General COVID-19 Vaccine Discussion

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Lockdowns would have had the biggest impact on cancer screenings and other elective surgery. But I’m not sure we have the luxury to be selective and dismiss missed screenings now because it suits a ‘no mask’ agenda?

Either we are concerned about missed screenings, or not. The 30 patients who miss out this week have just as much relevance as the thousands that missed out during lockdowns.
But you are simply guessing about any missed screenings now. And it's more than missed screenings during Covid lockdowns. It's those who had symptoms but couldn't get them checked out. Breast cancer checks were mentioned by my GP.
Lockdowns would have had the biggest impact on cancer screenings and other elective surgery. But I’m not sure we have the luxury to be selective and dismiss missed screenings now because it suits a ‘no mask’ agenda?

Either we are concerned about missed screenings, or not. The 30 patients who miss out this week have just as much relevance as the thousands that missed out during lockdowns.
And you still don't get it. Not wearing masks is not going to make us miss 30 cancer screenings in the next week.

Now before you made this remark when replying to my post when once again I gave the results of the Danish mask study-
Australia currently has no mask mandates and case numbers are way up in recent weeks. We don’t know what the numbers would be if everyone was wearing masks. Maybe a 1-2% reduction. Maybe more.

Now first I showed you Australia's figures for new cases. Way less than the numbers when we did have a mask mandate in many places earlier this year.
And second you altered the results of the Danish study where at best there was a 1-2% reduction if you wore a mask but at worst a 2-5% increase so your last 2 sentences of that quote should read - Maybe a 1-2% reduction. But probably less.
But you are simply guessing about any missed screenings now. And it's more than missed screenings during Covid lockdowns. It's those who had symptoms but couldn't get them checked out. Breast cancer checks were mentioned by my GP.
If just one cancer screening technician takes a week off work, how many patients could they have seen? I was working on maybe 5 or 6 a day?

I have several specialist nurse friends, they’ve each had covid more than once. Each time they’re off work for around a week. Their appointments have to be cancelled :(

So wearing a mask might not prevent transmission to just one technician, but it also might!

Many staff in Melbourne hospitality and retail are wearing masks. Likely because they don’t want to catch covid. Out of respect I’ll also wear a mask.
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And you still don't get it. Not wearing masks is not going to make us miss 30 cancer screenings in the next week.

Now before you made this remark when replying to my post when once again I gave the results of the Danish mask study-
Australia currently has no mask mandates and case numbers are way up in recent weeks. We don’t know what the numbers would be if everyone was wearing masks. Maybe a 1-2% reduction. Maybe more.

Now first I showed you Australia's figures for new cases. Way less than the numbers when we did have a mask mandate in many places earlier this year.
And second you altered the results of the Danish study where at best there was a 1-2% reduction if you wore a mask but at worst a 2-5% increase so your last 2 sentences of that quote should read - Maybe a 1-2% reduction. But probably less.
I’m not sure we can compare a family living in close quarters 24/7 and short interactions such as on public transport or in a supermarket queue?

The guidance that came out with masks showed exponential risk.. short durations under 15 minutes with a mask was likely to be more effective than prolonged 4+ hour interaction with masks.

Again with the numbers… if we’re not testing, how do we know the numbers aren’t high?
If just one cancer screening technician takes a week off work, how many patients could they have seen? I was working on maybe 5 or 6 a day?

I have several specialist nurse friends, they’ve each had covid more than once. Each time they’re off work for around a week. Their appointments have to be cancelled :(

So wearing a mask might not prevent transmission to just one technician, but it also might!

Many staff in Melbourne hospitality and retail are wearing masks. Likely because they don’t want to catch covid. Out of respect I’ll also wear a mask.
Doesn't that just prove that their masks didnt work to protect them then?
Cartoon Popcorn GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
Eating my popcorn and watching the interactions on mask and C19 ( eating so no Mask )
It could also be that one of those 10 viral infections a year has conferred a level of immunity in this case.
You know you might well be right.

Even with with a weakened immune system I may have some sort of immunity. But there's also been mention that immunity against covid itself does not last long even if you've experienced covid.

We know very little about what's going on. We know very little about long term effects. Yet we're quite happy to carry on as if nothing's happened.

Proceed with caution. Very easy and requires very little effort.
Oh poor people couldn't buy alcohol to drink during lockdowns.

Oh poor people couldn't go shopping to pass covid on to others.

Oh poor people couldn't go to restaurants or the club.

Probably wouldn’t be saying that if your livelihood depended on it, but we’ve already established the only person you care about is yourself.

Your rants keep coming back to the same thing; “our lives are useless, how dare we expect to live them” (while then saying you’ve got issues with depression).

You’ve been asked a thousands times to tell us what you want. Your answer invariably comes back to “masks masks masks!” and “don’t walk past me on the escalator or I’ll physically block you” (which seems actually higher risk of engaging with someone). Now you’re not an idiot, so you know that’s not going to make a scrap of difference when it comes to this virus. So what is it that you want? Clearly, you want everyone else to share your hysteria, and I’d call that an unhealthy obsession.
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Masks are most effective when worn by an infected person, to stop the infected person spreading covid.

Yep you’ve used this a few times and I’m not sure if you intentionally word this poorly or it’s a slip up. What you’re looking for is “masks may be slight effective in reducing the chance of somebody who is currently infectious passing on covid”. Big difference to what you’re pushing.
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Yes COVID does seem to have limited access to cancer (and other) screening. But it (or the vaccines or both depending on who you talk with) does also seem to change the human immune system response to cancer and other diseases which really need a proper response to be held in check, at least for awhile.
A dear (active intelligent) friend lasted 5 weeks after being diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. I was informed post mortem.
For a while I reconsidered wandering
Can this thread please be killed off, as it's going nowhere and replies are mostly off-topic, IMO.
Seems pretty on topic to me 🤷🏾‍♀️. Guess it doesn’t suit some agendas though. I suppose you could not read it if it bothers you?
This thread is supposed to be about covid vaccine. Hence the current discussion seems to be somewhat off topic to me. but YMMV of course.

I'm not sure what you're referring to re agendas. Could you perhaps be a little more explicit?
This thread is supposed to be about covid vaccine. Hence the current discussion seems to be somewhat off topic to me. but YMMV of course.

I'm not sure what you're referring to re agendas. Could you perhaps be a little more explicit?

Those obsessed with covid, masks, lifetime vaccinations and eternal lockdowns have been categorically proven as wrong. Those who argued for a measured response were shot down and silenced for years and, now that they’ve been proven as the logical voice, there’s a continued desire to silence them. Quite a sad reflection on society in general, but also a supposed impartial discussion forum.
I think we have all been adaptable but forget the masks unless it bothers you. We've adapted to the virus being here forever.
We've learnt nothing. We haven't adapted to virus being here forever. Far from it.

Adapting would include some restrictions and proceeding with caution.

No masks. No social distancing. No isolation. No vaccination.

That's not adapting. That's ignoring the virus has ever existed.
No masks. No social distancing. No isolation. No vaccination.

Masks - ineffective

Social distancing - contradictory term

Isolation - unenforceable and an overreach

Vaccination - >95% of the population

It’s done, John. Nobody is sick, the only deaths are in end of life care. It’s a non-issue. The fact that there’s a desperate attempt to save face by silencing logic is proof of this.

Again, nobody is stopping you spending the rest of your life wearing a mask. But just don’t assault people on escalators who try to walk past you.
And many staff in cancer screening are younger hence more likely to have asymptomatic disease. Even in Victoria they only have to test if symptomatic. So how many are going to be off work. Very few.

In fact whilst I was working there were several older people i came across who would not go and get screened because their GP wore a mask so they were thinking it must be dangerous to go. And there are still some GPs who will not see patients face to face especially if any respiratory symptoms.
So just as much evidence that mask wearing may lead to missed screening as much as non mask wearing.
Can this thread please be killed off, as it's going nowhere and replies are mostly off-topic, IMO.
Healthy to discuss IMO too many times; censorship is chosen as a solution.
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