The "I am in self-isolation" thread

It's interesting how people cope. I'm very comfortable home alone but got a message from a friend today to say she's not coping being at home with her husband - they're really fine but just bicker a lot and it's stressing her out

Unfortunately, that may be an indicator of what life will be like in retirement...

For me, life has barely changed. I live alone and have done so for almost 20 years. I practically never buy takeaway food - certainly never to eat at home, where I can cook something better. Maybe the odd fish 'n chips to eat by the beach is the limit.

Unchanged is generally once a week to shop at the supermarket and fuel the car. Seldom go shopping just to roam and browse. All shopping is solely mission-oriented.

I watch almost no TV. I do like to sit down at 7pm with a glass of wine (none before that time) and watch the ABC news - really just to get some visuals (and take in the eye-candy of the WA weather presenter... 😜). Otherwise I almost never watch any TV - certainly nothing ever on commercial channels - I cannot abide the advertisements.

Then I go and prepare dinner, so I don't finish eating until about 8.30pm. Another glass of wine while cooking dinner, and another glass with dinner; then that's it for the grog.

The only real disruption to my life is that my gym is closed. I generally like to alternate days of a 5 km run at the beach and a swim/body surf year-round with an hour or so fairly hard workout at gym (stretches, crunches, 4.5 km in 20 mins on the rowing machine, weights).

I have said to friends whose work has been smashed that I almost feel guilty that this CV-19 thing has not really changed my life. :(

Usually planning travel fills in a large part of the rest of the week; now it is cancelling travel that has the same effect. :mad:😢😜
For me, life has barely changed. I live alone and have done so for almost 20 years. I practically never buy takeaway food - certainly never to eat at home, where I can cook something better. Maybe the odd fish 'n chips to eat by the beach is the limit.

Unchanged is generally once a week to shop at the supermarket and fuel the car. Seldom go shopping just to roam and browse. All shopping is solely mission-oriented.

I watch almost no TV. I do like to sit down at 7pm with a glass of wine (none before that time)

You had me exactly until the words in brackets, although I guess it's true for me too. 5pm is G&T time at my place.
When is 14 days not 14 days? There are media reports that the first passengers from overseas who arrived and were sent to hotels are being released today, at least in NSW. What the?

We were one of the last to arrive before the deadline came in, at about 2pm Saturday 28 March. Using fairly basic maths, I had assumed our self isolation ends at 2pm on Saturday 11 April - that’s 14 days.

But no, these people who arrived on Sunday 29 March (morning) are being released today - Saturday 11 April. In my maths that’s 13 days.

We’re in Victoria - I think Dan can do maths, but maybe not - in any event we will wait until 2pm today to be on the safe side. (Edit: sane media report says that the first people who were sent to hotels in Melbourne will be released tomorrow, yes Dan can do maths 😁)

What a joke though in NSW.
I think the fourteen days is a bit of an arbitrary figure. I arrived back in Tasmania at 8.20 pm on Friday the 27th. Does this mean that yesterday afternoon I was a menace to society, whereas this morning I'm not?
I'm playing it safe and am giving it a couple of days before I go and sort out my dad's TV. In reality, my only risk would have been passing through Adelaide airport on the 22nd. I was interstate all week but actually had less interaction with people than if I'd stayed in Tasmania. I still wonder about the asymptomatic side of this virus though. Could one pick it up very mildly and just act as a host? Possibly for longer than the fourteen days?
I think the fourteen days is a bit of an arbitrary figure.

I’d say ‘considered’ rather than arbitrary. Longer than some recommendations, shorter than some rare cases of infection showing.

When I returned from o/s, I gave it 16 days, on top of an overnight in Adelaide in the way back, as my first trip ‘out’ was to my GP’s to get a flu shot.
I think the fourteen days is a bit of an arbitrary figure.

Oh, I’m sure it is a fairly arbitrary figure. But it is the figure that was decided as a rule. In an environment where lots of rules are being overzealously enforced, even where common sense would indicate negligible risk, it has been stressed the importance of obeying rules. It sort of undermines that if 14 days becomes 13 days.
Unfortunately, that may be an indicator of what life will be like in retirement...

For me, life has barely changed. I live alone and have done so for almost 20 years. I practically never buy takeaway food - certainly never to eat at home, where I can cook something better. Maybe the odd fish 'n chips to eat by the beach is the limit.

Unchanged is generally once a week to shop at the supermarket and fuel the car. Seldom go shopping just to roam and browse. All shopping is solely mission-oriented.

I watch almost no TV. I do like to sit down at 7pm with a glass of wine (none before that time) and watch the ABC news - really just to get some visuals (and take in the eye-candy of the WA weather presenter... 😜). Otherwise I almost never watch any TV - certainly nothing ever on commercial channels - I cannot abide the advertisements.

Then I go and prepare dinner, so I don't finish eating until about 8.30pm. Another glass of wine while cooking dinner, and another glass with dinner; then that's it for the grog.

The only real disruption to my life is that my gym is closed. I generally like to alternate days of a 5 km run at the beach and a swim/body surf year-round with an hour or so fairly hard workout at gym (stretches, crunches, 4.5 km in 20 mins on the rowing machine, weights).

I have said to friends whose work has been smashed that I almost feel guilty that this CV-19 thing has not really changed my life. :(

Usually planning travel fills in a large part of the rest of the week; now it is cancelling travel that has the same effect. :mad:😢😜

They are both retired now and they have a large house and both normally out quite a lot. Always been bickering though.

I'm the same - lived alone for years and very rarely watch TV and almost never watch live TV because I can't stand ads. I have a PVR with more stuff recorded than I will need (much better than on demand TV because you can fast forward through ads), more books than I will ever be able to read. I do miss not doing Pilates and hydro and am very concerned that I may not be able to travel much even in the next 6-12 months. I've got 2 days a week working from home so not much has changed. Zoom sessions for drinks catch up and chats are great. Now I must go and make that sour dough bread. The starter is looking very happy.
Like @JohnM.. my life has changed little.
My world is my little estancia, my nags and the chief nag(ger) who has been a bit lost without her gym.
We are indeed fortunate to live somewhere very quiet green and rural, just 20min from the cbd...
We have noticed the solitude over Easter though as we would usually do stuff and perhaps have a few guests for Sunday lunch.
Tomorrow will be very quiet….
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[mod hat]
Once again, a reminder that this is the *I am in self isolation thread*.

A large number of off topic posts have been removed.

There are many threads on COVID-19, so there is no excuse not to stick to the topic!
[/mod hat]
If in Isolation, this woman has tips on how to handle calls from your children HERE [NSFW] ;)
Arrived back from our driving around Scotland and visiting Amsterdam London and Singapore on 13 March. Did the right thing and stayed in for 14 days. Still in isolation as my hubbys specialist called and said no go out no one come in as he is in remission and has a compromised immune system. Luckily he works from home otherwise he would be so bored no poker or golf etc. We have everything delivered. Get up everyday same old routine. We purchased a treadmill which is replacing gym visits. I dont watch tv until 6 and have watched Netflix etc thank goodness for the series they have. Isolation is not that bad at least we are free from Covid 19 and my house has never been so clean haha (no visits from kids and grandchild).
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Anyone else perhaps becoming more insular?
Similar to bretxit and the fires it seems that "our" world becomes focused one one thing especially as we are indoors without minimal contact outside.
We have no appts, no visits , no brunching with friends .
I am not disputing the effect on people with this virus both financially and emotionally. However when do we become as normal as possible ?
I was unwell most of last week and definitely missed my routine.
This week we are back to up by alarm clock (9 am at the latest ) dressed in day clothes not PJs. Our usual lists of chores are occurring . We are starting to do more regular type things
I am not sure if I am ignoring the world outside my tiny family and friends or.....what ?
One poor AFFer I email them constantly : ) and chat about things which is nice . My friends on on Scrabble . Some phones calls
Ok maybe I am waffling :) but it is nice to mull these things over
Anyone else perhaps becoming more insular?
Similar to bretxit and the fires it seems that "our" world becomes focused one one thing especially as we are indoors without minimal contact outside.
We have no appts, no visits , no brunching with friends .
I am not disputing the effect on people with this virus both financially and emotionally. However when do we become as normal as possible ?
I was unwell most of last week and definitely missed my routine.
This week we are back to up by alarm clock (9 am at the latest ) dressed in day clothes not PJs. Our usual lists of chores are occurring . We are starting to do more regular type things
I am not sure if I am ignoring the world outside my tiny family and friends or.....what ?
One poor AFFer I email them constantly : ) and chat about things which is nice . My friends on on Scrabble . Some phones calls
Ok maybe I am waffling :) but it is nice to mull these things over

Perhaps go through your contacts list and add to your daily agenda a couple of people each day to your task list to call, re-connect, catch-up?

Morning coffee every morning at 10am for a chinwag with another couple via whatsapp, or zoom or another app?
Thank you for the suggestion P and T
A close friend rang me at 9am lol on the dot to tell me how bored she is lol
We chatted for about 45 mins.
Reflecting today I actually haven't been too idle in this period of isolation.
I have returned minutely to cooking... Actually managed to get photos printed for large frames that have been up for ummm ...maybe 18 months 😳. Some magnets done of grandson
Significant tidying up
However husband 😒 has managed to spend money and time on non essential working in the house !!!! Tsk tsk :)
I'm finding the problem with self isolation is that it's too darn addictive. I haven't been off our own property for nearly three weeks now and the rest of the family are coming down with the bug too. No-one wants to go anywhere. We're going to be needing re-socialising soon!

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