The C word, R U OK?

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I was feeling quite exhausted yesterday but better today. As someone who works in mental health I know how to look after myself emotionally. I keep things simple and I keep laughing.
Good thread.

Now that I am limiting contact with the community and events have been cancelled, my world has shrunk considerably.

The 3 month overseas trip for 2020 will now have to take place in 2021 instead.

As it is a milestone birthday year though, I am thinking to replace it with a much shorter and stress free Aussie holiday in August to somewhere 🏖 warm.

I have started researching a first ever trip to Broome and or Darwin, or maybe a revisit holiday to Cairns or the Sunshine Coast.

I will welcome any suggestions !
I can confirm that the local viruses have not taken a holiday and alas it would seem that flying is up among the potential suspects... Either that or the two 5 hour automobile rides surrounding those flights with the also affected spouse. The worst bit is I am a lousy patient and have things I want/need to do outside.
OTOH our April trip to the USA has been successfully moved to September with minimal pain (Future reference on the one suspect item: Call the CX reservations line in the country in which the flights start/are ticketed even if the Australian call center is efficient). Jetstar MAX flights moved with absolutely no issues or costs.

Holding off on wandering
Good thread.

Now that I am limiting contact with the community and events have been cancelled, my world has shrunk considerably.

The 3 month overseas trip for 2020 will now have to take place in 2021 instead.

As it is a milestone birthday year though, I am thinking to replace it with a much shorter and stress free Aussie holiday in August to somewhere 🏖 warm.

I have started researching a first ever trip to Broome and or Darwin, or maybe a revisit holiday to Cairns or the Sunshine Coast.

I will welcome any suggestions !
There are some nice swanky places in Port Douglas.
Good thread @Denali - there are certainly going to be some mental health problems before this is over - especially when people find out that loo paper doesn't taste that great.

A bit bummed because we had a trip to a quiet village on the north coast of Bali planned for departure on the 29th of this month - my new So has never been overseas before so that was going to be a nice first trip OS for her but that trip is no more. Tried to organise a trip to the Whitsundays to do a bareboat charter instead but we wouldn't be able to get any travel insurance to cover us needing to cancel due to Covid-19 and the charter operator wouldn't offer the chance of a refund if we needed to cancel due to Covid-19 so decided not to take the chance as the virus is moving fast. A little bit silly on the operators part I thought as with less than two weeks to go and the virus causing people to not want to travel they aren't likely to get another 11 night booking for the boat...

Our trip to Egypt in September is looking unlikely too now I suspect but haven't booked that one yet.

Apart from that it is work as normal and keeping an eye on the ASX for some cheap buying opportunities. I'm in Australian Super so can switch what my super is invested in online and have chosen to take it out of shares for the moment - left it a bit late but at least avoided today's big drop. The governments and central banks are almost out of ammunition so I think the markets have a bit further to fall yet - looks like Wall St is going to lose another 10% tonight.
I was very stressed for a few days spending days on hold with SQ and QF negotiating changed flights and then trying to decide if I would in fact travel at all. Now, I am at peace with the no travel part, but hoping my flights which I still have intact w'changes, get auto cancelled by the airlines soon. SQ not being magnanimous as yet. Eight hotel bookings all refundable will be the last to go. I'll continue going to the gym for a while.

Be careful of the gym, allegedly a very common spreading point for viruses especially this one. Lots sweating, touching equipment, touching face to remove sweat etc.

It seems from some reports (disputed in others) Covid-19 stays on smooth shiny hard surfaces a significant time (like shiny steel bars, hand holds, doorknobs, etc.) - also a worry for tram/train commuters that need to hold on to something to avoid falling with jerky movements.
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It seems from some reports (disputed in others) Covid-19 stays on smooth shiny hard surfaces a significant time (like shiny steel bars, hand holds, doorknobs, etc.) - also a worry for tram/train commuters that need to hold on to something to avoid falling with jerky movements.

First thing I do (after getting temperature taken ) arriving in the office after my morning commute is to thoroughly wash my hands with soap and water. That reduces risk from shiny surfaces on the train.
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Our office has commenced preparation for organisation-wide work from home. Sad thing is we work with homelessness and vulnerable communities so not all will have the option to WFH.

And, I keep having minor freak outs about having no food and going in to lockdown. Then I remind myself, plenty of meat in the freezer, plenty of dry goods in the pantry. Plenty of TP ;)

Office has commenced twice daily deep clean of all surfaces, as well. Trying not to look at my super (last check down 20%) as I know it'll bounce back in the long term. Staying away from social media seems to be the key!
Am almost at the point where I am over it already and in WA our journey probably hasnt even started yet.

I flat out refuse to engage in conversation about it with some people.

What is getting me the most is people that I thought were normal well educated are in complete denial about the whole thing, spouting nonsese like "oh its just a cough", "most people already have it and are fine" or my favorite "the flu kills more people than this".

Yeah but we dont lock down entire countries every year when flu season rolls around now do we.
Also very selfish of me but I had a nice solo 9 day holiday planned to a friends wedding, that is 99% not happening now so probably going to miss that and the trip.
What is getting me the most is people that I thought were normal well educated are in complete denial about the whole thing, spouting nonsese like "oh its just a cough", "most people already have it and are fine" or my favorite "the flu kills more people than this”
Personally I think it’s a fine line, I actually have a degree of sympathy and agreement with the last of those comments, not because i don’t this is worse but I do think there is a degree of over the top comment and I think China, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Taiwan have given us a model of how this can be handled well with relatively low deaths (similar to the estimated 300-650k yearly from the flu).

These do require much more drastic measures than the flu however and hence I do agree totally that the denial is counterproductive. Yes, these measures will have an economic impact but I suspect much less than the laissez faire attitude.
What is getting me the most is people that I thought were normal well educated are in complete denial about the whole thing, spouting nonsese like "oh its just a cough", "most people already have it and are fine" or my favorite "the flu kills more people than this".

Yeah but we dont lock down entire countries every year when flu season rolls around now do we.

Well, the flu does kill more people ... each and every year; and for 80% of people (I think that's the figure) it isn't a severe illness; that's not 'denial' - although I'm not sure what they are supposed to be denying ... is it that the virus is a myth?

Maybe we should be doing a bit of a lock down ... or 'self isolation' ... when flu comes visiting. I think doctors will be in a stronger position to suggest this to patients next normal flu season.

I may seem to be like 'those people' because I refuse to run around like a headless chook, regurgitating horror stories and complaining that the government is doing it all wrong. And not buying more groceries than i need for the up-coming week!
I was in Manila when the city wide lock down was announced, I left to fly out of Clark instead knowing Manila would be crazy. Ended up having that flight cancelled and rushed back into Manila 3 hours before the lock down took hold. I travel all year round it feels like, but the feeling of "how the hell do I get out of here now" that I had on Saturday afternoon at 2pm, will live with me for a long time!

I then managed to get a 4.5 hours (only 100kms) in a car with a member of my staff (I was hoping the whole way I wasn't infectious or vise versa), I got to the Marriott near the airport and got out to SIN Sunday morning. Before I left I'm guessing there were 500+ people sitting in the main check-in area of Terminal 1 in MNL, just looking like they were going no where, just sitting. I got through in 5 mins, it was simple enough, but those poor people outside....

SIN was empty as expected, it felt very strange and in the lounge everyone was preparing to coming home and be some of the first to get the 14 day isolation.

I was SO surprised that we weren't asked to fill out forms, have a border security person ask us questions or anything. We had the crew tell us self isolation was required, but that's all. I had more trouble getting into a hotel in Manila than I did into Australia.

I'm now near the end of day 2 in self isolation, and I've been so fortunate with friends and family offering so much support. It's times like this you do get a feel for those that will be there when you need it. Pantry is restocked, and I even have toilet paper! ;)

My partner is from the Philippines and has a very high risk mother, a long way from good medical care, and there is nothing she can do...

I love that this thread is asking about us, and I hope those stuck in isolation and/or away from loved ones can keep posting here and other threads.
Funny how quickly things can change.

I made the decision to resign from work in early Jan and just finishing up now (10 week notice period...). It's been a really difficult couple of years and the intention was to have a genuine break in the first half of 2020. Empty out the points bank and satisfy a love of travel - find some enjoyment in a life that has been dominated by work for too long.

Things change. At the end of march I'll be jobless, likely quarantined in WA and with all travel plans cancelled.

I know many people are in far worse situations but it's still a tough one to come to terms with. To have this opportunity and then to see it disintegrate while already in motion, it's been gutting. Ok is going to take some time.
Probably time to start expecting to get COVID-19, just like how I always seem to get tonsillitis and other bacterial infections. If it's not tomorrow, it'll be next week, next month, next year, or even if things get under control in Australia, it'll just be the next time you go overseas. We're heading towards 1 mil cases like a freight train, possibly arriving before the end of the month.

I think the story the government's trying to sell is no longer flying. They spoke too highly of their ability to contain it and they now don't have the guts to be open and honest with people that they've failed. We should be working on how best to cocoon those at highest risk, save the economy and informing people about the real risks they face.

I was just talking to some of my friends today and one of them brought up that he'd rather just get COVID-19 and be done with it. It would have been something crazy to say just two weeks ago, but now that I think about it, if I have to get COVID-19, now's not a bad time. Get in before all of the hospitals start filling up, more cases come in and more panic ensues.

Everyone seems scared, but I think that'll change pretty quickly when people we know start getting COVID-19. Maybe I'm just crazy, but I'm an academic statistician by trade, I have a pretty grounded view of risk and probability.
Everyone seems scared, but I think that'll change pretty quickly when people we know start getting COVID-19. Maybe I'm just crazy, but I'm an academic statistician by trade, I have a pretty grounded view of risk and probability.
Those of us over the age of 70 may have a different perspective....... :rolleyes:

Holding off on wandering
Those of us over the age of 70 may have a different perspective....... :rolleyes:

That's exactly why I said that we need a strategy of cocooning the most vulnerable. It's actually less risky for them if the rest of the population have herd immunity because they are much less likely to be vectors.
I don’t normally post but these aren’t normal times.

I’m not okay.

A solo trip I had booked for the end of April is in the process of being cancelled.

It was to be my reward/respite from supporting my husband through the past 10 months of chemotherapy for a blood cancer. Besides the chemo there were 2 ambulance rides and a separate ED admission for him.

While initially split between Italy and Germany, it was changed to just Germany. I was going to visit Frankfurt, Berlin, the home of Steiff teddy bears and Legoland Deutschland. A stop in Dubai on the way back to visit Legoland Dubai.

Add in the bushfires which threatened my parents house and significant upheaval at work and I don’t know how much more I can take. 😣
That's exactly why I said that we need a strategy of cocooning the most vulnerable. It's actually less risky for them if the rest of the population have herd immunity because they are much less likely to be vectors.
Though it really is up to all of us to be aware and be sensible.I am over 70 and basically we have put ourselves on self isolation.Went out to pre poll vote on Monday.Took our dettol wipes and our own pens.Didn't touch the cubicle or ballot box themselves.Hand washing as soon as home.
simiarly for our visit to collect mail and go to the supermarket last friday.Stocked up on meat-most now frozen.Fortunately milk now being turned over quickly so able to get long dated supply.Should be able to get by with 2 visits to supermarket each 3 weeks.

There is no way our government can control things-too many stupid people live here.
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