Tried and true favourite recipes

After a discussion in the Totally off-topic thread there was a suggestion for a recipe thread. So here goes


Brussel Sprouts au gratin

500g brussel sprouts
1 cup fresh breadcrumbs
60g butter
3tbsp butter, melted
2 rashers chopped raw bacon
¼ cup pine nuts
¼ cup parmesan cheese

Partially steam sprouts (can be done in the microwave) then add 60g butter and stir through until melted

Put sprouts into an oven proof dish.

Mix bacon, melted butter, pine nuts, parmesan cheese and breadcrumbs

Put topping on sprouts.

Bake in a moderate oven for 15-20 minutes until brown.
Omg, sounds devine, thanks
Not tried or tested but I think @JessicaTam might like these ones.......

Colin the Caterpillar trifle
Colin the Caterpillar fridge cake
Colin cookie dough
Colin truffles

I guess you could use Freddo Frog faces instead of Colin the Caterpillar.......
Can't remember if I've posted this before but I've just mixed up some dough for woodfired pizzas this weekend. This is a great recipe.

Made this the other night as I had some leftover chorizo to use, was very tasty!
Coulda just used this, mate.:p

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Made this the other night as I had some leftover chorizo to use, was very tasty!
I always fry off chorizo for the risotto. I also used left over shredded chicken from a roast so already cooked and added late. And mushrooms, never peas. Butter melted in at the end, loads of black pepper and parmesan for serving. I used to add the warmed stock by slow spoonfuls but more recently I have been doing the lot in a Tefal Cook4me pressure cooker and it is wonderful.

Unfortunately MrP considers risotto as just salty rice and so I dont cook it much. He does like plain steam rice and curries though. And yes, Rice a Riso was what my mum used to use, but, ahem, she was no cook.
I always fry off chorizo for the risotto. I also used left over shredded chicken from a roast so already cooked and added late. And mushrooms, never peas. Butter melted in at the end, loads of black pepper and parmesan for serving. I used to add the warmed stock by slow spoonfuls but more recently I have been doing the lot in a Tefal Cook4me pressure cooker and it is wonderful.

Unfortunately MrP considers risotto as just salty rice and so I dont cook it much. He does like plain steam rice and curries though. And yes, Rice a Riso was what my mum used to use, but, ahem, she was no cook.
Remember when cooking risotto, “according to MrsTma”, one cup of wine for the risotto, one cup for the cook.
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I remember that from when I was about 6 years old! Didn't realise it was akin to a risotto. I guess as a 6 y/o risotto would have meant nothing to me ;)
Australians didn’t cook “foreign” food back then, few could spell or pronunce risotto (even though there was quite an Italian influx from the late 50’s), so this was a great innovation.:p

Not overly tasty but made a break from ham and pineapple rings.:cool:
Then you are both lucky people
I think we must be related. My mum was a very poor cook. My granny lived with us and she cooked basically until I left home. I don't think mum ever actually cooked for me. But Granny was very UK style, and the concept of curry was to throw sultanas and keens curry power into it and serve it with boiled potatoes 🤷‍♀️
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Mama's, making Kantong, doesn't take long! Forrrrrrrrrrrr the word to get around!
Bloody jingle stuck in my brain now. 😂 Thanks.

MrP's mum made fabulous baked goods (as did my other granny but she did it on a wood stove. Refused to use a new tangled electric one when grandpa bought one.) But his favourite meal was when his mum burnt the chops once and they actually had some flavour.