Australian Reports of the Virus Spread

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Who has decided we move on? The majority of society that's who.
I missed nearly 3 years of travel because of general lockdowns that were based on false science. Before 2020 i was reasonably fit. enough so able to climb Tassies Ben Lomond at 1500 metres in 2019 and Mt Roland ,1234 metres in January 2021.
Now I have real problems and trips we had planned for 2020 and 2021 are no longer possible.
So i am not going to waste my time locked up at home and waiting on test results to do anything. We are letting it rip and doing everything that my mobility will allow until the money runs out.

Make up your own mind John but count me out. What you propose to me is a living death.
Seriously? If I had the chance I'd like to get off at the next stop.

And that’s ultimately the best reflection of your centralised objectivity. You are obsessed with this virus (yet people still pander to your unusual behavior) and you won’t be happy until everyone else shares your discredited view.

In one breath, you’re happy to run off to Pattaya (the most virus ridden cesspit in the world), but then indicate unhappiness when somebody walks past you on an escalator.
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Sorry mate but I'm struggling to understand who has decided we have to move on?
Basically people in general, making their individual choices have decided to move on.
And importantly the politicians could see the writing on the wall.
Having said that, there are those who will still support a full lockdown in pursuit of a zero Rona policy even today.

No one in the entire world has got the Rona pandemic management absolutely right. There are pros and cons to everything. Lockdowns and quarantines are not without significant downsides.

Everyone should do what makes sense to their individual self.
We understand hygiene more, we understand if Covid positive we should isolate
But we also know that Covid is less and less deadly each day.

If worried, get vaccinated/boosted. wear a well fitting N95 mask when indoors
Avoid large crowds and densely populated areas.
Follow hand hygiene recommendations

If extremely worried, then self quarantine and maybe go off grid.

the most virus ridden cesspit in the world
TBH I think unfair and incorrect. I don’t think there is such a place.
If anything it’s the “nak thong thiaw” - the tourists that tend to make places like this dirty. Then it’s not all tourists, just some.
Before tourism, it was a very beautiful place - like other tourist affected places.
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And that’s ultimately the best reflection of your centralised objectivity. You are obsessed with this virus (yet people still pander to your unusual behavior) and you won’t be happy until everyone else shares your discredited view.

In one breath, you’re happy to run off to Pattaya (the most virus ridden cesspit in the world), but then indicate unhappiness when somebody walks past you on an escalator.
LOL. You are extremely funny.

People do go to Pattaya to play golf. Shows you know very little about Pattaya or any part of Thailand for that matter. My daughter has been visiting Pattaya since she was 1 month old. She loves the place. And so does my wife.

I feel safe in Thailand. Do you know why? You go to the markets and most wearing masks. Supermarkets. Funerals. Crowded places. Yep. Most wearing masks. My wife and daughter spent 8 months there and I did 3 trips. They take covid seriously unlike all the "experts" in Australia.
Food for thought make of it what you will:

The graph are all the treatments for Covid used thus far. Left of vertical line favours treatment. But only remdesevir approved

Also Interesting
Interesting comments on Hydroxychloroquine. I take 400mcg daily. Tested positive for Covid with no symptoms emerging. Trump was right. 🤣
Interesting comments
Not only that but apparently many people tried various treatments. Most were existing ones which have been through the regulatory process.
According to the article the further to the left the more favourable the treatment. Vit D is there, HCQ, IVM, and others.
Now the story is emerging that the Bivalent was approved only based on mice data. Presumably because it was just a tweak of existing emergency use approved medicines rather than a new drug altogether.

When no one can question Science, it is not Science
I feel safe in Thailand. Do you know why? You go to the markets and most wearing masks. Supermarkets. Funerals. Crowded places. Yep. Most wearing masks. My wife and daughter spent 8 months there and I did 3 trips. They take covid seriously unlike all the "experts" in Australia.

Right… so we’re back on masks 🙄. That’ll save us, just as it did when they were mandated in this country - and we had the highest level of infection we’ve ever had.
The government and medical experts with the backing of most of the population.
Is that the same people that said if you have covid and are infectious but you have no sick leave and you need money that it's OK to go to work?

That has to be one of the dumbest pieces of advice I have ever heard. So what they're saying is there is no protection for the vulnerable or those who do not want to be infected because the selfish individuals can do what they please?

Each person can do what the hell they want to do with their own lives but once you bring other lives into the equation your own personal thoughts and beliefs are out the window but that requires common sense of which there is a very short supply at the moment.
Food for thought make of it what you will:

The graph are all the treatments for Covid used thus far. Left of vertical line favours treatment. But only remdesevir approved

Also Interesting

And @JohnK the only time I wore masks regularly in 2022 was January/February when I was working in Tasmania and May in Bangkok when everyone else was wearing them and that's when i got covid. Wore them for a week when i got home.
I'd like to see your statistics on this.

Please try and be reasonable.

Well what’s the local trade?

Reasonable? I think that went out the window a long time ago. Back when you claim “NSW was spreading the virus” or whatever rubbish you were pushing.

And @JohnK the only time I wore masks regularly in 2022 was January/February when I was working in Tasmania and May in Bangkok when everyone else was wearing them and that's when i got covid. Wore them for a week when i got home.

Yep, same. And the 100,00+ people who caught it every day in Jan would say the same thing. If we worked on facts, we’d actually say that wearing a mask makes you more likely to catch covid. But we don’t work with facts.
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Reasonable? I think that went out the window a long time ago. Back when you claim “NSW was spreading the virus” or whatever rubbish you were pushing.

Come on, that's just your opinion. Which, I have to say, could be a weeny bit questionable.

But of course, I can't be certain of this, so it's maybe just a possibility.

Come on, that's just your opinion. Which, I have to say, could be a weeny bit questionable.

But of course, I can't be certain of this, so it's maybe just a possibility.

🙄. You’re right, NSW caused this, it’s all Gladys’ fault. Masks will save us. We should all have a booster every month. Have I missed anything?
Make up your own mind John but count me out. What you propose to me is a living death.
This is accurate, if people want to shelter in their homes, wear 3 masks, take a shot every month and have their door welded shut if they sneeze too loudly, more power to them. count me out. Being told you are not legally allowed to leave the country is a massive watershed moment.
Have I missed anything?
Everything, I think. But most importantly, common sense and decency.

Oh, and BTW re Pattaya, I've never been (why would I?), but my wife has been there several times and has not noticed an upsurge of disease compared with elsewhere in Thailand. She is also quite aware and understanding of the sexual diversity and ethnic transient populations there, perhaps unlike you?

So where's your stats?
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