NZ election 2020

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Veteran Member
Nov 12, 2012
Star Alliance
An election will be held in New Zealand on 19 September this year.

Current standings:

The Opposition has had two leadership changes this year - most recently Judith Collins was elected the Nationals leader - described as the NZ version of the 'Iron Lady', contrasting with the saintly and ever-popular Jacinta Ardern.

A couple of interesting events over the past week.

On Tuesday, Ms Collins asked National MP Andrew Falloon to resign after it was revealed he had sent explicit pictures to at least one young woman.

According to, in an alcohol fuelled incident, the 37-year-old politician sent at least one indecent picture – not believed to be of himself – to a woman over the age of 18. Her parents had alerted the Prime Minister’s office.

Mr Falloon had announced on Monday his intention to resign at the election, citing health reasons. However Ms Collins told NZ media that while she was concerned for his mental health, she believed it was better for everyone if he left parliament immediately. :rolleyes:
Oh, good grief.

Then, not to be outdone:
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has sacked her Workplace Relations Minister over revelations of an inappropriate affair with one of his members of staff.

Iain Lees-Galloway, who is married with three children, has quit his ministerial role with immediate effect and will resign as an MP at the September election.

Mr Lees-Galloway, 41, said in a statement he had “acted completely inappropriately in my position and cannot continue as a Minister”. :rolleyes:

Sports Bet has Labor as very hot favourites, which is what you'd expect, given Ardern's historical popularity and the boost almost every Australasian incumbent is getting in the virus environment.
Actually I am surprised it is that close.The opinion polls in January had things favoring the nationals.In May the Labor party had gone from 30% to 56% in the polls.

Probably going cool on an Aussie bubble has lost her support. ;) ;) :D o_O
Actually I am surprised it is that close.The opinion polls in January had things favoring the nationals.In May the Labor party had gone from 30% to 56% in the polls.

Probably going cool on an Aussie bubble has lost her support. ;) ;) :D o_O
Apart from the two OPs above, why would anyone vote for anyone but Ardern? Beats me.
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With NZ having a partial list MP system and a few strong third parties, it makes it pretty difficult to win an outright majority.

Using an Australian system, think of it like the House of Representatives and Senate combining into one chamber. For NZ it’s a mix of about 60% HoR (technically first past the post) and about 40% Senate (proportional representation.
Apart from the two OPs above, why would anyone vote for anyone but Ardern? Beats me.

Because she's an airheaded virtue-signaller bereft of substance who chose to enable racism to advance her political career.
I clicked the link ( alwaysHappy to read contrary viewpoints to mine) but only got The Guardian’s begging bowl 😉
I’m sure an intelligent OP such as the one above could find the article without too much trouble.:cool:

Some may even suggest the OP has read too many articles from this newspaper and needs to clear the browser cache to restore access.
Apart from the two OPs above, why would anyone vote for anyone but Ardern? Beats me.
She talks a good game but her team can't execute and she can't performance manage them so she gets a competent team. Google Phil Twyford or David Lark for a number of examples. Also google capital gains tax. They supposedly wanted to introduce one but never did much to get support for it.
They never expected to be the govt after the last ejection and hadn't done much policy work. The only reason they were able to form a govt was because Winston Peters was never going to support the conservative National Party (equiv to Aus' Liberals).
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With Winston Peters equivalent to Tony Windsor, or that other mono-neurone .
Tony did the job more politicians should do and lobby for his electorate, and achieved fibre broadband for New England and the rest of us are still wiaiting until 2031 at least.

”Do it once. Do it right. do it in fibre”.
Winston-Peters and his NZ First Party are more like Pauline Hanson and One Nation.

Incredible that they formed a coalition with Labor.
Tend to agree with you about his political views - tends to be nationalistic.

But as one can see in the UK where at the last election Labour was calling for nationalization of a number of industries, sometimes the political spectrum comes full circle.

He has previously shown he can work in government with both major political parties, twice as a Deputy PM and once without that role.

It feels he has been around more than 30 years, which might put him closer to Katter. The main difference is that Peters does not seem to be seen as a strange/cuckoo and his political views has a bigger weighting on the NZ political scene. Even when NZ First party got zero seats they were the fourth biggest party I think with 4% of the vote.
My two cents worth is Arden will continue as PM past the election.

All incumbents have a natural advantage and the 600,000 entreprenurial Kiwis are in Oz so that drains the Nats voting, well that’s my hypothesis. (Probably make a good Uni research project as to why so many have made the Gold Coast home)

Crushers boy racers lost their cars like she’ll lose the votes.

But it remains to be seen if Mr Peters would be happy to sit once more in Cabinet with the Nats which he wasn’t last time.

Many Jacinda come lately Opposition leaders have won like Arden and bob hawke so it’s emininently winnable. I didn’t get a sense the Nats were especially on the nose last time, and both parties have had “scandal”... mere mortals that they are, being expected to live to vastly higher standards of perfection than mere mortals. if the reasons for sackings continue to expand then there’ll be no humans left to run the country.
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