Strange Food Decisions

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May 16, 2012
I've noticed that I tend to make some odd food decisions when I travel. Spur of the moment choices in restaurants, like ordering pork knuckle in Germany, when I know full well that pork doesn't agree with me.
Today in Bangkok SilverKris lounge I noticed with the delight of a 5-year-old discovering a forgotten lolly at the bottom of their school bag that they had Haagen Dazs icecream and had one. At 7am. Bloody brilliant.

Has anyone else suffered this affliction when travelling?
Im based in Japan up to 6 months a year and tend to eat out a lot. For some stupid odd reason every time I see shirako (fish sperm sacks) on a menu I order it knowing I'm not going to like it but I still try it, my friends keep asking 'why you not eating it'? It's making me feel sick now. And I leaving for Japan on Monday and will probably do it again.
Im based in Japan up to 6 months a year and tend to eat out a lot. For some stupid odd reason every time I see shirako (fish sperm sacks) on a menu I order it knowing I'm not going to like it but I still try it, my friends keep asking 'why you not eating it'? It's making me feel sick now. And I leaving for Japan on Monday and will probably do it again.
I did a bit of googling to see how it is served. The articles did say it was a winter dish, so you might be saved from your unfortunate food choice.
That's funny. Whilst I wouldn't order something I specifically dislike just because it is a local delicacy, I am more likely to try new local foods. This doesn't extend to things like fugu (which the Gentleman tried and then spent the next 3 hours having a minor trip and believing he was going to die!)
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I don’t only do it when travelling ... for example, I know fish is “meh” and all the same despite people giving it different names for no apparent reason. Yet every now & again I order it in a restaurant, I think it’s just a desire for variety.
Im based in Japan up to 6 months a year and tend to eat out a lot. For some stupid odd reason every time I see shirako (fish sperm sacks) on a menu I order it knowing I'm not going to like it but I still try it, my friends keep asking 'why you not eating it'? It's making me feel sick now. And I leaving for Japan on Monday and will probably do it again.
OK - you win. (I'm having difficulty thinking of something funny to write and still keep it G-rated).
I have been known to eat some strange foods on holidays and then regretting the decision.

Goulash in a small German village that was trying to make it's way back up the osophagus until it was digested. Nothing like the Goulash I've known for a long time.
Goulash in a small German village that was trying to make it's way back up the osophagus until it was digested. Nothing like the Goulash I've known for a long time.
Ah ... you’ve just gotten confused. That was Ghoulash; made with real ghoul. Easy mistake to make.
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