Political campaigning during the pandemic


Veteran Member
Nov 12, 2012
Star Alliance
There is an election in the NT next month (August). The incumbent has released an ad

The Chief Minister has highlighted his Government's "fast, focused" response to the coronavirus crisis in a 30-second election ad released on NT Labor's social media accounts yesterday.

In the ad, Mr Gunner said his Government's handling of the crisis was about putting "Territorians first".

"When coronavirus hit, we acted fast to protect Territory lives and jobs. We closed the borders and put Territorians first — Michael Gunner and Territory Labor, putting the Territory first," Mr Gunner said in the ad, posted yesterday.

When asked about accusations he was using the pandemic for his own electoral prospects, Mr Gunner said: "It's cough".

Predictably, the Opposition has criticised this approach.

What do people think about campaigning on success or otherwise against the pandemic? I see pros and cons. Governments have varied in their approaches and, for whatever reason, success. As they are all uni-party governments, those decisions must have a political aspect. On the other hand, I haven't heard of a State Opposition that has actively criticised the government for its handling, being attuned to the 'emergency truce' approach (but of course not attuned to all states/territories!). So basically, not a 'political' issue.

So, should parties not campaign on 'fighting the pandemic' as an issue, at all? Or maybe in a 'round-about way? Or no-holds-barred - its an election for the future, not the past?

If we are lucky, we will keep the thing abstract, and not bring individual governments into it. :)
I think any government running on a incumbency "how good are we in defeating Covid-19" style of advertising would need to be very careful that they really have Covid-19 under control for the duration of the campaign, otherwise if thing deteriorate and they start seeing more deaths and/or stronger lock downs and economic harm to citizens then they leave themselves open to ridicule and negative response advertising by their opponents.

It will be interesting to see if various governments run their campaigns with an emphsis on Covid-19, it would of course be ridiculous to ignore it altogether but an over emphasis on Covid-19 would leave govenments open to more grass roots or other unconventional style of campaigns in response. The Eden-Monaro by-election seemed to run more on local issues, but it was a single lower house Federal seat so not really a full national or state campaign.

Is it the NT first then followed by QLD?
You cannot ignore what polititions have already said and done. It would be naive to think this will not be exploited in election campaigns.

Unfortunately the main aim of a politition seems to be focussed on winning the next election and not what is best for the Country and their constituents.

There will be finger pointing on who did what during this pandemic
So, should parties not campaign on 'fighting the pandemic' as an issue, at all? Or maybe in a 'round-about way? Or no-holds-barred - its an election for the future, not the past?
If we are lucky, we will keep the thing abstract, and not bring individual governments into it. :)
You would hope so.

One of the good things that has come out of the current situation (IMHO), is the Federal, State & Territory governments working together under the National Cabinet model. The first time I have seen a truly national approach, in a situation where whatever was done, it was done for the best reasons based on the available information and wisdom. While cracks appear every so often, it's holding up so far. How that will translate into political campaigning - I know know there will be some bright bunny who comes up with a cringe worthy "Bright idea" that will drag down the tone. Maybe collectively, we can come up with dumb buzz words we can turn into a drinking game while watching the campaign ads.

Although back in late April when the Ministers in the Queensland Govt starting taking shots the the NSW Government, one of the commentators mentioned that things were obviously starting to get back to 'normal', with that happening.
You would hope so.

One of the good things that has come out of the current situation (IMHO), is the Federal, State & Territory governments working together under the National Cabinet model. The first time I have seen a truly national approach, in a situation where whatever was done, it was done for the best reasons based on the available information and wisdom. While cracks appear every so often, it's holding up so far. How that will translate into political campaigning - I know know there will be some bright bunny who comes up with a cringe worthy "Bright idea" that will drag down the tone. Maybe collectively, we can come up with dumb buzz words we can turn into a drinking game while watching the campaign ads.

Although back in late April when the Ministers in the Queensland Govt starting taking shots the the NSW Government, one of the commentators mentioned that things were obviously starting to get back to 'normal', with that happening.
Yeah, like when Andrews said that no one would want to visit SA a few sad weeks ago. I was also reminded this morning that the National plan was for all Australian borders to be open by end of July as well. 😡
Pleased that SA doesnt have an election for almost 2 years. Phew.
Well in the upcoming QLD election I fear both major parties will be using the pandemic for electioneering.
AP because apparently most folk want the border closed.
DF because she has to win 9 seats and of the 14 most marginal ALP seats 9 are on the Coast so I expect lots of noise about the woes of the Tourism industry.
Why shouldn’t they campaign on it? It’s just another issue for their competence (or lack of) to be judged by the public.
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