Getting Both AZ & Pfizer

I agree. When will TGA approve it though?

I would not mind of SV was offered instead of PZ for booster.
My premise for this is that SV has 3x the amount of mRNA per jab than PZ.
YMMV (As I don't get any reactions from any vax - I believe I should be jabbed with a higher dose)
Immunisation side effects are a poor indicator of levels of immunity conferred
Agreed - to a point. There are some studies showing those with side effects or are symptomatic from Covid have higher antibody levels.
In my case however, I've always needed boosters for all sorts of vax in the past due to low serology. I've just ever been a seroconverter.

The other thing is that the inflammatory response is an activator of the immune response. Sort of like a warning light.
I on the other hand also never have side effects with vaccines but when measured I always have had high antibody levels.Eg with Hep B my last stot was over 20 years ago but I had the antibody levels measured agai early this year -being a medico you often need to prove you are immune- and the antibodies were still much greater than accepted levels for immunity.
My premise for this is that SV has 3x the amount of mRNA per jab than PZ.

This is true for dose 1 and dose 2, but there was some discussion re whether the dosage for a Moderna booster (3rd dose) would be a 1/3 - 1/2 dose, be interesting to see what TGA ultimately authorises.
But the Pfizer booster is half original dose so Moderna at a third of the dose would still have more mRNA.
But the Pfizer booster is half original dose so Moderna at a third of the dose would still have more mRNA.

EVerything I have read says Moderna is going with half doses overseas, so I would have thought they'd apply in Australia with the same dose.
I want the full dose!!!.....No half or third measures please but I know Im talking to a brick wall......

Perhaps If I went to a pharmacist to get a half SV then walk straight to another pharmacist to get the other half dose... 🤣
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I suspect the early boosters this week have been full doses, because they are using up stock on hand and especially at the walk ins where they do not know if the next person to walk in will be getting a first, second or booster.

At the mass vax sites, for Pfizer they have doses being drawn 6 at a time, to get max from vials, then nurse grabs next pre-prepared syringe. Of course i guess if they have booster bookings they may very well draw 12 half doses instead, and send booster people to a different queue with the smaller doses.

But i dont think they are that organised yet.
We probably need to get away from talk of half doses or full doses and accept that scheduling of different volumes/strengths at different points in time is not necessarily an unusual practice
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“Moderna has also submitted an application to the TGA in relation to the use of SPIKEVAX as a booster dose and this is under evaluation”.

I agree. When will TGA approve it though?
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I want the full dose!!!.....No half or third measures please but I know Im talking to a brick wall......

Perhaps If I went to a pharmacist to get a half SV then walk straight to another pharmacist to get the other half dose... 🤣
Half-doses now. 🙁
Has anyone had serology done to test their anti-body levels before going for a booster?

When I've been due for boosters for other vaccines in the past I was able to get a blood test to see if was truly needed.
Has anyone had serology done to test their anti-body levels before going for a booster?

When I've been due for boosters for other vaccines in the past I was able to get a blood test to see if was truly needed.

Some of our frontline team did as part of a study, a couple of months ago. Not me personally though.
Well I am probably going to have a change of plan.told today I will be in charge of the surge covid ward.That is not very ill but positive.Might be having an early booster.
Strange, in NSW, if you are above a certain age which I think you are, you are automatically exempted from looking after Covid +ve patients.
I’m confused by this, we are doing full dose boosters here (0.3ml Pfizer). I can’t find any ATAGI statement or similar saying anything else. Are states trying to spin out their supplies?
Strange, in NSW, if you are above a certain age which I think you are, you are automatically exempted from looking after Covid +ve patients.
How about QLD?