General COVID-19 Vaccine Discussion

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Masks - ineffective

Social distancing - contradictory term

Isolation - unenforceable and an overreach

Vaccination - >95% of the population

It’s done, John. Nobody is sick, the only deaths are in end of life care. It’s a non-issue. The fact that there’s a desperate attempt to save face by silencing logic is proof of this.

Again, nobody is stopping you spending the rest of your life wearing a mask. But just don’t assault people on escalators who try to walk past you.

I can assure you they won't get past me on an escalator. I'm big and with my bag and arm outstretched by my side there's no room.

"Excuse me sir, can I get past?"

The rest of your points are your own personal opinion and those that frequent Telegram and coughute. Worthless.

I know people who have died from covid. No comorbidities. And even then it's a long stretch to blame comorbidities.

Then there's long covid. There are at least 170,000 people affected in Australia alone. Could be as high 500,000 people affected. Minimum 2 months. That's a huge burden on the health system. Many clinics that were dealing with these conditions are now closing down through lack of funding.

I am the logical one here. You and the rest following Telegram and coughute are the desperate ones looking for excuses to fuel your conscience.
Those obsessed with covid, masks, lifetime vaccinations and eternal lockdowns have been categorically proven as wrong. Those who argued for a measured response were shot down and silenced for years and, now that they’ve been proven as the logical voice, there’s a continued desire to silence them. Quite a sad reflection on society in general, but also a supposed impartial discussion forum.
Maybe it’s just a Victorian thing? During covid we came together and had a sense of community and compassion which was resoundingly endorsed tonight. Perhaps the sentiment is different in other parts of Australia?

In another thread it was noted that Hong Kong will shortly require a booster to be considered fully vaccinated. The desire to travel overseas shouldn’t be a driver for recurring - perhaps annual - vaccination. The fact 95% of the population was vaccinated almost a year ago could set us up for poor outcomes in future.
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