Coles Group Source MasterCard

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May 10, 2008
I have just recently heard about this card where you can get 8c per litre fuel discount if you spend over $30 in Coles supermarket on this card. Because I do this anyway it sounds like a good idea - it has no annual fees and I would pay if off in full each month to avoid interest.

However there is no Qantas FF, which I currently get using CitiBank Gold to pay for things. So the grocery money will no longer earn me points.

However, I noticed on the Source website that you can pay at the registers at Kmart and Target stores through cash and Eftpos. Does this include using another Credit Card?

Could I pay off my Source card balance with my Citibank card and then earn the points for that transaction?

Anyone have a source card and tried this? Or do the stores not let you pay with credit and only accept cash or savings/cheque accounts on Eftpos?

I have just recently heard about this card where you can get 8c per litre fuel discount if you spend over $30 in Coles supermarket on this card. Because I do this anyway it sounds like a good idea - it has no annual fees and I would pay if off in full each month to avoid interest.

However there is no Qantas FF, which I currently get using CitiBank Gold to pay for things. So the grocery money will no longer earn me points.

However, I noticed on the Source website that you can pay at the registers at Kmart and Target stores through cash and Eftpos. Does this include using another Credit Card?

Could I pay off my Source card balance with my Citibank card and then earn the points for that transaction?

Anyone have a source card and tried this? Or do the stores not let you pay with credit and only accept cash or savings/cheque accounts on Eftpos?

You can't use another credit card to pay off your source card. See the Questions page:
fuel discount vouches take so long to come, hard for us infreq. car drivers to time properly.
Why not go with the Woolworths card ? I think there is a fuel dicount offer tied to that and if memory serves me,later this year this there will be an option to earn QF points on it.
Or did I dream that?
Why not go with the Woolworths card ? I think there is a fuel dicount offer tied to that and if memory serves me,later this year this there will be an option to earn QF points on it.
Or did I dream that?

Yeah it is supposed to, hard to find good info about it.
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