Two-way Trans-Tasman Bubble starting 19 April 2021

In QF lounge. Arrived about 7:30 am. Airport quiet as was lounge then got busy for about an hour and quiet now as planes depart. When asked was offered fizz, Pomeroy and I think Krug.

I very much doubt there was Krug in the QF lounge. SQ serves Krug onboard in F class only. The only time I've seen Krug in a lounge was briefly in SQ's private room during a special promotion. Even back in the day (over 15 years ago) when SQ F lounge had decent bubbles it was only Dom not Krug.
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I very much doubt there was Krug in the QF lounge.
Hahaha- that’s a good one! As much as I wished it was true- I’d instantly book at least three return flights to Sydney if it was!

Chances are that even the Pommery will be gone soon. Last time I was told that they’re only using “the last batch”. We shall see but Krug it will never be.
What about the other way around, Dom -Int?
Hahaha- that’s a good one! As much as I wished it was true- I’d instantly book at least three return flights to Sydney if it was!

Chances are that even the Pommery will be gone soon. Last time I was told that they’re only using “the last batch”. We shall see but Krug it will never

I very much doubt there was Krug in the QF lounge. SQ serves Krug onboard in F class only. The only time I've seen Krug in a lounge was briefly in SQ's private room during a special promotion. Even back in the day (over 15 years ago) when SQ F lounge had decent bubbles it was only Dom not Krug.
I'll try next time.
What is the trans tasman A330 J experience like now? Is the in flight entertainment, meal and bar service back? Not expecting Krug
What is the trans tasman A330 J experience like now? Is the in flight entertainment, meal and bar service back? Not expecting Krug
In flight entertainment yes but meal is the typical Domestic J experience so all on one plate and only two choices. No pre-dinner drinks or anything fancy like that, certain spirits not available (couldn't get a Bloody Mary even, for example). No starter, no desert, just the typical Domestic Lind ball, warm bread and a tiny packaged cake.

There is proper French champagne, on my last two trips the same two choices as before (Jacquart or Duval le Roi). Not sure when/ if ever the good old proper menu with starter, salad etc. will come back- does anyone happen to know?
Thanks for update. Hope old service does come back.

Current QF website says for international J had me worried

Business services​

You'll be offered a hot meal and a complimentary bottle of water.
Thanks for update. Hope old service does come back.

Current QF website says for international J had me worried

Business services​

You'll be offered a hot meal and a complimentary bottle of water.
Yea, I had seen this too before flying and was worried but it seems like they simply haven't updated this. Definitely French champagne (plenty, they've told me so I took them at their word during the duration of my flight :p ) and a choice of one red and two whites.

Not sure about their selection of spirits as I had only asked for that Bloody Mary which wasn't available. Oh, and of course soft drinks, plenty of still or sparkling water, coffee and tea, the usual stuff.
Not sure about their selection of spirits as I had only asked for that Bloody Mary which wasn't available.
No spirits on any QF flights. If you want spirits across the tasman then you need to fly JQ or NZ.

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