Staff Directive on Covid-19 Posts

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Established Member
Jun 18, 2002
It’s been an interesting few years, especially for a community of people who like to travel. However, it’s time for AFF to wind up the ongoing discussion of COVID-19 topics that are not directly related to travel. Any discussion or debate of COVID-19 topics that is not directly related to travel will no longer be permitted, will be removed and the member posting will receive an official warning.

To give some guidance, here is a non-exhaustive list of COVID-19 topics that will no longer be tolerated in the AFF community forums:

  • Vaccination and booster efficacy
  • Vaccination mandate benefits/harm
  • Usefulness (benefits, harm of otherwise) of mask wearing
  • Politics in relation to mandates, rules, and laws
As we are no longer permitting discussion of general COVID-19 topics, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) forum has also been locked.

The following topics, in the context of travel, remain welcome on other AFF community forums (stick to the facts and not debate the reasons, benefits, harm associated):

  • Mandates for vaccination proof and other restrictions for travel to specific destinations
  • Travel insurance impacts relating to COVID-19
  • Ticket changes and refunds associated with COVID-19 events
If you are personally impacted by catching COVID-19 while traveling, feel free to include your experience in your trip report, but discussion beyond the direct relationship with that travel experience should be avoided.

The key takeaway from this AFF direction is respect for all members of our community, whose personal views and experiences are varied and valued. AFF is not the forum for trying to convince others to change their personal views and opinions, no matter how wrong you might think they be.
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