So many people coughing here in MEL

So I'm sitting in 8C now about to depart. 8D sits a woman with a phlegmy cough. 9D sits a newborn mum. 8D is talking to the baby to try and calm him or her down. Would you want 8D talking to you?
So I'm sitting in 8C now about to depart. 8D sits a woman with a phlegmy cough. 9D sits a newborn mum. 8D is talking to the baby to try and calm him or her down. Would you want 8D talking to you?
Or even turning around to 9D, thereby in the direct line of yourself in 8C?
It's not just Melbourne, it's everywhere.

My daughter was sick around 5 weeks ago when my wife to Thailand. She missed a week of school and she is still coughing now. Luckily wife and I have not picked up anything from daughter.

Girl around my daughters age coughing non-stop on SYD-SIN flight. I looked at wife and thought this has the potential to ruin holiday. We were wearing useless masks on flight (as did many others) but all ok.

It's not overhyped paranoia. I don't need someone's carelessness ruining my life. I don't need someone's viral infection.
I think a few ‘Princesses’ here need to toughen up a bit - like there weren’t bugs and sniffles pre 2019? Get on with your lives and stop being such ‘sooky lalas’
The problem pre 2019 was that most did not care what their actions did to others. The flu that you get and get over in 2-3 days causes someone health issues for weeks/months.

At least now some people care and try to do the right thing by others not just feed their own selfishness.
At least now some people care and try to do the right thing by others not just feed their own selfishness.
I’d love to reply to that ‘selfishness’ comment but I won’t coz I know you are on holiday playing golf while ……… nah ….,.,,…. I won’t go there 👍
Oh man. Currently on the last Europe stop. I can't believe the amount of coughing that's here and it's not even winter: Barcelona, Portugal, and the worst in Amsterdam and Paris. Locals and tourists! And it's always the people around me, whether at a tourist attraction or at a restaurant.

I really want to tell them:
1. Rolling up your fist and putting it to your mouth does not stop the saliva coming out when coughing
2. If you don't talk so much, maybe you won't cough as much.

Rant over for now.
Oh man. Currently on the last Europe stop. I can't believe the amount of coughing that's here and it's not even winter: Barcelona, Portugal, and the worst in Amsterdam and Paris. Locals and tourists! And it's always the people around me, whether at a tourist attraction or at a restaurant.

I really want to tell them:
1. Rolling up your fist and putting it to your mouth does not stop the saliva coming out when coughing
2. If you don't talk so much, maybe you won't cough as much.

Rant over for now.
Thanks for the heads up, off to Portugal and Amsterdam in 3/52 so this is not good to hear @kyle , hope you don't catch anything.
Do any folk wear masks....?
Thanks for the heads up, off to Portugal and Amsterdam in 3/52 so this is not good to hear @kyle , hope you don't catch anything.
Do any folk wear masks....?
Touch wood nothing yet. Just before we left Australia 3 weeks ago, we started drinking immune juices and having good sleeps and didn't go out to eat too many times. Also brought along our regular vitamins including probiotics.

And once in Europe, after noticing so many people coughing (don't even know if they are really sick or have some chronic allergies), have tried to kept a distance where possible when using the metro, when queuing or walking. And if the person walking in front coughed, I would slow down my pace or not kept walking straight.

Have seen very few masks. I am not wearing them as I hate masks.
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Touch wood nothing yet. Just before we left Australia 3 weeks ago, we started drinking immune juices and having good sleeps and didn't go out to eat too many times. Also brought along our regular vitamins including probiotics.

And once in Europe, after noticing so many people coughing (don't even know if they are really sick or have some chronic allergies), have tried to kept a distance where possible when using the metro, when queuing or walking. And if the person walking in front coughed, I would slow down my pace or not kept walking straight.

Have seen very few masks. I am not wearing them as I hate masks.
Thanks 🤞 enjoy✈️
Are some just the smart aleck coughs from entitled folk who are attempting to make a point about something but nobody else knows what the aforementioned point is? :p
Don't know if I should start worrying yet (I have more than enough to worry about already) but we had a pretty bad 2023 with regards to flu/colds.

In 2023 daughter had 11 infections with wife picking up 4-5 of these infections. A few of those were very bad causing respiratory issues and one of those infections last 5-6 weeks. Believe it or not I managed to avoid getting infected as I am very cautious but had another bad case of celulitis in the leg and some gastro infections.

2024 has not been a good start. Wife sick quite badly in Thailand and daughter picked that one up and now back in Australia and daughter has picked up another one for the past week and looks like wife has succumbed again and she is in bad way. She's got the chills, shivering, high temperature and whole body aching. I'm guessing she's picked it up from daughter as the coughs are similar but daughter has runny nose but wife is dry.

Need to ensure we all get flu shot as soon as it becomes available.
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