Brisbane hotel quarantine (live)


Jan 26, 2019
Ok here’s my latest update. I am currently at the Marriott Queen Street. For the next 14 days 😖 at least it’s 5 star! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐️ Yes because I left the Melbourne airport building I broke the seal and that’s where I made my mistake.

So yeah I’m here until 23 August at midnight. The room is lovely. Had my first meal and it wasn’t bad - beef curry and rice. Could have been warmer and it would help if there was a microwave in the room but there isn’t. I have my Telstra TV box plugged into the telly so can spend the next 2 weeks binge watching everything in my watch list 😂

Have to get 3 COVID tests done while here the first being tomorrow. Haven’t had one before. I’ve had my first jab of Astra Zeneca a few weeks ago. Can’t complain about anything so far. Things could be worse. I’m grateful that my gorgeous daughter and beautiful friends back home can keep feeding my cats.

some photos of my accommodation, dinner and one of my cats that my friend sent me today 😹


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Well, I am glad you got to your home state.

How absolutely ridiculous that having not visited a single exposure site and overnighting at an airport hotel, that you now waste 14 days in a hotel at taxpayer expense.

The glories of the fallacy that is COVID zero.

The curry looks good!
Ok here’s my latest update. I am currently at the Marriott Queen Street. For the next 14 days 😖 at least it’s 5 star! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐️ Yes because I left the Melbourne airport building I broke the seal and that’s where I made my mistake.

So yeah I’m here until 23 August at midnight. The room is lovely. Had my first meal and it wasn’t bad - beef curry and rice. Could have been warmer and it would help if there was a microwave in the room but there isn’t.
Do you get a choice of meals ?? Or was it Monday night is beef curry !
Ok here’s my latest update. I am currently at the Marriott Queen Street.
I didn’t have the heart to say it in advance, but the Q on your pass said it all. You did well on the accom front though. Critical question, what’s the view like?

cheers skip
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Well, I am glad you got to your home state.

How absolutely ridiculous that having not visited a single exposure site and overnighting at an airport hotel, that you now waste 14 days in a hotel at taxpayer expense.

The glories of the fallacy that is COVID zero.

The curry looks good!
I do have to pay 😩


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I do have to pay 😩
Not that I condone, but if you failed to advise of your stay in the Mel airport hotel, would you have Quarantined in ROK at home??

Interested how they'd know you stayed there, would they see your recent flights & a nights gap? (as opposed to a nightcap)

Appreciate the updates, interesting.
Do you get a choice of meals ?? Or was it Monday night is beef curry !
On the bus on the way here we were asked if we had any dietary requirements and if there was any food we didn’t like etc. I said yeah I’m all good thanks. No we don’t get a choice - you get what is on the daily menu for your food requirements. It’s not until you actually get it that you’ll find you’re given some stuff you don’t eat because you don’t like it 😅 I love curries so was happy with that. This morning’s breakfast was an omelette, sausages, bacon and tomato. And a fruit salad very watermelon heavy and I absolutely hate watermelon 🍉🤮 I just picked out the 2 small slivers of strawberries 🍓 and the 1 bit of pineapple 🍍 and ate them as they weren’t overly tainted. I also got chocolate milk. It’s not something I usually drink since I was a kid but hey I’m in quarantine 😋 I’ve been given 3 meals so far and yes there are a couple of things I don’t like but there’s plenty of other stuff I do so I won’t starve. The portions are actually much bigger than I’d normally have so there will be a bit of wastage which I don’t like to do. But the fridge is tiny and really not that cold and no microwave in the room even if I wanted to heat up leftovers. I’ll attach today’s menu 😋


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I didn’t have the heart to say it in advance, but the Q on your pass said it all. You did well on the accom front though. Critical question, what’s the view like?

cheers skip
I’m on Floor 1 but it’s still high enough for a view. I don’t get the river but I come down to Brisbane a lot so I’ve seen it before 😁 There’s a nice comfy chaise by the window as well.


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Oh dear. Start drafting your exemption /waiver request and seeing if you can find any that have been successfully
Yes I have been looking into it 😏 I have to wait until I get my invoice first but don’t you worry I will be giving the reimbursement route a crack.
Not that I condone, but if you failed to advise of your stay in the Mel airport hotel, would you have Quarantined in ROK at home??

Interested how they'd know you stayed there, would they see your recent flights & a nights gap? (as opposed to a nightcap)

Appreciate the updates, interesting.
Oh you know I almost did that but I just didn’t want to risk being caught and copping a fine. But mostly I didn’t want to end up being one of those people doing the wrong thing and making it worse for everyone. And then being scolded by Ray Hadley for being a stupid selfish person 😏🤣
Well at least there are a bunch of us really interested in your predicament and as a lifetime BNE resident, no better place you could have been put into quarantine. Get into that binging :D

Great information and photos you are posting. Really helpful for people to both know what to do and what not to do.
You reckon the marriott better than the westin, @QF WP ? I haven’t stayed at either. The view beats Rydges in the valley.
have to wait until I get my invoice first
You will have a long wait. It took Qld Health 13 weeks after I got out to send me an invoice.

cheers skip
You reckon the marriott better than the westin, @QF WP ? I haven’t stayed at either. The view beats Rydges in the valley.
No opinion on either being better as I haven’t stayed in either @PineappleSkip. My comment was about Brisbane being a better place to quarantine as this is closer to @oz_ally ‘s home than interstate.

Although I reckon I could handle a MEL Airport hotel if it had a view of the arrivals/departures as I could wile away hours a day listening to LiveATC and watching Flightradar24 😉

So what was on the dinner menu tonight? Are you allowed alcoholic beverages?
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@oz_ally it's great to read about someone who has drawn the short straw on this occasion, but is approaching it with what seems like a positive attitude.

Such a contrast to the daily drag and constant bickering about covid everywhere else.

The glass is half full. ✅
2 weeks and bad food. Can you order menulog or Coles? Can you order microwave, blender ect for delivery?

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