Virgin Australia Business Class - Meals, Menus & Service

I wish I'd taken a photo of this morning's OOL-SYD scrambled eggs on sourdough, it was a major yuckfest. A yellow rubbery thing that had never even seen an egg, on top of a mound of mush that was neither bread nor dough. The FA didn't serve 2C next to me until 3 mins before the pilot started the descent and I did wonder if she'd just left all the meals in reheat-hell while she was busy chatting the entire flight.

Vegan pasta the other day was ok, I'd order it again if nothing else sounded good:

But the winner on this trip was the noodle salad in the lounge, yum!
IMG_4683.jpegSYD-HBA, we were offered a vego pasta that was further described as “tomato” when I enquired about the sauce (I like to avoid cream sauces). From the taste and colour I reckon it was probably pumpkin. All the pasta takers were asked on serving if they wanted some bonus chorizo. I get it - it was pretty banal otherwise. I felt like I was back in my uni sharehouse days, when we seemed to live on pasta with veggie sauces of varying successes depending on what veg we could scrounge. Unlike Virgin, I always prioritised some grated cheese on top.
It may just be me, but I feel we are entering the part of the VA menu cycle where the meals are starting to get very repetitive. The pasta with chorizo has been around a few months now and getting very stale.
It may just be me, but I feel we are entering the part of the VA menu cycle where the meals are starting to get very repetitive. The pasta with chorizo has been around a few months now and getting very stale.
Well I'd hope since the menu been around few months the actual foods pasta had been cooked little more recently.

Stale.... I think not on my recent VA J means.
It may just be me, but I feel we are entering the part of the VA menu cycle where the meals are starting to get very repetitive. The pasta with chorizo has been around a few months now and getting very stale.
Well… they had the same menu for the entirety of last year! So any change in advance of 12 months will be a bonus!
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View attachment 374725SYD-HBA, we were offered a vego pasta that was further described as “tomato” when I enquired about the sauce (I like to avoid cream sauces). From the taste and colour I reckon it was probably pumpkin. All the pasta takers were asked on serving if they wanted some bonus chorizo. I get it - it was pretty banal otherwise. I felt like I was back in my uni sharehouse days, when we seemed to live on pasta with veggie sauces of varying successes depending on what veg we could scrounge. Unlike Virgin, I always prioritised some grated cheese on top.
Did they partner with woolworths now? just dump and chump (the 4 dollar macaroni coleslaw). Only at the fresh food people🤣
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This was from VA0827 MEL-SYD, Thursday 21/03/24 09:00.

I was in 2C, and they took orders from 1F then 2A/C first. I'm Platinum (albeit unlikely to requalify), so they may have been prioritising status pax.

The options were berry crumpet (pictured) or scrambled eggs with bacon and some other stuff on sourdough. I'd had bacon and eggs in the lounge so I took the crumpet. It was offered with a vanilla mascarpone but I asked for that to be left off.

The berry flavour was nice and the chunky red/orange stuff was like a fruit salsa. I think I detected some melon and perhaps pomegranate seeds?

Flight was on-time (as was the return the next day) and the wifi worked.


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Friday March 22 7.45pm

Cabin manager Laura was lovely, but overall the service was lacklustre. Was a full J cabin although several chose not to eat.
Offered sparkling wine or water before departure but it never eventuated. When I asked once the seatbelt was off, the reason was that they were too busy.
had that salad again, which was ok but nothing out of the ordinary.
had a G&T and a Shiraz but when I asked for another i was told it was too late. We’d just started our descent.
compared to meal and service on Rex earlier that day, Rex won hands down, although that was a noon departure and a lunch service whereas the VA flight would have been a snack service? Not sure.

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VA is the hurry up and eat it service band cause we don't have much time 🤣

Laura sounds like she needed a drink 🤣🤣🤣
She was really nice, but they were very busy. Full cabin.
i should have ordered 2 wines. One for me and one for her.

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