So much for "Platinum Service"

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Active Member
Nov 4, 2008
I am trying to book a "free" domestic flight that comes with the AMEX Platinum Card.

After being transferred five times within AMEX, they told me that the flight is not a feature of the charge card, it's a feature of the credit card. But don't worry, the credit card is free! I was puzzled as to why I needed yet another card, but agreed to apply. Then they started asking me the exact same credit reference questions again and said it would take 4 weeks to process. I then baulked from that, got bounced around some more and came back to the same department who couldn't even email me an application form. He did offer to give me his name and contact details, but couldn't email those to me either. So much for "Platinum Service"!

I asked them some simple questions like:
1. Why don't you just make the free flight a feature of the charge card instead of making me apply for a credit card I don't want?
2. Why don't you just use the same answers for the credit card that I gave you when applying for the charge card?
3. Why does it take 4 weeks to get me a credit card number so I can book the flight?
4. Why can't you email a PDF application form instead of me having to click around your interactive/javascript/flash website?

Sadly I didn't get any decent answers. In the end they are posting out the application to me. I'll book my flight but in a few months when my charge card renewal is due I think I'll cancel it as I'd rather simply buy a flight for cash rather than have to jump through hoops to get it.

I'm writing this here because I wanted to let other people know not to expect "platinum service" when it comes to booking the "free" flight.
Odd, i have a Platinum charge card and they made it very clear even on application any other card was free and that it may be a good idea to get the one with the free flight.
Oh well i guess thats life sometimes... So far i have been happy with the platinum service since i decided earlier in the year to give it a go.

Pity about not email forms etc, i would have expected this would not have been very difficut for them :(

I'm writing this here because I wanted to let other people know not to expect "platinum service" when it comes to booking the "free" flight.

Wow, I didn't realise that getting the free credit card required another application. Surely if you are good enough for the charge card, they can just throw in the Credit card.

On the plus side, many, such as myself, here will be coming from the direction of having the platinum credit card and I certainly have never had an issue getting the flights. (Ok, not always the flight I wanted, but has always been on the day I wanted)

I had pretty muched convinced myself that making the step to the charge card would work for me. Unfortunately, my own recent experieinces with Amex have pushed me away from this idea.
The application form is not looked at i am sure, it just a case of they need you to sign somewhere to say you want it.
Now if only i could have one card in AUD and another in SGD for the price of AU platinum charge... then i would be really happy :)

So far in 2008/2009 Amex have been really good (despite earlier being less than ideal i decided to give another go and happy i did)

The terms and conditions of the credit card are different to those for the charge card thus you are applying for a different credit agreement and need a new application.

The process took me about 15 mins online and my card arrived about 2 weeks later at most.


I think that saying you dont get platinum service as a result of this is a bit much.

I am generally pleased with my service - including getting a table at the restaurant I wanted at relatively short notice.
Thanks for your responses.

If I wanted another credit card, I'd be happy to dredge out my financials and fill in an interactive website, but all I want is a flight that I think I've paid for!

I figured that "platinum service" would have helped me get that flight as seamlessly for me as possible, for example:
- waiving the necessity to create a new credit card which I am never going to use
- emailing me a simple form that I could sign authorising them to use whatever answers I gave them for my charge card to be apply to a credit card
- emailing me any form instead of directing me to a javascript-filled website!

Instead, after talking to multiple people, I was directed to start from scratch with a completely new credit card application! That's not "platinum service" - that's no service at all!
The point is that the charge card does not come with a free flight. The credit card with its free flight is another product that Amex sells at a different price point. They offer you the credit card a freebie if you have the charge card. By getting the Charge card you havent paid for the flight.
Thanks for your responses.

If I wanted another credit card, I'd be happy to dredge out my financials and fill in an interactive website, but all I want is a flight that I think I've paid for!

I figured that "platinum service" would have helped me get that flight as seamlessly for me as possible, for example:
- waiving the necessity to create a new credit card which I am never going to use
- emailing me a simple form that I could sign authorising them to use whatever answers I gave them for my charge card to be apply to a credit card
- emailing me any form instead of directing me to a javascript-filled website!

Instead, after talking to multiple people, I was directed to start from scratch with a completely new credit card application! That's not "platinum service" - that's no service at all!

You figured wrong!!:oops:

AMEX obviously have a different approach to the logic than you have. Having said that it really is all up to you to decide what you want and whether you really want to deal with AMEX at all. If you do then you can keep the charge card only or apply for a Credit Card.

As simongr has stated the Credit Card application is for an entirely different product to the Charge Card and therefore requires a different application. It just so happens that the Credit Card is free to those who already have a charge card.

Pretty simple really.
I find this thread somewhat amusing.

You see, if I was a Platinum charge card holder, and I wanted to get the free flight that would be available to me if I took out the free Platinum credit card, then I would ring the concierge and tell them to sort it out for me :)

Perhaps a naive thought, but I don't disagree with russ on the expectations of service for a ~$900 pa card.
One would assume that there are issues in keeping track of who has had their free flight for a year, and this is implemented via the credit card. Without the credit card, I would guess there are procedural and audit implications around giving a flight to someone that does not have the required product.
I find this thread somewhat amusing.

You see, if I was a Platinum charge card holder, and I wanted to get the free flight that would be available to me if I took out the free Platinum credit card, then I would ring the concierge and tell them to sort it out for me :)

Perhaps a naive thought, but I don't disagree with russ on the expectations of service for a ~$900 pa card.
If only life could be that simple. Unfortunately for practical reasons this is not so. :(
Russ, nothing seems to be logical to Amex - just look at the promo thread :rolleyes:...

That being said, I can't disagree with your argument. But I fear your breath is going to be wasted trying to get anywhere within Amex.

I had some Amex head honcho letter today asking me if I wanted the Charge Card (with the first year for free, but back to $300 p.a. from the second year), then tried to sell me the benefits of the Charge Card over the Credit Card.

I honestly could see any benefits for me..I got enough of a CC limit, so why do I need an unlimited one? If I can't repay the whole balance by the due date, I'd rather wear a bit of interest, rather than getting nasty letters, a bad creit rating and loss of card use.

I used to have a Gold Charge Card, I cancelled it because it didn't meet my needs when I got my Plat Charge.

Back on topic, I've had no problems with the couple of times I've used Concierge Service (adn have used the Free Flight as well - did have a problem getting the booking confirmation from them, had to follow it up - but hopefully they have fixed their ststems since then).
... if I was a Platinum charge card holder, and I wanted to get the free flight that would be available to me if I took out the free Platinum credit card, then I would ring the concierge and tell them to sort it out for me :)

Perhaps a naive thought, but I don't disagree with russ on the expectations of service for a ~$900 pa card.

That's a great idea! I wish I'd thought of that during the call!
Russ I also have a free AMEX Platinum Credit Card which I received for free as a Centurion cardholder. I don't recall providing financial details in order to get this card (and the free annual flight) but I think you make some valid points.

While the Platinum Credit Card is certainly a separate product to the Platinum Charge Card, with its own processes, etc, as others have pointed out, and so AMEX is certainly justified in making you jump through a few hoops in order to get one, in my view your story demonstrates that AMEX really doesn't have a proper handle on what it means to deliver a high-end service - at least in this country.
While the Platinum Credit Card is certainly a separate product to the Platinum Charge Card, with its own processes, etc, as others have pointed out, and so AMEX is certainly justified in making you jump through a few hoops in order to get one, in my view your story demonstrates that AMEX really doesn't have a proper handle on what it means to deliver a high-end service - at least in this country.
Most of us would be in complete agreement with this. It's unfortunate but a reality :!:
Hi all,
I got a call from Amex yesterday afternoon and the person asked if I would be interested in the credit card and if so, I would get a free domestic ticket. She said the process of application could be done on the phone. In all, it took 10 minutes to run through personal information, terms and conditions and my consent. She told me an SMS would be sent and I had to reply to it. Sure enough, the SMS was received a few minutes later asking me to respond with a YES. I did that. Card expected shortly.
Now here is the sales pitch she made and I suspect this is what AMEX wishes for: Would I like to transfer my balance from any other card to AMEX for a low 5.xx% for the entire life of that balance. I figure this is the benefit AMEX reaps when offering the credit card to any of its members. Yes, the charge card holders get it for free but others may need to pay for it. I would think once a balance is transferred, further debt is likely to be incurred and the debt and interest merrygoround begins. This is my view especially after getting an invitation this week to apply for a Macquarie Bank platinum card in association with the SCG and SFS. It offered 0% interest for six months on transfer of debt from another credit card. Of course, all other treats were, signature-less entry to those two venues, express lanes for food and beverage outlets there, etc.
This is my view especially after getting an invitation this week to apply for a Macquarie Bank platinum card in association with the SCG and SFS. It offered 0% interest for six months on transfer of debt from another credit card. Of course, all other treats were, signature-less entry to those two venues, express lanes for food and beverage outlets there, etc.

This is slightly OT but I received what sounds like the same mailer this week and it did look interesting, particularly as the cricket season is upon us. However after further investigation I found that you can't transfer the points earned to your QF frequent flyer account (though you can book QF flights using points with Macquarie's travel service). That ruled it out for me. I did a search in this forum and someone suggests that the ability to transfer points to QF may be added in future but there was no supporting information.
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