe its the introvert in me & YMMV, but I don't feel stay at home is so bad.

I'm quite getting used to the new lock down norm.

Can have a virtual dinner party without buying preparing cooking and cleaning up after others. Don't have to worry about their food preferences and just what I would like. Don't have to smile nicely at their place and say tastes amazing when its a pseudonym for it tastes like cough.

The cost to the household budget has dropped enormously not going to restaurants that charge an arm and a leg for a minuscule designer serve and feeling like dropping into KFC on the way home. I can pour a couple drinks for a pittance compared to a glass out at a venue & enjoy them leisurely without someone hovering over me. Can make a cappuccino at home just the way I like it for morning tea for 50c rather than some lukewarm drink in a paper cup that costs me $4.50

Not having people dropping in unannounced means don't have to worry if whatever i'm doing makes the place look messy for a couple days, I can pour a bath and soak for a couple hours without the door bell ringing.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should be forced to stay home under government orders, and occasionally missing going out to the movies, going for a drive & visiting relatives or for a swim etc, But I'm not finding it a huge impost and probably communicating far more with some people than I ever have from the comfort of my lounge suite without having to get dressed up and face the weather etc.

The only thing that is a niggle could be that I'm being told to stay home and loss of some choice to go out when I want. In general tough, I'm quite happy with staying home *most* of the time.
Maybe its the introvert in me & YMMV, but I don't feel stay at home is so bad.

I'm quite getting used to the new lock down norm.

Can have a virtual dinner party without buying preparing cooking and cleaning up after others. Don't have to worry about their food preferences and just what I would like. Don't have to smile nicely at their place and say tastes amazing when its a pseudonym for it tastes like cough.

The cost to the household budget has dropped enormously not going to restaurants that charge an arm and a leg for a minuscule designer serve and feeling like dropping into KFC on the way home. I can pour a couple drinks for a pittance compared to a glass out at a venue & enjoy them leisurely without someone hovering over me. Can make a cappuccino at home just the way I like it for morning tea for 50c rather than some lukewarm drink in a paper cup that costs me $4.50

Not having people dropping in unannounced means don't have to worry if whatever i'm doing makes the place look messy for a couple days, I can pour a bath and soak for a couple hours without the door bell ringing.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should be forced to stay home under government orders, and occasionally missing going out to the movies, going for a drive & visiting relatives or for a swim etc, But I'm not finding it a huge impost and probably communicating far more with some people than I ever have from the comfort of my lounge suite without having to get dressed up and face the weather etc.

The only thing that is a niggle could be that I'm being told to stay home and loss of some choice to go out when I want. In general tough, I'm quite happy with staying home *most* of the time.
I think for me it's about choice. Choose to stay at home - perfect. No choice - deprivation of the right to choose.
I think for me it's about choice. Choose to stay at home - perfect. No choice - deprivation of the right to choose.

This week excepted, that's going to become more and more of a problem in the UK as we roll into summer. It's already getting dark later now, near 9pm... and it did warm up, then cool down, but hopefully warming up again next week. People will be itching to get outside.... while they noted yesterday they think the peak has hit and we're on a downward trend, lots of people took that to be restrictions are relaxed and/or going to be and have already started acting accordingly. I can see the lockdown being extended for another 3 weeks in the UK still but we'll see.
This week excepted, that's going to become more and more of a problem in the UK as we roll into summer. It's already getting dark later now, near 9pm... and it did warm up, then cool down, but hopefully warming up again next week. People will be itching to get outside.... while they noted yesterday they think the peak has hit and we're on a downward trend, lots of people took that to be restrictions are relaxed and/or going to be and have already started acting accordingly. I can see the lockdown being extended for another 3 weeks in the UK still but we'll see.
Yes, I have heard exactly that from sons in Laws.
Yes, I have heard exactly that from sons in Laws.

I can overhear some calls Mrs FB is on today, so have some inkling as to timelines around certain parts of the economy returning to normality (or the new norm, anyway). While it's all very interesting why can't she use headphones like I do!? :p ;)
I can overhear some calls Mrs FB is on today, so have some inkling as to timelines around certain parts of the economy returning to normality (or the new norm, anyway). While it's all very interesting why can't she use headphones like I do!? :p ;)

Good thing she doesn't read AFF or you'd be skating on thin ice there Mr FB
This week excepted, that's going to become more and more of a problem in the UK as we roll into summer. It's already getting dark later now, near 9pm... and it did warm up, then cool down, but hopefully warming up again next week. People will be itching to get outside.... while they noted yesterday they think the peak has hit and we're on a downward trend, lots of people took that to be restrictions are relaxed and/or going to be and have already started acting accordingly. I can see the lockdown being extended for another 3 weeks in the UK still but we'll see.
I think we're lucky that the weather is pretty terrible here, if it was warm and sunny I'd want to be out a lot more.
I think we're lucky that the weather is pretty terrible here, if it was warm and sunny I'd want to be out a lot more.

Last week was hard to stay inside, this week ..... no worries. Cold, wet and just downright miserable! Oh, but I love it anyway ;)

And as I say that..... it's just started hailing :eek:
I think we're lucky that the weather is pretty terrible here, if it was warm and sunny I'd want to be out a lot more.

The weather has been PERfect in PERfection for a long time. I've hardly changed my life, except for not being able to go to gym - just doubled up at the beach instead. :)

That's set to change next week, with the onset of a couple of good cold fronts (great for the farmers :)) - but I now have clearance to cross intra-state boundaries into the Goldfields (which is BIG: COVID-19 coronavirus: Regional travel restrictions).

Right at this moment, I was due to be sitting in QSuites CBR-xSYD-DOH and on to Bucharest. Gaaahhh! :mad:😖😖

Consolation prize: opportunity to give my one-week old 4WD a really good burn to add to the 400 clicks on the clock... 😁
I will be back at the office on Monday as our trip to the Maldives this month is off. My friend in Mandurah pulled his cray pots and was working on a crayfish bisque due to his fishing success.
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