Hotel quarantine experience when returning to Australia

Aug 21, 2011
Elite Plus
Star Alliance
Just wondering if anyone has returned to Australia from overseas since mandatory 14-day hotel quarantine was introduced in late March. If so, what was the experience like?

I'd be interested to know things like...
  • What was the procedure when you arrived at the airport?
  • What hotel did you end up in?
  • What were the meals like?
  • Could you get any fresh air or exercise?
  • Any tips for people that may be quarantining in the future?
So, just curious - has no one experienced hotel quarantine? Or not willing to talk about it in public?
I've had two different friends go through quarantine in Perth after arriving from overseas in the last couple of months. One was put up at the Westin and the other at the Novotel Murray St (actually he's in there until Sunday). I don't know any further info.
So, just curious - has no one experienced hotel quarantine? Or not willing to talk about it in public?

Just avoided it by about 9 hrs inbound in March, and in hotel quarantine in Singapore right now, which would be off topic for this discussion. But booked to travel to Australia again on 5 Dec,so happy to share the experience then :) . I expect before then there'd be other AFF member experiencing hotel quarantine in Australia, but who knows.
Just wondering if anyone has returned to Australia from overseas since mandatory 14-day hotel quarantine was introduced in late March. If so, what was the experience like?

I'd be interested to know things like...
  • What was the procedure when you arrived at the airport?
  • What hotel did you end up in?
  • What were the meals like?
  • Could you get any fresh air or exercise?
  • Any tips for people that may be quarantining in the future?
From the sound of it, I'd be flying into Adelaide from Doha or Singapore. It seems there are more options with regards to balconies and better food - sourced from restaurants.

And adding. If flying into Adelaide from International there is no need to spend extra time in isolation when returning to your home state. Currently.
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It might be a bit of luck of the draw in that there have been some reports where those in quarantine have been in rooms with non opening windows and standard size rooms. The first lot that came directly into Canberra were housed at the Burbury appartments and had balconies. Not sure where the second group went as there more in that. I think smokers are allowed a certain time out for a puff. There was a good article a while back where a returnee described how she lacked extra stuff to help her eat better and manage in quarantine. Will see if I can find it as it was really interesting.
It might be a bit of luck of the draw in that there have been some reports where those in quarantine have been in rooms with non opening windows and standard size rooms. The first lot that came directly into Canberra were housed at the Burbury appartments and had balconies. Not sure where the second group went as there more in that. I think smokers are allowed a certain time out for a puff. There was a good article a while back where a returnee described how she lacked extra stuff to help her eat better and manage in quarantine. Will see if I can find it as it was really interesting.
I know one lot, possibly from India, were at the Vibe Hotel at the airport.
Apart from what Mattg put on at the start of this thread, which are quite useful to know, I would be interested if anyone can share their experience about the following:

(i) after finishing quarantine, and if we are transferring to another city(eg. arrived and quarantine in Sydney but resides in Brisbane), in order to avoid quarantine again for a further 14 days in Brisbane, I need a NSW Government letter to state that I have finished quarantine in Sydney and also proof that I transfer from quarantine hotel straight to airport and fly to Brisbane(without going into community in Sydney after quarantine). How do I organise these proof in order to avoid a further 14 days quarantine in Brisbane?

(ii) And I would also be interested to know if there are Government organised transport from the quarantine hotel to go back to airport after finishing quarantine, and how much would that be in Sydney?(as going with Government organised transport back to airport would probably be a way to prove that I didn't go into community after quarantine)

(iii) What would be the arrangement for checkout after the 14 days quarantine in Sydney? Say if I arrive at the hotel at 6pm of a certain day for check in/quarantine, do I check out at 6pm 14 days later or can I check out/finish quarantine on that same day at, say midday(6 hours early)?
after finishing quarantine, and if we are transferring to another city(eg. arrived and quarantine in Sydney but resides in Brisbane), in order to avoid quarantine again for a further 14 days in Brisbane, I need a NSW Government letter to state that I have finished quarantine in Sydney and also proof that I transfer from quarantine hotel straight to airport and fly to Brisbane(without going into community in Sydney after quarantine). How do I organise these proof in order to avoid a further 14 days quarantine in Brisbane?

Fly into Adelaide and you will not need any letter.
Fly into Adelaide and you will not need any letter.
Thanks Pushka for your suggestion of flying into Adelaide, but I have a booked ticket(booked before 12/7 so I am not up for quarantine fee) to fly into Sydney and I'll have to pay for quarantine if I fly into Adelaide.......
Just wondering if anyone has returned to Australia from overseas since mandatory 14-day hotel quarantine was introduced in late March. If so, what was the experience like?

I'd be interested to know things like...
  • What was the procedure when you arrived at the airport?
  • What hotel did you end up in?
  • What were the meals like?
  • Could you get any fresh air or exercise?
  • Any tips for people that may be quarantining in the future?
Here is a conversation series by daughter and I did, she returned to Sydney in July and was quarantined through NSW health.
I returned to Melb on 30/3 with Qatar at an outrageous price and did the 14 days at Crown Promenade. Process On landing at Tulla was very efficient, social distancing in special arrivals area, details taken at 2 different areas then through the back doors onto the tarmac to the designated buses. The social distancing at all times was enforced by various officials also while on the bus. Checkin at Crown was very simple, processes explained very clearly. From then on not allowed outside the room at all for the 14 days.

I had no problem at all with the food, not gourmet standard but hey more than ok! In fact I got so sick of listening to people grabbing their 15 seconds of fame by whining on the various news Outlets I sent emails to a number of the outlets stating the positive. I made A point of ringing guest services each day to say thanks for your efforts, anytime I requested something, some more fruit, an e tra towel whatever, it was sent to the room without any drama. My mate who was in the room next door had the same experience, they even supplied his Nicolette patches....:)

Dept health officials rang every second day to enquire about my welfare, my only concern was they did not test you at the end of 14 days on checkout other than temp check. They then provided a taxi to ensure you went straight home, the driver told me they had strict instructions to take to direct to your home, no detours to Dan’s...

I had no complaints at all only compliments to the Crown staff I interacted with. Hey 2 weeks in a 5 star hotel with free wifi, Foxtel and meals and a view of the city skyline, I wanted to extend.....

But seriously I was probably luckier than many others, so many people around the world doing it SO much harder, we had no right to complain....
Just avoided it by about 9 hrs inbound in March, and in hotel quarantine in Singapore right now, which would be off topic for this discussion. But booked to travel to Australia again on 5 Dec,so happy to share the experience then :) . I expect before then there'd be other AFF member experiencing hotel quarantine in Australia, but who knows.
What I'm wondering is if one still has to pay for their accomodation?
I am "hoping" to be able to fly back to Melbourne at the end of Dec.
I read somewhere that if you had booked your flight before March that you didn't have to....would love it if someone could confirm this?
From the sound of it, I'd be flying into Adelaide from Doha or Singapore. It seems there are more options with regards to balconies and better food - sourced from restaurants.

And adding. If flying into Adelaide from International there is no need to spend extra time in isolation when returning to your home state. Currently.

So just to clarify....If I fly from LA to Adelaide (instead of Melbourne).....I don't have to spend another 2 weeks in this correct?
So just to clarify....If I fly from LA to Adelaide (instead of Melbourne).....I don't have to spend another 2 weeks in this correct?

nope - you still have to quarantine. It's just then you can go to more states - if you go straight to Melbourne then at this stage you won't be leaving Victoria for a while
nope - you still have to quarantine. It's just then you can go to more states - if you go straight to Melbourne then at this stage you won't be leaving Victoria for a while

LAX-MEL currently is not an option anyway, only LAX-SYD. What's the situation there? Two weeks in SYD then two weeks again in ADL? Or just 1x 2 weeks. LAX-DOH-ADL might be a surer bet.
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LAX/BNE. QF handed parcel of masks, bio-disposable plastic bags, additional Aust border entry form, health check was a pre-boarding digital thermo to forehead. Understandably the entire flight crew had minimal contact with pax, no leaving seat except bathroom, mask worn at all times, all waste into bio bag before cabin crew would collect. Meal was one coarse basic economy with two choices, water but no alcohol, no movies, no queuing at toilets. Economy & PE seating only. 789 forward J cabin used by cabin crew. Pax separated by empty seats or aisle. Exit row seating near toilets not allocated. “Effectively sit down, shut up, don’t call us don’t come to us” occasional walk through with water.

Arrival BNE - Apart from normal border security, met with bio forehead temp check & QLD police border entry tables, handed over form. Interesting question “do you have a connecting flight” didn’t know it was possible. Allocated hotel (no choice) collected bags, seated in baggage area, escorted by QLDPOL & army onto bus, load own bags. Met at Novotel BNE Airport by QLDPOL & army. Unload own bags, check in, hand over credit card, don’t know what we are going to buy? (more likely to cover damage) No room choice and here it starts, 14 days of keeping your best humour. I would never wish a jail term.
Only contact during detainment was QLDPOL, most were great. On our second day we were escorted for fresh air exercise to open roof top (how small pleasures are so welcome), Sgt from traffic div. asked how the Dan Murphys order is going..what we can order delivery! paid for express delivery. Having experienced two days of meals we welcomed Woolworths apples, avocados, tomatoes, bananas, fresh bread, toaster, jam & butter. The hotel never ever supplied butter or spreads. Meal photos explain it all, some ok, some inedible. We took steel cutlery & light weight bamboo washable plates. Cutlery was rubbish & card board containers basic. Just so good to have a fork that would spear the food, a knife that cuts & not break. Sounds simple but helped us get through the 14 days. Brought the toaster home.
Hotel staff tried hard to make our stay pleasant. Free internet & movies. We both preloaded iPad movies, pod casts etc.

Uber eats possible, cold food better as no way to reheat hot food.

Learnt very quickly to ring reception for early fresh air walk then as we arrive back ring again. Varied between one to three walks a day depending on guest numbers particularly smokers. The QLD warmth was a welcome change from our Chicago chill.
QLDPOL inside Hotel escorting guests for smoke or fresh air rooftop breaks. Army with protective service officers did ring the hotel outside. Spent many hours theorising a breakout.

Asked the Sgt. why not private security like Vic - advised no authority to arrest, Army would have authority under health act..pvt guards could only be a citizen to citizen detainment. So why different in Victoria.

Noticed Army assist female police return rooftop dissident smokers objecting to room return. Heard no walks for some rooms along with rationed alcohol..workers returning from PNG gas fields. Obviously very thirst people.

We were never asked to submit for a Covid test, only asked how are we feeling, any symptoms, do we need medical or mental support, four calls from Qld health, two from Red Cross, one from QLD Justice Dept. who where running the quarantine hotels. This was early May and there was never any information pertaining if you tested positive could they hold you. The agreement signed at BNE Airport was timed & dated but unclear if release was one minute past midnight as per advised at hotel. Qld Justice Dept confirmed 14 x 24hr periods. Over all the follow up was very good.

Would we Quarantine again..YES! if it meant visiting family OS.. Prefer the “W” BNE next time.


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LAX/BNE. QF handed parcel of masks, bio-disposable plastic bags, additional Aust border entry form, health check was a pre-boarding digital thermo to forehead. Understandably the entire flight crew had minimal contact with pax, no leaving seat except bathroom ...
.. This was early May .....
I was interested to hear of your experience. The hotel food/presentation looks a bit ordinary. As I read the post I was about to ask when the flight was taken, but I got to that part. It seems like a QF repatriation flight?

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