Sweden [Herd Immunity?]


Veteran Member
Nov 12, 2012
Star Alliance
I guess most of us have heard/read about the approach to COVID in Sweden ('light touch / herd immunity / sensible society). Many arguments for and against it.

Looks like their own 'jury' has come in:

Coronavirus: Medical chiefs failed us with light touch, says Swedish leader

Sweden’s health experts misjudged the resurgence of the coronavirus by recommending a light-touch approach, the prime minister said.

The country, which has pursued a form of herd immunity strategy under Anders Tegnell, its chief epidemiologist, has been hit so hard by the second wave of infections that hospitals in Stockholm are struggling to cope.

Stefan Lofven, the prime minister, told the Aftenposten newspaper that his medical advisers had not seen such a wave coming. “They talked about different clusters,” he said.

Sweden’s neighbours, Finland and Norway, which adopted stricter social controls and have suffered fewer fatalities per capita, have offered medical help after Stockholm reported that 99 per cent of intensive care unit (ICU) beds were full and called for more staff.

The country now faces a significant rise in cases and fatalities. Its statistical agency recorded a total of 8088 deaths from all causes last month, the highest mortality in any November in Sweden since the first year of the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918, when 16,600 people died. Since Friday 153 people have died from COVID-19 related causes, bringing the total to 7,667. There have been 320,000 confirmed cases.

Sweden has a population of about 10 million.
"153 people have died from COVID-19 related causes" is NOT the same as "153 people have died from COVID-19".

153 people did not die from C-19. It means they could have died in a car accident, tested positive - and boom - death chalked up as 'Covid related'. This is exactly how deaths are being recorded.

More shoddy 'journalism' from Australian media.

There are bound to be sellout 'experts' that want to see Sweden fail so that it helps justify the destructive lockdowns and narrative of 2020.
This year is full of lies everywhere. Everywhere. It's okay to question things and do your own research. Everyone should.
Though there is another reason Sweden has a worse result than Denmark and Norway.They both made all arrivals quarantine from March with an outright ban on those from high risk countries.
Sweden continued to welcome arrivals from all EU countries and the UK.
A Swedish friend recently commented that her contacts were all seriously concerned and careful.
Masks distance clean.. all the basics.. and that they were nonplussed about the escalating infection rate.
My take is that Covid infection control is an holistic, all of population , exercise that fails if all do not meet the task.
"153 people have died from COVID-19 related causes" is NOT the same as "153 people have died from COVID-19".

153 people did not die from C-19. It means they could have died in a car accident, tested positive - and boom - death chalked up as 'Covid related'. This is exactly how deaths are being recorded.

More shoddy 'journalism' from Australian media.

Did the article say or claim that "153 people have died from COVID-19" as opposed to saying "153 people have died from COVID-19 related causes" ? I think not. So why was the journalism shoddy?

There are bound to be sellout 'experts' that want to see Sweden fail so that it helps justify the destructive lockdowns and narrative of 2020.

Well, I'm not sure if the Swedish PM regards himself as an expert, let alone a "sellout expert", but when he's talking about his own country, and the responses under his watch, he's gotta be credited with some standing, surely?
"153 people have died from COVID-19 related causes" is NOT the same as "153 people have died from COVID-19".

153 people did not die from C-19. It means they could have died in a car accident, tested positive - and boom - death chalked up as 'Covid related'. This is exactly how deaths are being recorded.

More shoddy 'journalism' from Australian media.

There are bound to be sellout 'experts' that want to see Sweden fail so that it helps justify the destructive lockdowns and narrative of 2020.
This year is full of lies everywhere. Everywhere. It's okay to question things and do your own research. Everyone should.
Absolutely false.
If you die in a car accident and have tested positive to COVID-19 your death is not included as a COVID-19 death.

From the WHO
A death due to COVID-19 is defined for surveillance purposes as a death resulting from a clinically compatible illness, in a probable or confirmed COVID-19 case, unless there is a clear alternative cause of death that cannot be related to COVID disease (e.g. trauma). There should be no period of complete recovery from COVID-19 between illness and death”
World Health Organization

There are sellout experts everywhere. Going on Google and YouTube and coughute isn’t research.
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