What should be included in a Full English Breakfast?


Aug 27, 2004
LT Gold
In my experience, both in the UK and abroad, there can be a lot of variation as to what is served when ordering the Full English Breakfast from a cafe or restaurant. So what do you expect to see on the plate (and beside the plate) when you order the FEB?

I expect to see:
  • Pork sausages (one or two depending on size)
  • Bacon (streaky rasher, well cooked and not deep fried) - 2 rashers
  • Grilled tomato (half a tomato)
  • Baked Beans
  • Mushrooms (button type, sauteed in butter)
  • Black Pudding (one or two 1cm or so slice, fried)
  • Two fried eggs, sunny-side up, slightly runny
  • Potato - either hash brown (lazy option) or "bubble and squeak" (specific contents may vary)
  • Two slices of toast on the side, served with butter and choice or marmalade or jam
  • Choice of tea or coffee
And its nice to be offered an option of a kipper.

But when home, and wanting to eat healthy, I still like to start each day with a Full English Breakfast - fill the cup, no sugar and a splash of milk. And sometimes I'll even share the bag with Mrs NM.
Aaah a source of much debate and even more frustration on the British TV show "Four in a Bed".....
In my experience, both in the UK and abroad, there can be a lot of variation as to what is served when ordering the Full English Breakfast from a cafe or restaurant. So what do you expect to see on the plate (and beside the plate) when you order the FEB?

I expect to see:
  • Pork sausages (one or two depending on size)
  • Bacon (streaky rasher, well cooked and not deep fried) - 2 rashers
  • Grilled tomato (half a tomato)
  • Baked Beans
  • Mushrooms (button type, sauteed in butter)
  • Black Pudding (one or two 1cm or so slice, fried)
  • Two fried eggs, sunny-side up, slightly runny
  • Potato - either hash brown (lazy option) or "bubble and squeak" (specific contents may vary)
  • Two slices of toast on the side, served with butter and choice or marmalade or jam
  • Choice of tea or coffee
And its nice to be offered an option of a kipper.

But when home, and wanting to eat healthy, I still like to start each day with a Full English Breakfast - fill the cup, no sugar and a splash of milk. And sometimes I'll even share the bag with Mrs NM.
- Streaky bacon no - that's a US thing in my mind. Full rashers of middle bacon.
- Fried bread. The arteries complain just thinking about it.
- personally don't do black pudding.
- I also think baked beans are a bit optional for a FEB.
Black pudding is what makes a truly great English IMO.
Tea should be strong.
Definitely agree middle bacon.
I'm not wedded to baked beans or potato in any form (I like hash browns but they are a US import). Saute are OK though and chips are possible if the table is plastic.
Fried eggs are classic but prefer scrambled.
Kipper is a different breakfast altogether, preferably after some porridge
Just had one this morning in Pattaya before golf.

- 2 fried eggs, soft
- 1 slice of fried bread
- 1 pork sausage
- 1 fried tomato halved
- 2 pieces of short cut bacon
- 2 slices toast bread
- 1 cup of tea

So missing quite a few items.
FEB has been the victim of social change, but broadly agree with the OP re: contents. And must be accompanied by strong Builders tea!!
While I would always want some form of potato added I really don't believe that is part of an original "Full English" Is it?
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