Trip planning DONE4

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Thanks - the thing about the DONE4 for me is that if I take advantage of the extra trips (as the DONE4 is funded by work) then I only have one ticket - which means if I want to fly anywhere I either need to buy a ticket for mrs sim or go by myself (and explain to mrs sim why I am offski). What I am likely to do is use the extra tix either for a trip on business (plan next year only includes BNE and/or MEL) or just to duck up to BNE for lunch with friends.
simongr said:
... or just to duck up to BNE for lunch with friends.
Just let us know when you are coming and we can arrange lunch at the BNE Qantas Club or another convenient location. Lots of friends on AFF in Brisvegas :D .
Well - when my boss finally meets wih the CFO and gets the dates for our US face-to-face meeting I will then be able to buy the tix - and work out how I am going to surprise my mum in Cyprus :) Then I will have tix locked in so I can start playing with the dates :)
OK - an update. My boss has confirmed that a meeting will happen in either Chicago or New York (or another locaiton in the US depending on where the CFo/CEO are). NO dates yet but I am punting on 20/27 Nov (which most likely mean I will have to do something like SYD-SIN-JFK-NRT-SYD - which is not possible on a DONE4 and I dont think is a doable itinerary on a circle pacific fare - as such I might have to do something like SYD-SIN-SYD followed by SYD-DXB-[PFO non-oneworld separate fare]-LHR-JFK-LAX-NRT-SYD and that I might actually have to fly back to SYD on the same day that I fly to DXB).

In other news my boss asked me to do a global project next year that will potentially add another three RTW trips next year on top of my already planned 2 RTW trips. That means five RTW trips - a minimum of 125K miles flown and 305,000+ points - should qualify me for EXP :)

Just a few thoughts and questions come to mind

1 - Given that the work is in either UK/Europe/PIT/CHicago/NY a DONE4 is in fact a sensible and potentially cheaper option given I need flexible fares etc.

2 - OK if I have 5 DONE4 tix should I add in a few SYD-BNE/MEL/ADL flights? This would give me access to fully flexible changeable J seats for business travel (or potentially personal ;)) in Oz. Given that my RTW flights will be spread through the year I think I would in fact have these 10 flights over the next two years potentialy. Given that I will have so many of these I assume that I dont need to complete each DONE4 before I embark on the next?

3 - I assume that I cant be too clever and add in a few random trips in the USA that I never plan to take (or might do if I am in the US for smoe reason). The sort of thing I mean is say planning a route like SYD-LAX-JFK-MIA-JFK-BOS-JFK-LHR-HKG-SYD with the view of taking the JFK-MIA-JFK flight at some date outside of my RTW trip at that time EDIT - i NOW REALISE THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE AS TRIPS NEED TO BE TAKEN IN ORDER

4 - In that vein then I assume I cant be too creative and mix up my DONE4s during the year to give me some creative options if I want to fly within Asia. In both of these I assume that skipping a trip is a change in the routing and that trip vanishes and I get charged a reticketing fee... EDIT - i NOW REALISE THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE AS TRIPS NEED TO BE TAKEN IN ORDER

5 - If it works out that I have 4 RTWs in the period Jan-Jun and 1 in Jul-Dec does that mean that I will qualify for EXP in Jan-Jun and it will only be valid until Feb 2008? whereas if I did it the other way round it would be valid to Feb 2009?

6 - Just thinking about routings. If I am trying to make EXP as quick as possible (within reason) that needs 100K qpoints. Given I fly business class that means I need 66,667 flown miles. On three RTWs thats easy. However - is there a couple of simple routings that could put me through that on 2 RTWs? I assume my first two trips are either going to be JFK/PIT or LHR so a normal RTW routing would be only 25K miles - an extra 8K miles per trip seems like a stretch...
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lots of questions, and I'll only answer a few of them right now

you can easily fly 66,667 miles within 2 rtws

since you should easily have enough to qualify OW top tier, consider whether there are advantages in also obtaining *A top tier (should be easily doable) - eg more flexible in choosing your flights and routings in future

with that much travel, and to the same parts of the globe, you are a good candidate to mix up your RTWs (ie have them overlap to get best useage). For example this may give you 10 north american sectors within 1 trip (combo of 6 from one xONEx and 4 from another, suitably arranged). Another example would be by overlapping RTWs you could manage a return trip to PER from SYD/MEL. Also don't forget xONEx allow surface segments. With overlapping RTWs this gives even more flexibility to get great use out of them.
simongr said:
Just a few thoughts and questions come to mind

1 - Given that the work is in either UK/Europe/PIT/CHicago/NY a DONE4 is in fact a sensible and potentially cheaper option given I need flexible fares etc.
Yes, I would suggest DONE4 is the way to go for sure.
simongr said:
2 - OK if I have 5 DONE4 tix should I add in a few SYD-BNE/MEL/ADL flights? This would give me access to fully flexible changeable J seats for business travel (or potentially personal ;)) in Oz. Given that my RTW flights will be spread through the year I think I would in fact have these 10 flights over the next two years potentialy. Given that I will have so many of these I assume that I dont need to complete each DONE4 before I embark on the next?
Yes, definitely add the four Aus domestic segments. Another option if you know you will be making lots of DONE4 trips is to nest them. Use one to get to a place where they are cheaper and outside of the SWP region. Then start a new one from there. This new one will not have the 2 stopover limit in the SWP region since that is not its continent of origin. That way you can maximise the benefits of the four included SWP segments and even include NZ in the mix.
simongr said:
3 - I assume that I cant be too clever and add in a few random trips in the USA that I never plan to take (or might do if I am in the US for smoe reason). The sort of thing I mean is say planning a route like SYD-LAX-JFK-MIA-JFK-BOS-JFK-LHR-HKG-SYD with the view of taking the JFK-MIA-JFK flight at some date outside of my RTW trip at that time EDIT - i NOW REALISE THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE AS TRIPS NEED TO BE TAKEN IN ORDER
Correct. Segments must be flown in the order booked. If you do find you want to change the itinerary once you get to the USA, you can change it and have the tickets re-issued for a fee of US$125, so still a cheap option if you need/want to change later.
simongr said:
4 - In that vein then I assume I cant be too creative and mix up my DONE4s during the year to give me some creative options if I want to fly within Asia. In both of these I assume that skipping a trip is a change in the routing and that trip vanishes and I get charged a reticketing fee... EDIT - i NOW REALISE THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE AS TRIPS NEED TO BE TAKEN IN ORDER
Consider nesting two or more ATW trips for maximum flexibility.
simongr said:
5 - If it works out that I have 4 RTWs in the period Jan-Jun and 1 in Jul-Dec does that mean that I will qualify for EXP in Jan-Jun and it will only be valid until Feb 2008? whereas if I did it the other way round it would be valid to Feb 2009?
It does not matter when you qualify for EXP during the year. You will have EXP status for the remainder of the calender year in which you earn it, plus the following year and through the to end of Feb the following year. So if you reach EXP in March 2007 (say during your second DONE4), you have EXP status until the end of Feb 2009. You are earing the status for the next year, not just for the remainder of this year.

It is only status earned by the Challenges that is dependent on Jan-June vs July-Dec qualification. Regularly butt-in-seat earned status is good for the full period of the following year.
simongr said:
6 - Just thinking about routings. If I am trying to make EXP as quick as possible (within reason) that needs 100K qpoints. Given I fly business class that means I need 66,667 flown miles. On three RTWs thats easy. However - is there a couple of simple routings that could put me through that on 2 RTWs? I assume my first two trips are either going to be JFK/PIT or LHR so a normal RTW routing would be only 25K miles - an extra 8K miles per trip seems like a stretch...
One of the best ways is to route in both directions via Asia. So use your Asia transit between SWP and Europe (no stopover) in one direction, and then use your Asia stopover between NA and SWP. That gets the benefit of being able to use CX for the trans-Pacific routing (I prefer LAX-HKG on the daytime flight, but that means using TBI at LAX), and adds some good miles to the itinerary.

Choose a good USA trans-continental service if you can. If not using QF trans-Pacific you cannot use QF107/108 LAX-JFK or JFK-LAX for your USA trans-continental route. You need to average 33,000 miles flown per DONE4 to make it in 2 trips. A really basic SYD-LHR-JFK-LAX-HKG-SIN-SYD routing is 29,250 of those. So its not too hard to add a bit of optimisation to get to 33K. In fact just adding a JFK-DFW-JFK in the USA section, plus the SWP domestic segments at the start or end and you are over the magic 33K miles flown.
OK dates of travel have been confirmed :)D with a blend of :shock:). I have requested approval for ATW (noting your comment re incorrect abbreviations NM ;)) rather than simple return ticket - but I will get quotes . As such I am starting to plan the itinerary to give to TA to book the ticket. My objective is to get to Paphos on the way home from JFK and send 2 days in PFO.

My first question is that with the exception of flying back to LHR (from LCA) or LGW (from PFO) what is the closest destination flying from LCA/PFO to get back onto a oneworld carrier back to OZ. I know I will have to pay for that flight myself if I cant get a oneworld carrier to get me out of Cyprus.

In terms of routings I am thinking of the following




I have tried the second option in the oneworld planner software and it comes up with too many sectors in the UK and on mileage monkey it doesnt like the SYD-BNE-SYD-MEL-SYD routing (cant return through point of origin things).

Any help appreciated. Once I have the routing planned I will then try and sort the flights themselves (might be a weekend plan) and get it booked on Monday - might be a lot of checking of availability in expertflyer over the weekend (might need some tips on the best way to use that to make sure if I check a flight that I am picking up correctly whether there is availability).
I don't have my handy routing list with me (and this terminal way too slow to open up more windows to search), but I'd expect ATH (assuming CX flies there) or HEL to be fairly straightforward, or DXB (although DXB-HKG is a long way in regional product on CX).

Your intra-australia routing should be fine (subject to stopovers).
In relation to the DXB-HKG I assume I dont have to fly on CX - or are they the only ones who fly DXB-HKG?
simongr said:
My first question is that with the exception of flying back to LHR (from LCA) or LGW (from PFO) what is the closest destination flying from LCA/PFO to get back onto a oneworld carrier back to OZ. I know I will have to pay for that flight myself if I cant get a oneworld carrier to get me out of Cyprus.

LCA-CAI on CY isn't too bad in journey time or price; I have used that myself plus you then do have a longhaul aircraft with Club World to London . The distance is 359 miles. You would need to overnight in Cairo since the BA flight to UK is at about 08:30

Flying on CY to BAH (1172 miles) from LCA would allow you to get a CX flight to HKG on wed/fri/sun at a cost of $390/$600 plus tax in Y/C respectively

simongr said:
In relation to the DXB-HKG I assume I dont have to fly on CX - or are they the only ones who fly DXB-HKG?

They would be inded the only ones to do it.

simongr said:
In relation to the DXB-HKG I assume I dont have to fly on CX - or are they the only ones who fly DXB-HKG?


Dave Noble - I think the reason simongr is looking at separate ticket is to avoid back-tracking, so CAI-LHR wouldn't help. Having said that, sometimes the most practical option is indeed to backtrack.
Dave Noble said:
Flying on CY to BAH (1172 miles) from LCA would allow you to get a CX flight to HKG on wed/fri/sun at a cost of $390/$600 plus tax in Y/C respectively


Would the CX flight BAH-HKG be on a decent plane? KiwiFlyer indicated that DXB-HKG was a regional fit out - so I assume that BAH-DXB might be the same.

@Kiwiflyer The reason for not backtracking is that I was unsure I could do the whole LHR,LGW-PFO-LGW,LHR as the trip planner didnt like it - too many sectors in Europe.

Also - I want to maximise the time on the ground and minimise the total time away.

My aim (which could be a stretch) is to leave here on Sunday 5 November (day after getting back from Holiday in Thailand - my driver is going to make a mint from me :))and try and get back to Sydney on the evening of Monday 13 Nov whilst spending 2 days (one night minimum) in Cyprus. I know this is a bit crazy but I will be travelling lite so I can easily do the LHR-LGW shuffle (might even get brother to pick me up ;))
only 2 sectors in europe with LGW-PFO-LGW so you are fine (allowed up to 4 but no more than 2 to certain destinations furthest away from UK on flights to/from UK)

LGW and LHR are co-terminals so no extra sectors there
simongr said:
Would the CX flight BAH-HKG be on a decent plane? KiwiFlyer indicated that DXB-HKG was a regional fit out - so I assume that BAH-DXB might be the same.

BAH-HKG is a 777 so doesn't have the new flat beds. It would be a fair bit quicker than flying to London and then heading back methunks and maybe worth it in preference to the longer routing

Kiwi Flyer said:

Dave Noble - I think the reason simongr is looking at separate ticket is to avoid back-tracking, so CAI-LHR wouldn't help. Having said that, sometimes the most practical option is indeed to backtrack.

When I first read it, I thought that he was looking for other options to consider should the flight to London be unavailable

Thanks both again - I hadnt considered a lack of availability on some of the flights - I guess I will need to jump on this on Monday. Looks like Sunday will be a lot of time spent on Expertflyer, the oneworld site (for ease of access to schedules).

The more I thnk about the more I am leaning towards LGW-PFO for a start I wont have to pay for any tix myself :) and if it takes a day more then so be it :) The big saving will be the 2 hour drive PFO-LCA if I can fly direct to PFO - but will need to consider the total journey time.

How do you guys plan your big trips with ease? This seems like a huge logistical nightmare and its not even that big a trip.

Just in relation to the SYD-BNE-SYD-MEL-SYD I assume when I do the book that I just give the TA some random dates pushed out into next year?
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simongr said:
The more I thnk about the more I am leaning towards LGW-PFO for a start I wont have to pay for any tix myself :) and if it takes a day more then so be it :) The big saving will be the 2 hour drive PFO-LCA if I can fly direct to PFO - but will need to consider the total journey time.

How do you guys plan your big trips with ease? This seems like a huge logistical nightmare and its not even that big a trip.

Just in relation to the SYD-BNE-SYD-MEL-SYD I assume when I do the book that I just give the TA some random dates pushed out into next year?

The PFO-LGW flight does necessitate an overnight in London since it arrives into Gatwick at around midnight, whilst the LCA-LHR gets in nicely at 19:50 which connects nicely to the BA flight to HKG ( I would choose this since a T1-T1 connection is v easy n quick to do and a bit easier than taking CX out of T3 )

It isnt too tricky to plan; just download a copy of the Oneworld Electronic timetable and can plan quite easily

For the flights which you do not know when you wish to travel, then get the agent to issue them as open sectors

Thanks again (again).

Yeah the LCA-LHR is looking like a better option - not sure yet on LHR-LCA or LGW-PFO. Just need to work out my JFK-LHR flight on the wednesday - if I get the late flight out on the wednesday (9PMish) I get into London in the morning - could easily travel to LGW and get into PFO at 21:15 - BUT I did want to surprise my mum so getting in at a different time - say if I did the LHR-LCA and then drove to PFO I would get to their house at about 6PM.

Looking at the oneworld site - I would have to get one of these flights and have to hope for no delay:

18:15-06:25-AA 0100
18:30-06:25-BA 0112
18:45-06:55-AA 0122
19:01-07:00-BA 0174
19:30-07:30-BA 0176
19:35-07:40-AA 0104

Or (and this might be preferable) I could get the Thursday morning flight out of New York, stay overnight with my Brother in London and then get the FRiday morning flight into LCA, Sunday afternoon flight out of LCA, Sunday evening flight LHR-HKG and get home on the morning of 14 Nov.

We shall have to see what happens :)
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Dave Noble said:
I would choose this since a T1-T1 connection is v easy n quick to do and a bit easier than taking CX out of T3
Are you sure the prospect of the JW Blue in the T1 FLounge is not aving some influence on that choice?
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