COVID-19 at the Tokyo Olympics

Outdated Coates goes too far after old boys’ club put-down of Premier at Olympics​

John Coates is unfit for all the offices this most Machiavellian of sports officials has accrued to himself, including the one he so pompously brandished in the face of Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk on Wednesday night while pointedly turning his back on her: deputy chair of the Brisbane Olympics candidature leadership group.


Why I am grateful to John Coates (for his insulting treatment of Queensland’s most powerful woman)​

Olympics vice-president is dubbed a 'mansplaining dinosaur' after publicly berating Australian state premier and 'bullying' her into attending Tokyo Games opening ceremony​

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Another photogenic day in IOC-occupied Japan…

Meanwhile, back in the real world:

Monday is generally the lowest day of the week for case numbers due to low testing numbers over the weekend.

Previous Monday:

Barring a minor miracle, yesterday's case numbers were the lowest we'll see until after the Games:

727 for Tokyo
845 for the three main neighboring prefectures
Downward pressure should be even stronger than usual today after the four-day long weekend, but new cases came in at:

Tokyo: 1,429 (up 702 from the previous Monday)
Chiba: 509 (a new record high)
Saitama: 449
Kanagawa: 540

So, almost 3,000 for Greater Tokyo.

Expect significantly bigger numbers from tomorrow as testing picks up, with Tokyo likely to hit a new record (beating 2,520 on January 7) on Wednesday if not tomorrow.

Tokyo positivity rate currently at 14.5% based on moving averages.

Tokyo "patients with severe symptoms": 78 (patients requiring respiratory support, including ECMO)

Games-related cases up to 153:

Screen Shot 2021-07-26 at 6.22.53 pm.png
Tokyo: 1,429 (up 702 from the previous Monday)
Chiba: 509 (a new record high)
Saitama: 449
Kanagawa: 540
Next day as tests start coming in from after the long weekend:

Tokyo: 2,848 (new record by over 300)
Chiba: 405
Saitama: 593 (new record)
Kanagawa: 758

4,604 detected cases for Greater Tokyo (actual number likely to be much higher)
Next day as tests start coming in from after the long weekend:

Tokyo: 2,848 (new record by over 300)
Chiba: 405
Saitama: 593 (new record)
Kanagawa: 758
July 28

Tokyo: 3,177
Chiba: 577
Kanagawa: 1,051
Saitama: 870

All new records. State of emergency to be declared for Chiba, Kanagawa, and Saitama.
An American athletic athlete at the Olympics has tested positive to COVID, so currently Australian athletes are also back in their rooms in quarantine. Disturbing an athlete arrived with COVID, but let’s hope our Australian athletes didn’t catch it! (Wasn’t sure where to post this type of news.)
An American athletic athlete at the Olympics has tested positive to COVID, so currently Australian athletes are also back in their rooms in quarantine. Disturbing an athlete arrived with COVID, but let’s hope our Australian athletes didn’t catch it! (Wasn’t sure where to post this type of news.)
I think the Australian trained with the US athlete - they are in the same sport. But because of this some Aussie officials (and the athlete) are in isolation.
I think the Australian trained with the US athlete - they are in the same sport. But because of this some Aussie officials (and the athlete) are in isolation.

Yep the entire Aus Athletics team in isolation waiting test results. I believe athletes starts tomorrow.

I think the Australian trained with the US athlete - they are in the same sport. But because of this some Aussie officials (and the athlete) are in isolation.
Yes, they were training together. However the whole athletics team is in quarantine until test results are received.
Residents of Japan ended up with a comfortable victory.

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Greater Tokyo's positivity rate is meanwhile at record highs, pointing to actual infections being several times higher than the reported figures.

Which is all going to make the Paralympics somewhat challenging in a fortnight's time.

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