Virgin Australia Business Class - Meals, Menus & Service

She was really nice, but they were very busy. Full cabin.
i should have ordered 2 wines. One for me and one for her.
Our ultra short flights are quite busy workload so can totally understand. Interesting that no pre dep drinks were taken out thought but can see that if time poor it would be hard to execute with a lot of things going on at once.
Our ultra short flights are quite busy workload so can totally understand. Interesting that no pre dep drinks were taken out thought but can see that if time poor it would be hard to execute with a lot of things going on at once.
Yeah it didn’t bother me.
I thought I could have had that extra wine in a plastic cup though and the reason was a bit ordinary.
we were still 30 minutes away from landing.
Yeah it didn’t bother me.
I thought I could have had that extra wine in a plastic cup though and the reason was a bit ordinary.
we were still 30 minutes away from landing.
Not everyone will do wine in a paper cup though, some will do and some won't. Could have been they had to prepare the cabin earlier for landing due to weather or so.

We technically stop any service when we get told to prepare the cabin 😄

I've done paper cups before but it's been good interactions between guest and I. Probably wouldn't do it if there was no rapport or any small talk etc.
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We technically stop any service when we get told to prepare the cabin 😄
And there are a few CMs who disappear from the cabin 5 minutes before the announcement, in anticipation of it, so they don't have to do any drink refills and last minute service requests. Personally, I hope the new CEO starts removing them from the company, so the rot at the bottom doesn't start to effect the quality at the top.
And there are a few CMs who disappear from the cabin 5 minutes before the announcement, in anticipation of it, so they don't have to do any drink refills and last minute service requests. Personally, I hope the new CEO starts removing them from the company, so the rot at the bottom doesn't start to effect the quality at the top.
They could be putting away service items in the galley. Sometimes there's only minutes between preparing the cabin and then the seatbelt sign coming on.
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VA442 - SYD - ADL
SDT: 1920

Boarded 10 mins after departure time due late arrival of inbound A/C from Melbourne. Every single Y seat was taken but 5/8 in J. Family of 3 in row 1 and one on either side of row 2. We were on a ex MI plane. Had new economy seats but old J seats.

Two options. Beef brisket with jasmine rice and greens or pumpkin and something pasta which came with the option of chorizo. Everyone in J had the beef. It was okay. A little bland tbh. The CM was good without being amazing. Not sure why but all the drinks except the one that I specifically asked for ice in were room temperature.


A pretty delectable sweet breakfast on MEL-PER this morning, was between this or eggs and bacon on sourdough which I picked last time and found the bread to be too spongy for my taste. At least a crumpet is supposed to be spongy so the reheating process doesn’t ruin it!
No business between Perth and Darwin return, and now no business Darwin Adelaide return. You are lucky in eastern states. No way I can keep platinum now, resident in Perth and Darwin! Just cant get the sc's.
No business between Perth and Darwin return, and now no business Darwin Adelaide return. You are lucky in eastern states. No way I can keep platinum now, resident in Perth and Darwin! Just cant get the sc's.
just checked. Why on earth is the business to Broome and not Darwin!!!!!
Why on earth is the business to Broome and not Darwin
Virgin sometimes operate the 737 over the weekend to Broome, but it is often swapped out to an A320. I originally had a J booking on Thursday but since that day was swapped to an A320 I moved my booking to Friday
VA816 SYD-MEL (Sunday - Breakfast)
Açai Fruit bowl. Quite light and tasty. Almond slice on the side went well with coffee.

VA145 MEL-ZQN (Sunday - Lunch)
Pumpkin pasta with pita and hummus on the side. Hummus was nice, with a bit of spice to it. Pasta was a bit on the sweet side, but pretty decent. Little sponge cake to finish was tasty.

On a side note; pleasantly surprised to find both an amenity kit and a pillow/blanket waiting on my seat on VA145. Made it feel a bit more like international business class. I wasn't aware they were putting these out on the short-ish flights to NZ.
On a side note; pleasantly surprised to find both an amenity kit and a pillow/blanket waiting on my seat on VA145. Made it feel a bit more like international business class. I wasn't aware they were putting these out on the short-ish flights to NZ.
You'd think they'd also provide a pillow and blanket for the transcontinental red-eyes in business, especially when they are so expensive and longer than the trans-tasman flights!
You'd think they'd also provide a pillow and blanket for the transcontinental red-eyes in business, especially when they are so expensive and longer than the trans-tasman flights!
Agree 100% - it's an interesting choice to have them on a 3 hour daytime flight, while a 4-5 hour overnight flight doesn't.
VA744 OOL-MEL 4pm departure.

Choices were pumpkin pasta with optional chorizo or Kung pao chicken. I had the pasta. As per a couple of posts up, the pasta was oddly sweet - I think it had bottled mint sauce in it which just didn’t work. (Weird substitute for pesto??).

Just 4 pax in J - all window seats occupied. Service from the CM was okay but she was just sort of rushing through the motions with a forced smile. She vanished down the back after clearing trays and only re-emerged at top of descent, forgetting the tea and coffee orders taken at the same time as meal orders. Luckily one of the other FAs came up front when the coughpit pinged wanting something and tea was served to J pax.

Orders taken and food delivered 1F, 1A, 2A, 2F
She vanished down the back after clearing trays and only re-emerged at top of descent
That's poor, especially for a decent length flight like OOL-MEL, I'd be punching the call button to get a couple more refills of wine post-tray clearing.

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