The COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Australia has begun

VIC (44.2%) has a higher booster rate for 16+ than NSW (43.8%). Both are ahead of the national average (43.4%).
VIC (44.2%) has a higher booster rate for 16+ than NSW (43.8%). Both are ahead of the national average (43.4%).

Still a sizeable gap between those eligible for a booster and those that have had a booster - almost half.


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VIC (44.2%) has a higher booster rate for 16+ than NSW (43.8%). Both are ahead of the national average (43.4%).
Until there are more people double vaxxed getting seriously ill or a third (up to date) is mandated, I guess lots of people will be say I’m young and healthy I’m double vaxxed, couldn’t be bothered getting third/booster COVID is mild.
I'm hoping to travel again perhaps as soon as the middle of the year, so I'm keen to have a fourth dose possibly as soon as this month, but there's a lot of the population not interested in travelling at the moment.
Until there are more people double vaxxed getting seriously ill or a third (up to date) is mandated, I guess lots of people will be say I’m young and healthy I’m double vaxxed, couldn’t be bothered getting third/booster COVID is mild.

Yup that’s exactly what most of the people we deal with are saying. They have so many friends and family who have had it, all mildly so they will get it ‘when they feel like it’. The sense of urgency for a vast majority has gone.
The leaders are using vaccines as a crutch.

When the vaccines were being developed, mRNA sounded like the technology that could be the answer to all our prayers. Fact is those vaccines are fantastic pieces of medical science, but have not lived up to promises. They are difficult to store and transport, they do not appear to provide lasting protection to those who need it most and there is a lot of conflict of interest in the advice being distributed about boosters.

Obviously it is in the interests of certain companies to keep trumping up their products but needs to be more balance. Israel as a yardstick needs to change, we don't have the same difficulties they do. We don't need our population at an almost constant war footing, for one...

That said after my deliberation of booster type of third Pfizer (had minimal side effects to first two) I am off to get my Moderna booster this afternoon. At age 30 with no diagnosed co-morbidities and otherwise fit and healthy I am entirely unconcerned by COVID. Happy to be double vaxxed, the booster I am less sure of. However the reality (imposed by mostly political means) is that international travel without being triple vaccinated is asking for trouble due to border restrictions/vaccine passes etc.
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Novavax has now arrived in Australia and is planned to be available to people from 21st Feb.

The vaccine will be supplied to GPs, pharmacies and state hubs across the country, and will be available from February 21.
However federal Health Minister Greg Hunt says they first have to undergo batch testing by the Therapeutic Goods Administration.
"Subject to successful batch testing, the Novavax vaccine will be available to be administered," he said.
The TGA has approved Novavax for use in a two-dose course, with the two jabs being administered 21 days apart.

Novavax has now arrived in Australia and will be available to people from 21st Feb.

Can't wait to see the surge of 'I'm waiting for Novavax because I've done my own "research" crowd'..... won't hold my breath waiting ;)
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I plan to have my next dose probably next month to hopefully provide some protection through to early winter.
I’m approaching 3 months since booster. Is this going to be the end it of or are the rumours I hear correct and we are going to require a 4th?
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I’m approaching 3 months since booster. Is this going to be the end it of or are the rumours I hear correct and we are going to require a 4th?
Immunocompromised already require a fourth. The other vulnerable and workers in high risk settings could be next for that.

A bit depends on how effective vaccines targeted at omicron happen to be, I think. If new vaccines can provide better protection against infection and/or transmission, that will make a big difference.
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I’m approaching 3 months since booster. Is this going to be the end it of or are the rumours I hear correct and we are going to require a 4th?
Maybe it'll be upto individuals to have a 4th.

Who's to know at this stage.

I'd probably get a 4th in time, before winter or whatever.
I'd think gov would be covering the cost, even if not mandatory, but if not I'd be happy to contribute. I see health well worth paying for.
The ACT is already well past 50% with a 3rd dose for 16+, most other states and territories except QLD and NT are getting close to 50% with a 3rd dose for 16+. WA is at 49.2% which is higher than NSW. VIC is at 49.5% so could get to 50% as soon as when today's numbers are released tomorrow, and if not probably the day after.

With plenty of vaccine supply and 3rd dose rates climbing it's only a matter of time before 4th doses become available to a broader section of the population.

Mandates for a 4th are likely to happen with aged care as any transmission in aged care puts residents at high risk of serious illness resulting in hospitalisation, time in ICU and/or death. So even a small reduction in the risk that aged care staff will catch COVID or spread it will make a difference.

As for whether they are applied more broadly would depend on how effective a 3rd dose remains over time and what impact a 4th has, especially if there are updated vaccines targeted against newer variants (e.g. omicron) made available.

There's also requirements for international travel. Even if we don't mandate a 4th it may not be possible to visit some countries or do much whilst there if you don't eventually have a 4th dose.
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I’m approaching 3 months since booster. Is this going to be the end it of or are the rumours I hear correct and we are going to require a 4th?
Same. I'm thinking it will be combined with the Flu this time so likely will do this mid April.
It would be poor form if current/future stocks were allowed to expire if there’s poor take up. Just allow people to get the 4th jab when optimal.
It would be poor form if current/future stocks were allowed to expire if there’s poor take up. Just allow people to get the 4th jab when optimal.
Why though aren't we sending more of our vaccine stocks to places where even first dose levels are very poor. Why not to PNG where there health system is collapsing with many rural hospitals closing.
There already there is evidence from Israel that you get less antibody increases from the 4th shot as compared to the 3rd shot. As well antibody levels began to wane at 4 months after the second dose and quite low after 6 months. After the 3rd dose antibody levels began to wane after 10 weeks and very low after 4 months..

Quite frankly I am in agreement with Dr. Clice Dix former Chairman of the UK's Vaccine Taskforce. He believes and it is becoming more widely accepted that it is cellular immunity which is most important rather than having an obsession with antibody levels.