'They haven't listened': Medical professionals skipped quarantine and flew interstate

Given they had to isolate anyway regardless of where that occured, why are the Doctors now saying this has prevented them from treating patients? They were never going to be allowed to do that. And after a long cruise away from patients, well, that clearly wasnt an issue for them to take leave, knowing this evil virus was on its way here. Telehealth would allow them to be contacted while in isolation anyway. My understand is that the Provider number is not attached to a practice address while this virus is at play and where practioners have been put into isolation.
I think the main issue being at home rather than hotel is that at home they can access medical records to treat patients via use of Telehealth.

For this entire situation, its hard on everyone but I’d rather a slight overreaction by officials as they are ensuring public safety and have it front of mind at this point in time.
I gotta say, the more I read of that blog, from March 2020, the less sympathy I have for them. Their post on arrival back into Australia was obviously under great stress, but the others?
I think the main issue being at home rather than hotel is that at home they can access medical records to treat patients via use of Telehealth.

For this entire situation, its hard on everyone but I’d rather a slight overreaction by officials as they are ensuring public safety and have it front of mind at this point in time.
I'd be surprised if their practice doesn't have remote log in. Even our two person business has remote access to obtain all our clients files. And I understand that Telehealth is also for concerned patients of any practise to call in after triage to assess severity using the Covid hotline.

Over reaction maybe but that's the legacy of Ruby.
I'd be surprised if their practice doesn't have remote log in. Even our two person business has remote access to obtain all our clients files.
Agree with you, but I’m pretty sure that was the claim by the doctor from this group has been making on TV the past 24 hours or so about his practice situation.
Deadset, they should be stripped of all credentials after serving in the front line of this catastrophe.

This will never happen. As long as the AMA and related are self governed, they will always look after their own. How many times do you see doctors who have done something highly unethical get slap on the wrist punishments? Any body that is self governing will never punish their own. The government needs to step in an ensure an independent governing board.

And yes, just another tax funded expensive overseas holiday. They should cap the amount that can be claimed as a tax deduction at the Y fare and ATO rates for accommodation and food.
Interesting question. How many times have you seen ‘unethical behaviour get a slap on the wrist’?

This will never happen. As long as the AMA and related are self governed, they will always look after their own. How many times do you see doctors who have done something highly unethical get slap on the wrist punishments? Any body that is self governing will never punish their own. The government needs to step in an ensure an independent governing board.

And yes, just another tax funded expensive overseas holiday. They should cap the amount that can be claimed as a tax deduction at the Y fare and ATO rates for accommodation and food.
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I know my doctor could definitely not do remote login. He can barely operate his very basic mobile phone. And fax machines still figure quite highly. :/

I'd be surprised if their practice doesn't have remote log in. Even our two person business has remote access to obtain all our clients files. And I understand that Telehealth is also for concerned patients of any practise to call in after triage to assess severity using the Covid hotline.

Over reaction maybe but that's the legacy of Ruby.
I know my doctor could definitely not do remote login. He can barely operate his very basic mobile phone. And fax machines still figure quite highly. :/
Geez. I'm an old lady and I set it up in our work years ago! 😊
Interesting question. How many times have you seen ‘unethical behaviour get a slap on the wrist’?

I couldn't give you a specific number. My observation is based on what I see reported in the media, which is quite possibly somewhat skewed. I've also never heard (reported in the media) that the AMA or relevant body comes out and condemns bad behaviour either.

For example, you hear of sexual misconduct and I see things like the doctor will need to be supervised with someone else in the room for a period of six months. In no other industry would that outcome fly.
The SMH article contains no statements from the doctors, only the police, who are interested in only telling their side of the story.
I read the doctors story on the abc page I think it was.
It doesn’t seem to matter how often anybody explains anything of that nature, it immediately departs via the other ear. I was amazed when he learned to type, but other than that nada. But this does not diminish the fact that his patients love him and are loyal and think that he is generally wonderful. It’s going to be a tragedy for a lot of people when he does finally retires.

Geez. I'm an old lady and I set it up in our work years ago! 😊
Yes, not a reliable source of information in general for this sort of thing. My observation would be that doctors are held to a very high degree of behaviour that apart from maybe dentists or a few others that I can’t think of immediately, other people would not be held to. Necessary of course, but the Medical Tribunals are pretty serious about stamping out anything that reflects badly or endangers patients.

I couldn't give you a specific number. My observation is based on what I see reported in the media, which is quite possibly somewhat skewed. I've also never heard (reported in the media) that the AMA or relevant body comes out and condemns bad behaviour either.

For example, you hear of sexual misconduct and I see things like the doctor will need to be supervised with someone else in the room for a period of six months. In no other industry would that outcome fly.
This will never happen. As long as the AMA and related are self governed, they will always look after their own. How many times do you see doctors who have done something highly unethical get slap on the wrist punishments? Any body that is self governing will never punish their own. The government needs to step in an ensure an independent governing board.

And yes, just another tax funded expensive overseas holiday. They should cap the amount that can be claimed as a tax deduction at the Y fare and ATO rates for accommodation and food.
Sorry but you are very wrong.The only power the AMA has is to take away their membership.No power over deregistration.
Each State has their own Medical Board complaints Commission and the ultimate board for Registration is APHRA.They are the ones who have the power to deregister medicos.
You can complain yourself about a doctor to APHRA.
It's easy to sprout off upon reading a headline.
These doctors did what they were told: The Big Hill The isolation rules started at midnight, not previously.

Well the police are going to be knocking on 33 doors. The PM was asked about it at today's press conference - yep, authorities will be chasing these people.

Seems pretty clear-cut to me. Massive case of DYKWIA

In an extraordinary breach of quarantine orders, NSW Police Force confirmed last night that they had instructed the Australian Federal Police to issue Public Health Orders to the missing medical professionals when they arrived at their destinations.

The incident occurred at 11pm on Friday night when NSW Health asked for assistance to process passengers on board two flights which had recently arrived from Santiago.

More than 30 medical professionals went missing after flying into Sydney — 27 managed to board domestic flights.
NSW Police attended to help ensure all passenger would adhere to all self-isolation requirements set out by the NSW Government under the Public Health Act 2010 (NSW).

The requirements precede the tough new quarantine orders which came in at 11.59pm last night.

Upon arrival in to Australia, NSW Health advised the 77 medical professionals who flew in that they were required to self-isolate for 14 days at hotels in Sydney.

When the officers returned to serve the Public Health Orders, they discovered 33 doctors had left.

“Six of the 33 individuals were located at Sydney domestic airport terminal by Australian Federal Police (AFP) officers,” police said.

“These individuals have now been served with Public Health Orders and are in self-isolation at a Sydney hotel, where they are required to remain for 14 days.

NSW Police Minister David Elliott expressed his disappointment at the breach.

“I’m disappointed to hear medical professionals chose to ignore rules in place to save lives and protect the most vulnerable in our community,” he said.

“No one is above the law. The majority are doing the right thing but for those who choose to flout the rules, they face a fine or even jail time.”

NSW Police Force Commissioner Mick Fuller said people needed to abide by all COVID-19 restrictions in place, for the safety of themselves and each other.

“NSWPF officers are doing everything in their power to keep the community safe,” he said.

“Here we have another example of members of the community who have not listened to the advice of the government. This is why we need these restrictions in place.

“People need to take these arrangements seriously or risk heavy fines and/or imprisonment.”
Read the link in post #14, I see it has been fixed now.

I feel they should have been able to self-isolate at home, as they made it back before the deadline.

Also, I know they have far more restraint than I do, but I wouldn't be nearly as nice to AFP and Border Force if they were treating me like they are treating these (I presume) citizens. It's a complete farce of a system if you say the rule only comes in after a certain time, and then you change it to bend it to your will. Speaks of corruption. But whatever, I'm sure I'll have the usual members jumping on me for having a differing viewpoint 🙄

Wouldn't recommend losing your temper with AFP or border force....
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Is there any publicly available information (web link, reference. document) that incontrovertibly states that ex Cruise Ship passengers arriving into Australia prior to 1159pm last night were to be subject to a 14 day Quarantine at a Hotel at their port of entry to Australia?

This appears to be at the crux of the whole matter.
They were on 2 cruise ships both in Antarctica.
No reported cases on board.Kept at the Falklands on board in isolation for 10 days on top of their 10 day cruise and then a charter flight home.
No reported cases in the Falklands or Antarctica.
Here is a report of their departure.Since they departed the Falkands have put in place compulsory quarantine for any arrivals and urged tourists to leave.

So unsure why they have been subjected to a further restriction over any other aircraft arrival.They had all signed the card saying they would go into isolation on reaching home.
There were obviously other Australians on that flight that were on at least one of the ships as it is Australian-the Scenic eclipse.interesting to see if they make any comment and were subject to the same restrictions.
Is there any publicly available information (web link, reference. document) that incontrovertibly states that ex Cruise Ship passengers arriving into Australia prior to 1159pm last night were to be subject to a 14 day Quarantine at a Hotel at their port of entry to Australia?

This appears to be at the crux of the whole matter.

NSW Health, NSW Police, and AFP all quoted as saying the order was given. Case closed.