QLD border declaration

Please provide a reference showing any of those involved did not have the first test.
Please provide one that shows they did because 30% declined to do so in Vic.
PS JT will be on to this off topic discussion as soon as she sees it 🤭
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As for Queensland locking out all Victorians. Well, I guess it’s their state. But I think I’ll remember the way this was done, and especially the language used by some of the politicians, next time I‘m deciding where to spend my tourist dollars. NSW has some nice spots....
Might need to rethink NSW as well now.

Unsure why Premier Andrews needed a phone call with the PM and Premier Berejiklian this morning to close his own border, so can only assume his hand was forced.

On another note I see MCY airport will have health workers greeting arrivals and categorising them to determine if they’ll be spending some time in quarantine or not (saw on ABC news).
Might need to rethink NSW as well now.

Unsure why Premier Andrews needed a phone call with the PM and Premier Berejiklian this morning to close his own border, so can only assume his hand was forced.

On another note I see MCY airport will have health workers greeting arrivals and categorising them to determine if they’ll be spending some time in quarantine or not (saw on ABC news).
Not sure why you say that..... no significant recent community transmission in NSW.

Vic Premier says the border closure is to be enforced by NSW, leaving Victorian resources focussed on controlling this Vic outbreak. so perhaps needed cooperation.

Apparently Nsw/Vic border town residents are ok To commute via permit system.
Vic Premier says the border closure is to be enforced by NSW, leaving Victorian resources focussed on controlling this Vic outbreak. so perhaps needed cooperation.
Yes I saw that after I posted, guess they need all hands on deck to help solve the issue.

Will be interesting to see if the border towns down South have as many issues as Coolangatta/Tweed have had.
What a difference five days make. Lots of Anastacia bashing on Saturday but now everyone has shut down their borders with Vic. No Gladys bashing?

Ummm.....The current position re Vic/NSW border closure is that Vic asked for border closures and asked for NSW cooperation to enforce it.

it helps that the NsW Health Minister has been saying since the beginning of Vic school holidays as far as I can remember don’t go to Melbourne, if you’re from Melbourne don’t come.

Today Gladys indicates she is considering restrictions on NSW border towns to not leave or enter that area from other parts of the State.

But don’t let stated facts from politicians get in the way of a good headline
What a difference five days make. Lots of Anastacia bashing on Saturday but now everyone has shut down their borders with Vic. No Gladys bashing?

Yeah, it is really sad that this sort of threads get turned into arm chair critics bun fights, completely ignoring science and best practices from lessons overseas.
As a Victorian, I can’t say that I’m impressed by the management of any level of this virus. State wide lockdowns probably made sense in the early days, but as the spread became evident, keeping areas with zero incidence of the virus locked down was simply posturing. The hand wringing over the appallingly managed quarantine, shows how little ability our political masters actually have. A quarantine should be just that. No exclusions, early releases, nothing. And no release without testing.

Refusal of a test should be treated the same as a confirmed case. In which case off to quarantine you go. But, if you refuse a test, it should be at your own expense.

As for Queensland locking out all Victorians. Well, I guess it’s their state. But I think I’ll remember the way this was done, and especially the language used by some of the politicians, next time I‘m deciding where to spend my tourist dollars. NSW has some nice spots....
I agree entirely with this jb747.

Monday I drove from Gippsland to Albury and returned on Tuesday. I cannot do that today but absolutely nothing has changed in my life other than some of the mixed management messages.
So what does a tourist need to do then because that declaration is as clear as mud!
Sorry, noone answered your query re the form. The latest Qld border direction mentions the mandated quarantine for victorians decision, which took effect immediately, but has no tourism exemption - yet. Consequently no ‘tourist‘ category on the form. I expect the 10 Jul ‘yes to tourists’ declaration to come out on Friday and the form to be updated around about then too.

Cheers skip.
Reading this thread with interest.
My family and I have a trip planned to QLD for August 15, after all that is now going on in the last two days who knows what is going to happen now.
The Virgin staff told me that I had to do a declaration online before entering QLD but no idea how or where to do it, I'm sure by then I'll figure it out.
iv'e already changed my booking once so don't want to now pay to have to do it again.
We booked Air BnB and the cancellation policies are excellent on the ones we chose. We can cancel right up until a week before and get all money back or cancel 2 days before and get it all back less a "service fee" which is minimal.

And on the VIC issue, I'm sure the "security" having sex with International guests in Quarantine had something to do with it.
They said that the first lot of infections came from very large family gatherings. So my best guess is someone from the hotel staff/security got infected then infected their entire family and it spread from there - that's the gist of what I took away from the information given.

We've just had a case here on the South Coast, VIC teen tested negative so family came for their holiday only to be told 2 days later he was positive. Now the QLD Premier is rethinking closing the border again - for 1 case on South Coast and 3 in ACT.
We've just had a case here on the South Coast, VIC teen tested negative so family came for their holiday only to be told 2 days later he was positive. Now the QLD Premier is rethinking closing the border again - for 1 case on South Coast and 3 in ACT
Agree. If this becomes the thinking then we will never adapt to a situation that will be here for as long as it takes. We hope to take a flight to Cairns on 16th August from Adelaide. We know that SA will let us back in but just hope Qld let's us in as tourists.
CoWe've just had a case here on the South Coast, VIC teen tested negative so family came for their holiday only to be told 2 days later he was positive. Now the QLD Premier is rethinking closing the border again - for 1 case on South Coast and 3 in ACT.

Completely and utterly absurd.
And on the VIC issue, I'm sure the "security" having sex with International guests in Quarantine had something to do with it.

It does, and it shows some of the things people do which you could never imagine.

Agree. If this becomes the thinking then we will never adapt to a situation that will be here for as long as it takes. We hope to take a flight to Cairns on 16th August from Adelaide. We know that SA will let us back in but just hope Qld let's us in as tourists.

Completely and utterly absurd.

A lot of cities had opened up then went back into lock down, it will happen to us, especially when you consider the situation in Melbourne, it would be naive to think that there is no cluster in Sydney metro, it's just because they have not been caught yet.

When you see how lax people have been for the last 5 weeks, closing borders and putting areas into complete lock down are the only options
- to stop the virus from spreading
- to send a message that people need to practice physical distancing or they will be punished HARD

Unless you have better suggestions?
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It does, and it shows some of the things people do which you could never imagine.

A lot of cities had opened up then went back into lock down, it will happen to us, especially when you consider the situation in Melbourne, it would be naive to think that there is no cluster in Sydney metro, it's just because they have not been caught yet.

When you see how lax people have been for the last 5 weeks, closing borders and putting areas into complete lock down are the only options
- to stop the virus from spreading
- to send a message that people need to practice physical distancing or they will be punished HARD

Unless you have better suggestions?
Probably need to be more selective on how lockdowns occur depending on how the outbreaks arise. Regions may need to be shut down but not the whole CBD/city but in the case of Melbourne I don't have the visibility to know what happened there. Likely school holidays messed it up and migrated it further. In SA the Barossa Valley was put into a lockdown very early due to outbreak and that effectively squashed it.

Nightclubs in Adelaide were opened last Saturday night. Bad move. They have now been closed again but haven't heard of any outbreaks. Yet.
Probably need to be more selective on how lockdowns occur depending on how the outbreaks arise. Regions may need to be shut down

If you look at reported cases, the whole of Melbourne is now just virus everywhere, and remember that this virus has a 2 weeks delay, so what we are seeing now is what it was like 2 weeks ago, meaning the situation right now in Melbourne is the exponential of what is being reported. Look at the line for VICin the link in my last sentence, it is climbing like Brazil.

but not the whole CBD/city but in the case of Melbourne I don't have the visibility to know what happened there.

We could do suburb lock down in early stages, but that needs to be done early, like lock the suburb down when you find 2 people infected.

Cases reported
24/6 = 20
25/6 = 33
28/6 = 49
30/6 = 64
1/7 = 73
and they were not imported cases

Suburbs should have been in lock down at least 2 weeks ago. They didn't do it. It is already too late, so we need to take drastic action for the next 6 weeks, and see if we manage to catch up.

Nightclubs in Adelaide were opened last Saturday night. Bad move. They have now been closed again but haven't heard of any outbreaks. Yet.

Yep, like the infamous Bondi Beach, we gave people 2 warnings, then we shut it down. They saw people grinding each other at night club, shut it down there and then. Don't wait.

The problem which makes this virus hard to plan, is there is a 2 weeks delay, so cough had already hit the fan by the time you realise, you are force to play catch up, you could never plan ahead.

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