The "I am in self-isolation" thread

Aug 21, 2011
Elite Plus
Star Alliance
I thought I would start a thread for those of us who are currently quarantined under self-isolation due to the COVID-19 measures.

I've just returned home to Austria after a trip to Portugal. I was planning to self-isolate for 2 weeks anyway just to be on the safe side, but the entire country is now in lockdown. We are not allowed to leave the house except for essential work, buying food/medicine, helping other people in urgent need or to seek medical treatment. This is being enforced by the police and heavy fines apply if you don't do this.

So, I'll be working from my apartment here in Vienna for the foreseeable future. I'll try to keep busy to avoid boredom but it's going to get very lonely and I do worry about running out of supplies like food. I did some shopping before I left for my last trip, but I only have enough supplies for a couple of weeks. I do also worry a little about my fitness - if you can't leave the house, you can't play sport, go running, etc. For me, I think the worst part is that these measures are in place for an indefinite time. I don't know what the end date will be.

So far, I'm doing fine. I know that these measures are necessary, and I support them for the greater good of society. I also know that this situation will end eventually, and life will return back to normal. In the meantime, I am going to use the time to catch up on reading and work on a few projects I had been putting off because I hadn't had the time. So it's not all bad. And I know that others have it much worse than me. There's nothing I can do about this situation so might as well make the most of it!

So, what is your experience? If you're currently in quarantine, where are you, what are you doing to pass the time and how are you coping?
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Self Isolation is a different thing in different countries.

I arrived home from SIN on March 10th and while company policy did not dictate it, I was "requested" to self isolate for 14 days and Work From Home (which fortunately I can do).

Since I arrived home before the specific rules came into force my self isolation is different.

Even with that, the guidelines are specific in that "work, school, childcare, university or public gatherings" are forbidden.

So into day 7 and I have been fine, to be honest I will continue with this as long as I can as I believe the world out there will change significantly in the next six months.

(Although I really did not realise how much soup my wife cooks and consumes during the day ...)
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Good idea. Apologies for those reading this who have seen much the same on other threads.

I arrived in ADL this afternoon from, most recently, Paris and a night at LHR.

Like you @Mattg I had decided to self isolate before the government decision. Friends who are garaging my car are stocking it with groceries for when I pick it up.

The 2 weeks won't be a problem for me. I have my thesis to finish up and a book to edit. The University already has a system of sending library books up to me by post.

Many of my neighbors are elderly (or more elderly than me!) so I've already called them to tell them not to drop in!
Thankfully because we are all so connected via the internet these days, you are not going to be really alone during your quarantine.

Keeping in daily contact with AFF, and friends and family back home Is a good start.

I think anxiety and mental health issues will be a big problem in the coming COVID19 months, one that will hopefully be addressed by various Governments.

Getting an exercise programme to do in your apartment will boost your mood.
Fresh air and hopefully a bit of sunshine out on a balcony at some point during the day.

I am not in quarantine just limiting the time I spend out of my home.
So although I don’t face the restrictions you currently do, I too am having to think about developing some coping mechanisms to this new world.
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It looks like guidance has been updated - I saw some official guidance last week that said you can go outside walking or running. It actually recommended you did so at night at there were less people around. Now it is just talking about going into the garden.

Yes I noticed this. No going outside property. A bit disappointing, was hoping to at least go for a walk down to the back beach from where I would plan self isolation, if not go for a swim too (with wetsuit). Apart from during January/February and long weekends, when I go for a walk to the back beach (15 mins away) I don't encounter a soul. Much lower risk than allowing people to wander around gardens of apartment buildings! I know they have to have one rule fits all, but rural areas are vastly different to the city centres and suburbs!
I do also worry a little about my fitness - if you can't leave the house, you can't play sport, go running, etc.

For those who feel they are unable to exercise while confined to a small space, take a look at the (50 year old!) Canadian Airforce exercise plan. You can google it or use something like as a reference.

Basically, it was developed to ensure airforce staff could remain fit in just 11 minutes a day, in a confined space, with no equipment.
Basically, it was developed to ensure airforce staff could remain fit in just 11 minutes a day, in a confined space, with no equipment.

If I am in self-quarantine saving time won't be much of a focus for me. I will want things to occupy the day and exercise is one of those things. I would prefer to spend 2 hours exercising rather than 11 minutes.
[mod hat]
Discussionon *if* or *when* self isolation should occur has been moved to the more appropriate thread:

This thread is to discuss what you are doing *whilst* self isolating.

I have edited the thread title slightly for clarity.
[/mod hat]
Not me but hubbys friend who is in isolation from his family. Hes somewhere on a top floor so they have set up a bucket & rope for food, drink, whatever deliveries from his wife.

Im tring to get permission to post the video
We'll be self isolating on arrival in 2 days time (earliest we could arrange some tricky multi-leg multi-carrier return travel). Hoping nothing big goes boom before then leaving us stranded. Every hour seems to bring another moment of anxiety (we've recently had the QF 90% intl cutbacks and a lockdown in our transit hub to digest) but it's how we deal with the challenges that defines us.

That said, I think we're better off here in NYC at the moment. I am free to buy whatever we need (most concerned for my young daughter, I'll happily subsist on bread and water) and there isn't really panic, just an abundance of caution. I have logged on to woolworths online and it is abundently clear we are not going to be able to order a thing anytime soon. Zip zilch nada. Coles online have gone to pieces so RIP coles, well handled.

Having been away for weeks now we have literally nothing to start with, other than what we stuff in our cases between now and then. There are many much worse off than us so I'm not having a whinge but I am frustrated by the coughty decisions I'll have to make over the next few weeks involving inconveniencing friends and family with their own situations to deal with just to get the minimal supplies we need, barring a miracle where woolies/coles online slots magically open up. I would rather be self sufficient but it seems that requires having hoarded before the hoarders due to few controls otherwise to stop the flow on effects.

It does highlight for me how far behind we are. Here in the states you could order same-day delivery of some items from amazon prime now, I just did a test here from NYC and it doesn't seem to be materially impacted, for several reasons I suspect (the politically minded on here might say negligence/ignorance but my observation is) a lack of panic but an abundance of caution, and a lack of general technological prowess in Australia - Amazon would never close fulfillment channels or entirely halt in demand product lines for weeks based on demand alone.

Anyway, just a pre isolation whinge. I am sure this thread will give me some comfort whilst we undertake our extremely important civic duties at this time and I certainly don't intend to take away from that message. I'd rather go hungry than risk a single unnecessary death. Just need to get home now before anything more drastic is implemented.
AQIS need to publish a list of acceptable foods to bring into Australia! Most processed foods are surprisingly OK .... even yoghurt from NZ. Then people coming into self isolation could import some of their food needs!

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