So many people coughing here in MEL


Established Member
Mar 8, 2006
Walking from car park to terminal, someone coughed walking towards me.

Waiting to put stuff on tray for security, some old woman pushed in saying she’s got 10 mins. Then later I didn’t even see her run to the VA gate. Then people waiting behind were coughing.

Then inside VA lounge as well…

And the coughers always have to be close to me and not using their elbows to cover up.

Aarrgghh. Wonder if it’s the sudden change in weather or they’re actually sick.
I hadn't particularly noticed at MEL, or the VA lounge however I may be just used to this.

There appears to be something 'going' around currently that particularly causes coughs. My wife has it along with my 30yo daughter. Several work assoactes have also had similar in the last week and they have been WFH.
Not just MEL. Same here in CBR. Almost everyone at work(s) is coughing and there is a stomach bug/flu going around in Quenbo.
And what's this tokenism cover up? It's usually what kids do, waving their hand in front of the mouth and call that cover up.
Maybe it's just a hangover from the pandemic, but I really do notice now when people are coughing around me at airports and on public transport, and it annoys me.

I wouldn't really care if people were covering their mouths or at least trying to cough away from other people. But for example, when I was in the EgyptAir lounge in Cairo a little while ago, a woman sitting right across from me was coughing away as though she was seriously ill, and with no consideration for other people around her. I couldn't find another empty seat so left the lounge and couldn't help wondering why this person was even travelling at all.

Perhaps I'm just hyper-sensitive to this because I got COVID last year from a hostel dorm room in Europe where someone checked in late at night who was clearly sick and spent the whole night coughing very loudly, infecting everyone else in the dorm in the process.
Before Covid my office use to make fun of me for having Glen20 on my desk and spraying people away..... but now I dont get in trouble with HR🤣

Sick Get Away GIF by Rooster Teeth
Lots of bugs going around. Daycare has gastro, and apparently covid as Master TC got it. I've had a sinus infection (no cough and not covid).
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CHO in SA said she wasn't convinced it was necessarily going to be a bad flu season but possibly just an early one.

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